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Show HN: Open-Source Auth for NextJS / React (ory.dev)
107 points by vexcaustic on Nov 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 49 comments

For those looking for a comparison, this is like an alternative to KeyCloak, except you have to "bring your own UI" - which I see as a pro, not a con. I've been evaluating Kratos for some time now, implementing it in a React/Redux/RTK Query app, and I've been really impressed with it. It's still not on parity with the massive feature-set and customize-ability of KeyCloak, but it's getting there pretty quickly. As of the latest release I think it's finally in a state where it can be used in production with little friction. But I'm really looking forward to what the future holds.

Hello, one of the maintainers of https://github.com/ory/kratos (the system used in the blog post) here :) We started Ory Kratos because we saw so many developers struggle with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. If you have any questions around application auth, OAuth2, or Go, open source I'll try to do my best to answer them accurately!

Another top-level comment mused:

  > I found it hard to quickly determine whether Kratos can run completely
  > self-hosted, or that there's always some connection to Ory / Ory Cloud services.
I would appreciate answering that at the proper comment, I'm sure many readers here are very interested in the privacy aspect:


Does https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29330103 answer your questions or can I clarify further? :)

Terrific, thank you.

Thank you for working on this interesting open source product.

I have some questions:

- Is it possible to have multiple organizations in one single instance? Can I have some superusers that have access to all organizations?

- Can I delegate authentication for a subset of users (in my case this will always be an entire organization) to another authentication provider (say Microsoft ADFS)?

- Do you support SAML 2.0 clients?

- Do you have a REST API which can be used to create / deactivate users?

Thank you for these questions! First of all I want to say that Ory Kratos is built for customer facing authentication first, so many of the enterprise requirements (e.g. LDAP integration) are still missing. Our vision is to build the de-facto open standard for auth, so enterprise IAM is on the roadmap. It just needs time & community feedback to get there :)

To answer your questions:

- Is it possible to have multiple organizations in one single instance? Can I have some superusers that have access to all organizations?

Depends how you interpret multiple organizations. If those are distinct users (meaning the same person has a profile in org A and org B and does not reuse them), so a true multi-tenant system, then this is not built in and we do not plan to add it.

Running Ory Kratos is very cheap in terms of resources (few MB of ram and no CPU on idle) so it's very affordable to spin up another instance. This doesn't work well for fully-automated deployments such as SaaS systems, but it does work if you are thinking about corporate systems.

You might also look for Ory Cloud, where you can deploy a new Ory Kratos instance with a simple API call.

- Can I delegate authentication for a subset of users (in my case this will always be an entire organization) to another authentication provider (say Microsoft ADFS)?

Yes! Right now we only support OpenID Connect and OAuth1/OAuth2 delegation but more to come.

- Do you support SAML 2.0 clients?

Not yet, but there's an active design document with discussions on different implementation scenarios.

- Do you have a REST API which can be used to create / deactivate users?

Creation - absolutely! Deactivation is not yet available as an API but identity state is already implemented, so adding it is really just a few lines of code.

There are also endpoints for revoking all active sessions which logs out users immediately of one to all systems.

Thank you for your answers!

The project for which I'm most interested in a solution like Ory Kratos is a multi-tenant SAAS, with a few hundred organizations. The organizations in general already have other systems that they use to keep track of employees, and so they want to be able to interface with our system to create and deactivate (or delete) users.

So it would suffice if we could host all organizations in one instance, and that we would still be able to directly expose Ory Kratos API's to our clients without them being able to see users in other organizations.

> Yes! Right now we only support OpenID Connect and OAuth1/OAuth2 delegation but more to come.

Does it support OAuth1 delegation. Could you point to the docs

> - Do you support SAML 2.0 clients?

There be dragons.

(Disclosure: I work for FusionAuth.)

Funny story. We had a client doing a SAML integration using HTTP-redirect bindings. It worked when you turned off request signature verification (which is fine for testing, but is like using alg="none" for JWTs, a non-starter in production), but failed when that was turned on. We dug in with the client and another vendor, set up some test servers, and identified the bug[0]. Turns out that you can't canonicalize the signature's URL encoded form, because both uppercase and lowercase hex values are allowed, by the SAML spec.

Our open source SAML library[1] has been around for years and used by many clients in FusionAuth and our other projects. It'd never run into this particular edge case. It is a wild west out there in SAML land and it takes years to build a bulletproof implementation. Ory folks, if you can leverage an existing implementation rather than rolling your own, I'd highly advise that approach.

That is also to say nothing of the incoming privacy/cookie limitation changes that are coming in the next few years. This will unfortunately probably negatively affect SAML, which is not a specification that has evolved much. If this is of interest to you, I'd recommend the Federated Identity W3C community group[2].

That said, FusionAuth supports SAML in many forms[3]. SAML support varies across vendors and implementations, but other providers like Keycloak and IdentityServer do so as well.

0: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-issues/issues/1496

1: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-samlv2

2: https://www.w3.org/community/fed-id/

3: https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/core-concepts/integration...

I found it hard to quickly determine whether Kratos can run completely self-hosted, or that there's always some connection to Ory / Ory Cloud services.

Both! :)

Ory Cloud is still in it's early phases and we have not been very good at communicating it well. Basically, we run Ory Kratos in Ory Cloud and it has full API and configuration and data compatibility with the version that is on GitHub! Our goal is to also allow users to easily switch from self-hosted to ory cloud and back - but it's still a bit of work until we get there.

If you just want to check our Ory Kratos and don't want to use the docker-compose command in the blog post, you can create an Ory Cloud account and use that instead of your local docker environment. That's basically the trade off you're making in a local environment. We have of course tons of plans for Ory Cloud but it's yet too early to share them with a broad audience.

We're currently focusing on gettin all of this much better communicated, and to make it easier to understand what the differences are. So totally get your confusion on it and can only say, we're working on making it better :) Hope this helped at least a little bit!

If I have a suggestion for the cloud pricing, I would move away from the per user model that every competitor uses. It is a non-starter for all the B2C startups where a user might login once to buy a thing and never login again during the month/year. That is will I am not suggesting any auth provider to my clients and I recommend they use passport/build it in house. I really prefer to have pricing per API calls (in case of shared machines) or per machine (in case of dedicated instances).

Thank you Sytten, this comment makes me happy because it confirms our bias! MAU pricing has always been my personal enemy. Ory is and never will charge on a MAU basis. Instead, we'll be working with CPU, Memory, and Disk usage (like any other cloud provider) and with additional services on top. We're not fully there yet to communicate this clearly, but if you're interested check out the pricing page to understand where we want to land at: https://ory.dev/pricing/

MAU pricing is terrible! love this idea.

Heads up, I don't quite get this from your pricing page at all right now.. It says "First 900 free" and "First 100 free" without any indication of what those numbers mean.

Clerk (your profile says you're CTO) has a per-user pricing though? Or are you planning on changing it?

> It says "First 900 free" and "First 100 free" without any indication of what those numbers mean.

Thank you, we'll clarify that! It means that we're giving the first 900 "start up" and 100 "growth" plans away for free for a year

Ahh, that makes sense, cool!

Yes, I am the CTO @ Clerk, and we do have per-user pricing right now, however, that doesn't mean we like it. It's something we've struggled with - how do you make pricing scale in some way, while still being clear, while also being predictable. There's also value in being in-line with the status quo - when your numbers are priced competitively using the "industry standard (auth0)" scale.

Every method, I think, has it's issues, and it's something we would like to make as frictionless as possible in the decision making process. I imagine with a "per CPU/mem usage model", you will run into a lot of questions.. (how am i supposed to know how much CPU/mem you, as a cloud provider, uses?). I also don't necessarily think gcloud/aws/etc. are the bastion of clear pricing.

Per API call seems more predictable, but still not as clear as the "at a glance, MAU number" Do product managers know how many API calls your average user would use? Yes, auth is most often implemented by devs, but are they always the buyer?

I do think there's something better, and I like thinking about new options :) We don't have a clear plan to change from MAU right now, but I hope we get there. Love ory btw, been following it for quite some time!

> Per API call seems more predictable, but still not as clear as the "at a glance, MAU number" Do product managers know how many API calls your average user would use? Yes, auth is most often implemented by devs, but are they always the buyer?

I’ve done some research into Hydra: https://gruchalski.com/posts/2021-05-23-do-you-really-need-a....

I suggested that because the pricing page said 900 free users and that got me worried. Glad to see you are moving in the right direction!

I think you might want to try the API calls pricing model (a la S3) because as a dev I usually don't know how much resources I need. But I can estimate that if I have X user that login each day that makes Y API calls which translate to Z$ (with proper spamming protection of course).

I think the pricing page suggests that if you sign up now, you won’t be paying the $21/month fee (for one year).

It’s hard to use the correct terms when you have users signing up to user management as a service xD

@sytten, interesting feedback. How would you feel about MAU pricing that varies?

If you are an app for schools and students, you might have 300k users in Sep-May, but 10k users in Jun-Aug.

Would you feel comfortable if the cost went down during the low traffic months to a lower band, based on the 10k users?

Or is that still a non-starter?

Everything that is per user is a non-starter in my book.

Because the vast majority do 1-2 API calls to login once, are considered active and then never login again during the month. But you still have to pay as if it was active for the whole month.

That is why per API call pricing (a la AWS S3) or resources based pricing (1 CPU) is the best.

Thanks for the feedback!

It would be nice if you could get some polish on some no-code examples of kratos and hydra working together, beyond a branch in an example app repository

We actually want to have it work natively together, but just can't find the time to implement it. But the team is growing, so we'll definitely have something here soon! :)

It's completely self-hostable. You just need to provide a database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB). My impression is Ory Cloud is a hosted instance you can pay for instead of running it yourself (like using a hosted database solution instead of running your own, for example).

Pretty cool. Just a heads up, the links in the section: "build your own login, registration, account settings, account verification (e.g. email, phone, activate account), account verification (e.g. reset password) user interfaces and user flows using dead-simple APIs" all are broken, except the 'login' link.

I'm interested in how you allow folks to customize the login flows (probably because my employer, FusionAuth, offers a competitive product :) ). Is this UX customization solely through custom react components?

Is there any ability to customize the actual login sequence, like Azure ADB2C allows? For example: for install A, I want to ask for login, then password, then MFA. for install B, I want to ask for email domain first, then login and password.

Thank you! We've updated the links and they should work in a few minutes :)

All of Ory's Open Source software is unique in a way that we strictly follow domain-driven design. Solve one problem only, but solve it extremely well, and solve it in isolation. Ory Kratos (and other Ory Projects) are API only. The UI is up to you. You can use Ory for CLIs, fridges, TVs, native mobile apps, Java Server Pages, and React apps.

So, you're also free to choose the UX for your users with a very high degree of freedom - something we found very frustrating before we started working on Ory. Of course, there are some limitations (as always in software) but we try to focus them around security and not how we interpret that sign up flows should look like.

For those who just want something to work, we have templates one can use to get off the ground in a few minutes!

Been working on a webapp on-and-off using Kratos for a bit and it is a massive relief to be able to delegate the hard parts of authentication to something else.

My only real pain points are the docs and the JS SDK - the docs can be rough depending on what you're looking at, and the SDK has no documentation at all. I get that it's automatically generated, but it's enough of a pain to figure out that I resorted to just making the HTTP requests myself.

Looks neat. Will definitely check this out. May I know, how is this different from NextAuth?

I have not used NextAuth, so take my analysis with caution. As far as I can tell, NextAuth is similar to Passport.js as it offers many adapters to sign in with different providers (e.g. Twitch or Pipedrive). It is not an identity system though, so it does not have things like "update your profile info" or "link Google to this account". I think this manifests with missing password authentication. Even though that's no longer en-vogue and lots of marketing $$$ go into start ups promoting that passwords are bad, "something you know" (vs something you have, something you are) is still and always will be an important security factor in authentication that will most likely never go away.

If you do want to store users locally, you have some adapters you can use. They leave a lot of room for interpretation (or rather implementation), meaning that you will probably have to implement a lot of stuff from zero!

Ory Kratos is like the system behind the Google, Twitch, or Pipedrive profile management, so it has the database of users and it offers variety of user flows for e.g. updating sensitive information, adding WebAuthn 2FA, managing one's profile, and so on.

To conclude, you most likely will be able to combine NextAuth with Ory Kratos or Ory Hydra if it makes sense for your use case!

NextAuth has the credentials provider to allow username/password logins [0] - I use it in a project and it works okay-ish. However I too got a weird feeling when I read what the NextAuth team really thinks about a username/password login:

> The functionality provided for credentials based authentication is intentionally limited to discourage use of passwords due to the inherent security risks associated with them and the additional complexity associated with supporting usernames and passwords

I cannot disagree more. Using 3rd party auth has a lot of issues such as data privacy (requirement of stating that in your privacy/GDPR policy if you are in the EU), increased user support request when they cannot remember which auth provider they used, or the ever growing cases in which Facebook/Google/Whatnot decide to close someones account without possibility to appeal and effectively shutting them out of your App. Or the risk that if Google/FB/Github might not like your webapp, they can disable auth for your users with the flip of a switch. Me personally, I avoid 3rd party auth for those reasons alltogether.

[0]: https://next-auth.js.org/providers/credentials

Ah, thank you for the clarification and I agree! Another point is that 3rd party tools can easily deactivate profiles (we've seen enough posts on HN about being locked out of a Google account) which means users loose access to your system unless you have fallbacks in place.

It's also important to note that almost no 3rd party providers offer the ability to require 2FA as part of their flows. So if you need 2FA and similar, you'll end up with your own system again. And you'll probably use passwords, because proving that you own two things - eg email and device - is not a second factor. If someone steals your laptop (something you no longer own :D ) it's just one factor!

I think the part on DB adapters is right in the sense that NextAuth allows us to use whichever db persistence we need. But if that is handled by Ory. what Db does Ory use? Should we set up our own.?

Also, authentication and authorization are core for an app. If we do authentication here, how does authorization work? Can I bring my own authorization like oso etc.

With great power comes great responsibility :) Having the flexibility to build persistence yourself is great, it comes at the cost and responsibility of continuously maintaining it! We have run into so, so many edge cases. Here are some examples:

1. What do you do when a user with email "foo@example.org" has already signed up, and now is trying to sign up using Google with "foo@example.org"?

2. How do you ensure that a user can update sensitive information (e.g. their recovery email address, or linking additional "Sign in with" providers) while keeping a balance between security and user experience?

3. What if you now want to add biometric auth for native mobile apps, or 2FA?

The complexity in building your own is not starting with the first 10%. As your app and business grows, teams are faced with ever increasing requirements. Leaning on an established open source provider built by experts in the area just saves you so much time, headaches, and potential security oversights!

> What Db does Ory use? Should we set up our own.?

We support all prominent SQL systems - so PostgreSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB, SQLite, ... - and of course all cloud SQL vendors. You can also choose to run Ory in Ory Cloud, then we take care of all of this for you!

> Also, authentication and authorization are core for an app. If we do authentication here, how does authorization work? Can I bring my own authorization like oso etc.

Absolutely! We have a project for this also: https://github.com/ory/keto

Hope this clarifies your questions!

yes. thanks.

When using this, where can a get a deep dive into the architecture and details around the system?

I'm always hesitant to use third party Auth for fear that some bug in our app would generate otps and I won't be able to fix that in an emergency because of a lack of familiarity/access to source code/database

Ory developers emailed me and offered support after I had just expressed interest into the project with someone they know personally - that's a great experience and I have loved watching and using the project since then!

What's the diff with Gluu https://gluu.org/ ?

hi, the nextjs integration looks all promising. Especially how fast it is integrated. I wonder if there is a smart way to automatically verify a session and get user details on one of my own api routes?

Yes absolutely, you can use the Ory SDK's `toSession()` function to resolve a Session Cookie (for browsers) or Session Token (for non-browsers, e.g. native mobile apps) to its identity.

We have on the list to add a section about using Next's new middleware feature to protect API routes. Is that something you'd be interested in?

yes having the identity on hand by just looking up req.identity would be super neat feature!

Nice, we'll add a guide shortly. This is already possible but we just didn't have time yet to add it to the guide :) If you want, create an issue in the GH (https://github.com/ory/kratos-nextjs-react-example/issues/ne...) repo for this so you get notified once it's available, and so we don't forget!

checkout - https://clerk.dev/solutions/nextjs-authentication, the middleware works like you're talking about. It's lighter weight than ory, i think. I've struggled to figure out how all of ory's pieces fit together, however their upcoming cloud offering may resolve some of those challenges!

From reading the linked article it seems fairly easy to use. Do you have some concrete examples why your solution would be "lighter"? I'd actually say it's heavier since you have to pay and end up in a "custom pricing scheme" (whatever that means) for 10k+ users as it says on your website. And it's also only available as a cloud service, with all the vendor lock in shenanigans everyone hates.

By the way people usually disclaim upfront on HN (see FusionAuth folks here) when they are involved in a project. Seems like you are the "CTO at Clerk". Frankly it's dishonest to talk bad about open source without claims to back it up while also being in a competitive space and plugging your solution in their "Show HN" moment.

tl;dr no thanks I'll look somewhere else...

didn't mean to talk bad... nothing but respect for everyone involved in this project. my comment was very hasty -- and you're right I should have disclosed up front that I'm working on a product in a similar space.

Ory has been around for awhile, they're quite the gorilla in the identity space - It's a set of very large, and very impressive products that work well together. It is extremely powerful, flexible, and can handle almost any use case. I'd define "lighter" as being more opinionated in it's approach with fewer options - as a result it's less powerful and flexible. Also, w/ open source, comes setting up your own infra (even if that's now just throwing it in a cloud), which I'd consider "heavier". Imo, these terms don't mean something is worse than something else, just a fit for a different use case.

Does passport do something similar?

Passport.js is an integration library for an identity system - so it's like a client library. As far as I know (it's been a while) it does not solve the "registration" or "password recovery" part itself. The system used in the blog post however does all of those things, from WebAuthn, to 2FA, to linking additional social sign in systems (e.g. Google or Twitter), and so on! So in this example, you could use Passport.js in combination with e.g. Ory Kratos. Hope this helps :)

I thought passport has libraries for the web server also

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