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There are a lot of highly terrible government contracting agencies out there who charge enormous fees and who knows who actually does the work given the likelihood no one even validates any of the work. Suck our taxpayer money out of the system and leave trash in the wake.

You'd think an agency as important as the FBI would verify who is working on their systems, but probably no one did.

> You'd think an agency as important as the FBI would verify who is working on their systems


The upper echelons of these federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies are universally political animals with names suffixed by III and IV that instinctually perceive anything as even vaguely technical as far beneath them. The only time something like the security of a network becomes a priority for these people is when it causes them embarrassment. At all other times the operation of these systems is a budget item that gets farmed out according to the prevailing political prerogatives of the day; actual competence being well down on the list of priorities.

This wouldn't be the first time the FBI mismanaged software contractors: https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/case-study/fbi-virtual...

Or the second: https://www.newsweek.com/fbis-expensive-sentinel-computer-sy...

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