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forrestthewoods on Nov 14, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

I think that the "Dependency Management"/packaging is a legitimate gripe.

Specifically, the pip/poetry/whatever_else fragmentation.

If I had the time/chops, I'd love to PEP the packaging story into shape for 3.11.

As it is, it would be great if there were some sort of bounty system whereby the consumer end of the equation (me) could contribute to pay for some 800lb brains to focus on tasks that are needful but not shiny, like packaging.

> If I had the time/chops, I'd love to PEP the packaging story into shape for 3.11.

Even if you had the chops, a PEP now with any significant impact is VERY late for 3.11.

> As it is, it would be great if there were some sort of bounty system whereby the consumer end of the equation (me) could contribute to pay for some 800lb brains to focus on tasks that are needful but not shiny, like packaging

For packaging, there is.


I would research what the PSF Packaging Working group is doing in this area. I do know they have a list of priority work they are seeking funding for here:


I laughed at the Docker joke in the article, I specifically learned Docker to steer clear of dependency hell in Python. It’s overkill but has kept my box clean and relatively portable. At the end of the day no tool is perfect and Python is no exception… I was a little surprised by how short the author’s “likes” list is but there’s no accounting for taste!

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