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Ancient Greek Philosopher Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in Central Asia [pdf] (princeton.edu)
11 points by jasonhansel on Nov 1, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

While this is an influence, it shouldn't be too overstated. Some of these sentiments and doctrines are very close to ideas seen in earlier Socratic philosophers, people who wrote and operated before Alexander's expedition (A rough timeline is that Alexander studied under Aristotle, who was Plato's pupil, who was Socrates pupil).

Socrates' entire method is one of systematic doubt, the only thing he is not certain of is that he does not know. This is how Plato portrays him as approaching everything. He asks question after question, and almost never gives answers or offers a clear position.

A sentiment like “desire is absolutely the first of all bad things” from the wiki article also linked in this thread is quite adjacent to Plato, maybe not in those exact terms, but it's not a brand new idea. A good example of this is the leaky jar in Gorgias, a large chunk of The Republic also deals with which part of the soul should govern the body.

I recently read the Wikipedia page on this [1] which I enjoyed, and could be of interest to someone who doesn't want to delve into the 39 page pdf linked. I'm putting the pdf my list of things to read.

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Similarities_between_Pyrrhon...

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