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Racket v8.3 (racket-lang.org)
154 points by nikivi on Nov 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 56 comments

Racketcon 2021 [1] is going on right now as well for those interested

1. https://youtu.be/1mOhCuSJI60


Interesting comparison about most common Lisp dialects


That speed comparison is invalid. The chez scheme sieve is awful, whereas the sbcl one is fine.

Racket looks interesting. I am having trouble choosing between Racket and GNU Guile.

If you want a Scheme that's embedded in another program as an extension language, or to make software that's distributed normally as part of a Linux or BSD distro... probably Guile.

For most other practical purposes... probably Racket.

There are a few other options I still keep in mind, including Gambit and Chicken.

(Actually, lately, the "Lisp" I'm using is Python. Python is usually tolerable, and the huge ecosystem and easy employability are nice in some ways. But Lisp technical sophistication and community signal:noise ratio tend to increase with the percentage of parentheses. Not because parentheses are magical, though they are-- but because the parentheses Lisps are built on better original foundations, and then disproportionately attract people on technical merits rather than marketability.)

I'm a trash python programmer. I duct tape tutorials and stack exchange answers together. I started working through SICP (stuck on pascal's triangle atm; don't help tho) to address this.

Do you think that's a reasonable way to become a more confident and employable programmer?

I recommend taking a look at the courses How to Code: Simple Data and How to Code: Complex Data on edX.



They use Racket and are based on the book How to Design Programs. I think they're a great supplement to SICP, which is an excellent book you should stick with. The book The Little Schemer is also helpful for solidifying recursion principles. The Programming Languages courses (Parts A, B, and C) on Coursera are excellent two. Part A uses SML, and is another good source for recursion practice, Part B uses Racket, and Part C uses Ruby.

Lastly, are you going through SICP using Scheme or Racket? If not, I highly recommend doing so (in the case you are using the Python version of the book, which has been modified heavily from the original).

I second this. The first course was a gentle enough intro that I finally “got” Racket. I also learn some good design principles along the way

I'll put in a plug for both How to Design Programs[1] and The Little Schemer[2]. I don't know if this describes you, but as a humanities grad and perpetual self-taught programmer, HtDP and The Little Schemer both meet me where I am when it comes to mathematical maturity. These two books will make you a more confident programmer. If a more confident programmer is a more employable programmer, then they'll do that for you, too.

[1] http://htdp.org

[2] https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/little-schemer-fourth-edition

Learning Lisp gave me perspective on the other computer programming languages that I worked with. Having done a few major projects with Clojure gave me some practical sense of what the advantages might be, especially when combined with Java's broad ecosystem. Above all, it gave me distance from the cult of Object Oriented Programming. It's important to have some perspective about the dominant paradigms of programming. It was only when I had that perspective that I ended up writing what became my most popular essay, "Object Oriented Programming Is An Expensive Disaster Which Must End":


That's an interesting position to share in the context of a discussion about Racket, since Racket embraces object-oriented programming. It's not purely OO, of course, but quite a few core libraries rely on its OOP features.

That might be for historical reasons. (IIRC, mostly, OO was the GUI libraries, and what's layered directly on top of those.) OO is no longer as en vogue, in either Racket or the broader field. In Racket, you'll see a lot of code using `struct`, and without traditional gratuitous use of object classes for everything.


> New datatypes are normally created with the struct form, which is the topic of this chapter. The class-based object system, which we defer to Classes and Objects, offers an alternate mechanism for creating new datatypes, but even classes and objects are implemented in terms of structure types.

That's my usual assessment, but today at RacketCon Ryan Culpeper gave a strong case for using OO more in Racket, with a demonstration of his point in his new http client library.

> traditional gratuitous use of object classes for everything

This sort of phrasing is sort of distressingly characteristic of contemporary discussions about object-oriented programming.

I can understand where it comes from - if you look through my comment history, you'll probably find plenty of examples of me running my mouth about Java or the overuse of OOP in Python - but I assure you there is a baby in all of that bathwater, and it doesn't need to be thrown out. That baby is dynamic dispatch, and it does let you do some things that can be a hassle without it.

Unfortunately, it tends to be poorly taught or poorly understood nowadays. This is not a "no true Scotsman" argument. I'm not saying no true hammer would be used to drive screws. I'm just observing that, if a carpenter was never taught about screwdrivers, it's no surprise they'll develop a lot of pent-up frustration about hammers, and perhaps even be a bit confused about what they're really for. It seemed to me that one of the core sections of the essay ikrubner linked above rested on a conflation of dynamic dispatch and dynamic typing. Which is a worrisome thing I've seen many people do. It's no wonder we don't use OOP well, living in an intellectual environment where its only truly distinguishing characteristic rarely even makes it into lists of its key features. So, perhaps it's even worse than just having only been given a hammer. We were only given a hammer, and were also never taught about nails.

Anyway, enough complaining. Let's take Racket's image drawing library as a positive example. It's implemented around an object-oriented interface. What this does is lets you write code against that interface, so that it is able to output graphics to any format that has a suitable implementation of that interface, without needing any special glue code or explicit branching logic to make it happen. I would argue that this is quite useful.

As a contrasting example, Haskell's typeclasses are superficially quite similar, but, since they use static dispatch, adding a new output format does tend to require some glue code - not much, but still more than zero - that's specific to each drawing routine you want to hook up to that new format.

There's a nice essay, https://www.sicpers.info/2018/03/why-inheritance-never-made-... , that serves as an excellent excoriation of the C++/Java/etc lineage of OOP. But one key thing needed to contextualize it is that OOP mechanisms like Racket's or CLOS aren't trying to do OOP in the same way that Java does, and therefore don't run afoul of the same shortcomings. In particular, they're not trying to turn it into a single golden hammer that solves all abstraction problems. Racket gets a lot more mileage out of its module mechanism, for example.

Love that essay. I read it right around the time I learned Clojure myself.

SICP is great, and worth going through, for a better foundation in some ways. (You can use Racket for SICP exercises: https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/sicp )

But IMHO the highest-value things you can do to become a better software developer are to simply practice software development of various kinds. Work on software development in a company, contribute to open source projects, do little personal side projects (that ideally you polish up with quality and documentation, so that other people can use/extend them, or sometimes move on because opportunity cost), etc. Experiment with styles, technical approaches, etc.

When you can, work on things you want to work on, and let your needs and curiosity there guide what you spend time learning and practicing.

When you really have to grind Leetcode for interview theatre reasons, it's not entirely without learning value, but it has very little to do with real-world software development. So don't waste all your time on Leetcode. Pass the interviews you want to pass, but otherwise spend your time on more substantial and rewarding things. IMHO.

> the highest-value things you can do to become a better software developer are to simply practice software development of various kinds. Work on software development in a company

As it stands, I just don't think I'm competent enough to get hired at a quality company. I've worked at a bad company in a different industry and quit because I was being taught to be a manager from hell, and it was beginning to take despite my contrary intentions.

I'm 30 and making a career change, so I'd like to start somewhere I'll pick up good methods. I'd also like to be able to recognize that kind of place. Both depend on a base-level of competence.

I am putting together a CRUD app for a purpose I'm excited about, but I just reeeally feel like I'm flying blind and keep getting stuck. Hence my pursuit of fundamentals.

I do have my eye on an open source project I'd like to contribute to once I have a little more confidence.

Working through SICP helped me a lot.

> I'd like to start somewhere I'll pick up good methods. I'd also like to be able to recognize that kind of place.

The Recurse Center is worth looking into. https://www.recurse.com/ When I studied SICP back in the 80s I had to do it on my own, but a community of fellow learners can make a real difference in what you get out of your studies and how much you keep at it.

The frameworks and tools around them tend to be mostly about learning other people's piles of bureaucracy, which might or might not be documented well.

Pretty much everyone gets overwhelmed with the bureaucracy, and people end up cargo-culting to various degrees. Don't get intimidated.

Once you find a good framework and coherent documentation for it, then one of the usual rules applies: getting good at something takes time, and it's important not to get discouraged.

If the framework community has a text chat that answers questions quickly, that can help.

Good luck, and have fun exploring.

Trying to go through books about algorithms and data structures that use Python, might be a better approach.


By the way, are you aware of the SICP Python version?


When feeling more confident you can even try a go at something like doing a toy compiler.


Or if you prefer a book instead,


My first language is python and I code in Racket in my spare time. I found going through the little schemer taught me recursion. Once I got it in Racket, it was easy to figure out how to do it in Python.

Also being forced to read the docs b/c there are not as many YouTube videos and stack overflow answers has been great to get over my fear of doing that in python.

Lastly not having a specific library requiring you to develop more of the code from scratch, has helped me think about how to tackle harder problems on my own.

Some helpful tips for a beginner in Racket.

1. The Racket discord is very helpful

2. If you are having trouble debugging an error in Racket, and it isn’t giving you a specific line number. Try racket -l errortrace -t my-program.rkt

3. Racket has a vscode plugin called Magic Racket

4. Drracket’s syntax highlighting leaves a lot to be desired, but you can change what gets highlighted to a high degree of granularity in it’s settings

Definitely do sicp eventually, but you don't have to start there ... the little schemer is an amazing intro, and htdp is a much easier way to start.

Yes, and don't sell yourself short, just keep coding. Everybody always needs hammer-swingers. The get-shit-done-crowd, is THE crowd.

SICP is the GOAT as far as I am concerned. Keep working at it. I'm definitely more confident and employable because of the perspective that SICP gave me. Thanks to Lisp (and Scheme of course) I've been able to pick up a dozen other languages with ease and use them very well.

Reading other people's code helps a lot. You will have a lot of aha moments when you see how experienced programmers work and design things. Reading the source of some python libraries or web frameworks you like to use will probably be very educational.

Never understood why people call python a lisp. Isn’t the most peculiar feature of lisp homoiconicity ?

What's magical is the very much interactive, image-based development, type warnings at compile time (function per function with a keystroke), speed, building binaries, stability… Python doesn't have that :/

(https://github.com/bendudson/py4cl/ to use python libs from CL!)

Racket is awesome. If its your first lisp, then I reccomend working through a book. I had a great time with https://nostarch.com/realmofracket.htm

Racket probably has much better performance.


Not much better. About 2x for many things, but generally higher memory usage. Guile has a better multi-threading story with guile-fibers.

I went from racket to guile because I find guile more fun. For production things I would probably use racket (or even better Chez isbthat was an option), but guile is what I use to keep my soul.

If you need Windows support then Racket is the best option.

I’d say if you are developing on Windows to go with Racket. I’ve been unsuccessful in getting Guile running on Win10, and I don’t feel like compiling from source with minGW. Not saying it’s impossible but when you look at their download page there is no instructions for windows

If you want a Scheme with a development experience close to the Lisp Machines, pick Racket.

Development experience close to Lisp Machines???

Racket: From the people who brought you the quote: "the toplevel is hopeless".

The racket top-level is pretty half-assed compared to something like SBCL. Compared to most schemes it is about 1/4 assed.

There is good reason for it in the racket context, but if you want a lisp machine you should pick something else.

Try Chicken as well.

I toyed with Racket a while ago and enjoyed it but is there any practical application for it or would I just be using it for fun?

This year I had to reply a lot of emails, so I made a bot in Racket. I got the message with IMAP, get some info, login to my site, use the info from the email and scrap some data, and send the data by email using SMTP.

Racket has "batteries included", so it was just connecting the output of one library with the input of the next library. (And reading a few times the documentation. Everything is in the docs, but sometimes the examples are too dry and you must guess how to use it.)

I've been able to use Racket to build an option trading application (https://github.com/evdubs/renegade-way). The included GUI and Plot libraries have been really nice to use.

With Racket, I miss having real threads and rich "batteries included" data structures as you'd find in Java and C#.

What do you mean by "real" threads? The Thread documentation says nothing about being real or unreal. https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/eval-model.html#%28pa...

> Threads run concurrently, in the sense that one thread can preempt another without its cooperation, but threads currently all run on the same processor (i.e., the same underlying operating system process and thread).

By real threads, I mean the ability to spawn a thread in Racket that corresponds to a new underlying operating system thread for that Racket process. Just like you get when you spawn a thread in Java.

Racket places might be what you seek:


I want to share data structures built for handling concurrency between threads. I'm less interested in having to "share memory" by message passing between places. Plus, places are more clunky to use compared to Racket's `thread`.

Racket can spawn 'real' threads through the Chez low level API. The new database connection package does just that, for example.

Which data structures do you miss most?

Sorted data structures :)

[Balancing] Binary Search Trees as a standard that is available in many languages; B-Trees if memory locality is important; Skip Lists if there is data structure sharing between real threads and something like a Concurrent Balancing Binary Search Tree would have too much lock contention.

I have looked over the `data-red-black` library; I wish its interface was richer with `map`, `filter`, retrieving a range of values, partitioning/sliding over key-value pairs, and all the other generic sequence operations that hopefully Rhombus can enable for different underlying data structures.

Skip Lists: https://docs.racket-lang.org/data/skip-list.html

These functional red/black-trees have `map` and `filter`: https://docs.racket-lang.org/functional-data-structures/Red-...

AVL-trees: https://docs.racket-lang.org/avl/index.html

I would be surprised if someone hasn't made a B-tree implementation already.

As bonus: Another red/black-tree implementation (imperative): https://github.com/soegaard/little-helper/blob/master/planet...

evdubs how can this be run?

not really are there any scripts to install all this !

Doesn’t HN run on Racket

I think it uses Arc which is written using Racket.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_(programming_language)

See also "news" from the "anarki" fork of Arc: https://github.com/arclanguage/anarki/tree/master/apps/news


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