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By your logic British colonization of India will also not hold.

Indian Muslims are the ones who created Pakistan, they continue to have separate civil laws that allows a man upto 4 wives. And if you are not aware what is labeled "Hindu law" was originally framed as common law by the British but only applied on Hindus, as the others would not accept it.

Indian Muslims continue to name their children after mass murderers of Hindus, people like Timur or Aurangazeb who had slaughtered millions.

As a child, and as an Indian from the south, my history text books well filled with Islamic kings and "Islamic" monuments but very little about the chollas or Vijayanagara or Pandiyas and Pallavas.

Unlike in the north where almost all ancient temples have been destroyed or converted into mosques or appropriated like the qutib minhar. In the south we still have the grand temples standing and we are aware of how much destruction the islamist must have wrought on their people.

> By your logic British colonization of India will also not hold.

Ummm, I said colonizers hold themselves separate from the population they colonize. Britishers never found a home in India ergo, they were colonizers, the Mughals were not.

> as the others would not accept it

Say Indian polity were exactly the way it is today except India was a muslim majority country while Hindus were a 20% minority. Would a typical Hindu accept the assurances of a muslim majority and agree to a civil code which was geared towards appeasing the sentiments of the average muslim?

For every question you are asking, just flip the question on its head and ask yourself if you, as a hindu, would agree to the terms of that question?

I really want to know this - do you personally know just one Muslim man or a woman? Have you been to their house and eaten their food? Have you watched them try to land jobs and date and have kids and live a normal, ordinary life?

If you have done all these things and you still find them "foreign" to your concept of Indianess, I'm truly sorry for you.

First I am not talking about an average Indian muslim. I am talking about Indian muslims as a group. The same community which has been carrying out ethnic cleansing in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The British brought in the common civil laws that was relabelled Hindu laws, it was a set of laws influenced by Christian values and perhaps furthest away from Hindu values.

It doesn't answer the question if muslim men legally allowed to have upto 4 wives is a sign of fundamentalism in the society.

Mughals imposed Jizya on the Hindus for almost all of their 700 or so years of reign. They enforced Persian which resulted in the creation of Urudu, which is still the state language in Pakistan even though as a mother tongue it is minor.

Almost all the Mughals including Akbar carried out Jihad against the Hindu population in some case raiding and beheading entire cities. Sawing alive a Sikh guru, and boiling alive another in oil, as punishment for refusing to convert. Clearly they did not see themselves as Indians, nor did they treat Hindus as their subjects.

When you are in denial you are both colonized as well as engaged in whitewashing tyrants.

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