Even if you accept the author's claim that CMV shaves a year off your lifespan, is a life where you don't swap fluids with other human beings a life worth living?
Human life would cease to exist if everyone did this.
> In the United States and other high-income countries, the overall rate of CMV infection is about 50%...
Those aren't very good odds. And given that a third of children are exposed to CMV, there's a good chance it will be a moot point by the time you're old enough to stick your tongue in someone else's mouth.
Of course, assuming you make it into adulthood CMV-free, you could remain completely chaste in an effort to avoid the horrors of this virus:
> Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that usually causes no symptoms or only mild illness.
> Most people are infected as children or as young adults, but many don’t know it because CMV usually does not cause noticeable symptoms or only mild illness in otherwise healthy people. Individuals with mild illness may have non-specific signs and symptoms, such as sore throat, fever, tiredness, and swollen glands. In otherwise healthy adults, CMV infection may sometimes cause a flu-like illness or signs and symptoms similar to mononucleosis (mono), such as extreme fatigue, fever, chills, body aches, and/or headaches that usually resolve within a few weeks.
> Once you are infected, CMV remains in your body for the rest of your life without causing symptoms. After your initial “primary” infection resolves, CMV becomes dormant or latent, like other members of the herpes family. However, if your immune system is significantly weakened, the virus can become active again (reactivate) and cause illness.
Why do you keep on insisting on chastity? How about just not be very promiscuous, have a steady partner and avoid one night stands and so on? Would that not have any effect on odds in your opinion? Im an adult with decent sexual experience, have had several steady partners in my life, one at a time, and never contacted any STDs/STIs.
Of course this strategy isn’t foolproof but it helped quite a bit.
Abstinence is a choice I would never go for, STDs are not the end of life but I prefer not having them, hence my choice to be more conservative in that respect.
My best friend has genital herpes and it is quite a pain to find a partner that accepts it unless they have it as well. I would rather not deal with that.