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I'm sure this varies by location, but lots of companies are willing to hire older adults. And 40 is nothing. No one will care at that age. I mean, a startup that is trying to convince you to live there 24x7, maybe. But most real companies I've talked to have No problem with someone who is 40. Probably much older, too.

Don't let fears of discrimination stop you.

Note that the market is really good now. Discrimination will probably increase if things get worse.

I would agree with "check their about page". If no one looks like you, your chances are probably lower.

Source: am older than you and still programming.

> am older than you and still programming.

So am I (still programming -every single day, seven days a week, at 59). I just found that no one wants to pay me to do it, so I found a 501(c)(3), and I'm doing it for free.

Did I mention that I frakkin' love writing software? I won't let anyone tell me that I can't do it.

(By the way, this[0] is one of the wisest posts I've seen here).

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29270930

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