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Wannabe's is pretty harsh for a group of people that started first and achieved their goals second.

Wannabe's never do the thing. They don't seriously try to do it. I have no reason to defend bezos but people made a serious effort there and they would not be wannabes even if they failed

I'm a wannabe for launching weather balloons and model rockets with my kids from the comfort and security of my well paying public sector job

I appreciate your point. Upon reading my post, I should have limited the term wannabe to Bezos in regards to building a space company. I should never have faulted hard working engineers making a serious effort to accomplish something noble. The fault, as always, is most likely with management.

However, I do not agree with your definition of wannabe. You can seriously try to do something and still be a wannabe. Bezos has seriously tried to do this, but I don't think he can cope with the notion that while he is enormously successful (by many metrics) at Amazon, he may not be the right person to lead a space company.

Webster's definition of wannabe 1 : a person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else 2 : something (such as a company, city, or product) intended to rival another of its kind that has been successful

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