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I haven't played league in years and barely even watch it anymore (watching worlds, but didn't even bother watching NA LCS championship).

Part of the reason I stopped playing was I realized ranked wasn't competitive, it was just a different mode. If riot actually considered it competitive, autofill wouldn't be a thing.

But to your point, you're absolutely correct. There's an old video about a well known streamer (forget his name) ranting about where the toxicity in league comes from.

And he draws the following analogy.

If you're in a game of pickup basketball and someone on your team decides to start scoring for the opponent, you can simply walk away. If you do that in league you get punished for it so you're forced to stay in a game you don't want to be in.

The long and short of it is that LoL players have very little control over both their teammates, and their willingness to play with someone who decides to be an asshole.

Riot could solve a large % of the toxicity in league, but they choose not to.

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