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Tangential, but the first thing I noticed is that this site itself greets me in my preferred language, and allows setting my region separately, at the top of the page.

The Pixel site sets the language based on geography and does not allow changing it without changing the region, which comes with a warning about delivery and currency conversion.

One of these makes me feel understood and accounted for as a potential customer, the other makes me want to CTRL+W and move on.

I am aware that this doesn't affect the majority of people. That doesn't make it less frustrating that Google keeps doubling down on this with many of the things they do.

I pay for a bunch of google services (Google One, YouTube premium) and for the life of me, have not been able to get my country changed. After some time with tech support (was shocked I was able to get someone), the conclusion was to use the play store ON AN ANDROID DEVICE to try to change my country. Quite strange if you use google services without an android device. It doesn't matter if I'm an edge case. They need to support their customer.

I could do it in Google Pay (you create a new payments profile for your new country).

> The Pixel site sets the language based on geography

To be fair, Google likely knows what you had for lunch and so it decides which is the best region for you; Trying to change it is an edge case /S.

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