Books like nand2tetris, Let Over Lambda, Lisp in Small Pieces, Hacker's Delight are iconic. They aren't required reading to do well in software but they are extremely interesting and are fairly easy to read (they are well edited).
What other books are in this vein?
Due to popularity, feel free to skip The Littler Schemer/MLer, HtDP, SICP, On Lisp, Thinking in Forth. And let's skip history, biography books like Soul of a New Machine and Isaacson's Jobs.
And again, let's skip books that you might actually consider required reading for experienced developers.
Joe Armstrong used to recommend Algorithms + Data structures = Programs ( but I haven't read it.
Okay I know you said no to the little schemer but you technically didn't mention The Reasoned Schemer which is just amazingly fun to go through and wrap your head around ( Also see Will Byrds latest strangeloop keynote: