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> Zig, D, Ada, ... they all offer massive benefits over C. > The only reason there is a push for Rust so much harder than anything else can only be explained by the community and their almost aggressive spirit of "if its not written in Rust, it should be".

Nonsense. Zig is even newer than Rust and still not ready. D pretty much required garbage collection. Ada probably would have been a decent option but it still doesn't solve heap memory safety like Rust does.

Ada lacked platform support and free/open compilers compared to C as well.

GNAT is based on gcc and is as such very portable. The kernel is gpl so no problem even using gnat gpl, right ? But even then gccada has been there for a long time. My guess about rust is more about mindshare and coming from a 'cool' company, and probably timing...

> but it still doesn't solve heap memory safety like Rust does

Care to elaborate on this?

> Ada also prevents dangling references to objects on the stack or the heap, by providing automatic compile-time checking of "accessibility" levels, which reflect the lifetimes of stack and heap objects.[1]

Or what are you referring to?

[1] https://www.adacore.com/uploads/techPapers/Safe-Dynamic-Memo...

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