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Schmoozing for Introverts (idonethis.com)
21 points by smalter on Aug 25, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I'm definitely going to try #1 (schmooze to support others). I was thinking about this recently and wrote about some of the strategies I use (http://youruisucks.tumblr.com/post/6832529747/so-an-introver...). Honestly, having a goal for an event is the best way for me to keep my human emulator spun up.

I think the blog post is a good idea, but doesn't necessarily give an in-depth look. Too short.

The secret of schmoozing is that you don't have to. When you don't really have anything to say (in a particular context), but try too hard to, it almost never works out. It's a better choice to find another context -- one that does engage you.

If you're stuck where you are for a while, or you find it interesting, just listen. Most people appreciate a good listener -- often superficially, sometimes deeply.

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