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>> "The most familiar API for Object Storage, and the API R2 implements, is Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3)."

Ugh - a clone of S3's functionality - that's not competing.

There's been zero innovation in cloud storage beyond S3's primitive capabilities. None of the competing services have gone beyond S3's stunted functionality.

Online storage should provide:

* An SFTP interface (and no, Amazon's "charge by the hour SFTP interface to S3" doesn't count)

* The ability to query and apply filters to queries PLEASE! For goodness sake its 2021.

* A webDAV interface

* The ability to incorporate object metadata into filtering queries

Why is there zero competitive drive in this space?

API compatible does not mean it's a clone. Cloud Flare's pitch is "multi-region storage that automatically replicates objects to the locations they’re frequently requested from."

This is big and interesting and useful even if you ignore the bandwidth savings. If it were available already, we'd be trying to use it for Fly.io users.

Joyent's Manta storage was quite nice, but unfortunately they closed down their public cloud.

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