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If they put themselves in the same league as LinkedIn, that explains a lot.

Shittiest website I ever need to use from a technical point of view, never mind “content” and dodgy hard-sell techniques.

They had to get the acronym to work, and presumably "LinkedIn's-owner" sounded a bit forced.

It might sound repetitive that recently only I wrote a similar comment. Sometimes it makes me wonder why are people in FB or LinkedIn put on a pedestal when the output (we can see) is bad quality websites and apps. Maybe I’m trivialising the problem considering the scale involved but still makes one wonder.

Purely from a technology point of view, I find Facebook and Twitter far superior. They "just work" (not that I'm a heavy user, and certainly not endorsing the business they serve).

LI is slow, buggy, crashy, search works poorly etc. The only thing they have going for them is the size of the network.

Twitter often fails to load on mobile browsers, with some error that sounds like "rate limiting" or similar (I forget the exact message).

I've heard of other people having the same problem, so it's not just me either.

Twitter videos for e.g. is pretty dumb. It tries to do adaptive bitrate for a 10s video. By or before the time the video quality improves, the video has already ended.

Also before the recent PWA app, their mobile site used to very bad. PWA sure also crashes sometimes.

Facebook newsfeed itself is so buggy to me but maybe it’s because of all the trackers are blocked. Maybe it works well if they are not blocked.

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