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Chubby, not cubby. And I also thought it was weird that the author referred to a piece of Google internal infrastructure to describe a piece of Facebook internal infrastructure... how many non-{X,G}ooglers know what Chubby is?

The paper describing Chubby was published in 2006 [1].

[1] https://research.google/pubs/pub27897/

The author says [40] Keep track of research in your space. Soon you’ll have a shorthand with your ICs that enables super-fast communication: “what if we try that thing from projectX? And combine it with the technique in projectY?”.

so by that learning it is not at all weird that they would refer to infra at an alternative company

From what I understand Chubby is basically etcd. So, Chubby, very few. The concepts behind it? Most of the people who work low level with kube.

ZooKeeper is modeled after Chubby.

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