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The JS Open Source Community is filled with people grifting things like this. Quite notably, there's a linter called JS Standard Style, which actually has nothing to do with JS Standards.

It's marketed as if it was a standard, the fact that it isn't is tucked away in the readme, and also -- the entire project is just a wrapper around someones .eslintrc file, yet barely any credit is given to the ESLint devs who do all the work.

Go ahead and read the readme here, https://github.com/standard/standard. Could you genuinely tell this wasn't really a JS Standard at a glance? Could you tell this was just a config file for someone elses work? None of the donations go upstream to eslint by the way.

Hell, the actual config file is hidden inside a sub repo:


which has the audacity to claim

> This module is for advanced users. You probably want to use standard instead :)

It's a config file for someone elses program! Why does this library go through so much effort to hide that it's just someones config file? Why on earth is it called JS Standard Style?

The whole community is filled with slimy nonsense like this.

EDIT: also, this was the project that displayed ads in a million terminals on installs[1]. It's 100% clear to me that this package is misleadingly marketed for personal gain.

[1]: https://github.com/standard/standard/issues/1381

Wow, how cringey. They reference "standard" as not being used the same way, but instead like "high quality standard". Do they not know that high quality itself is a verified standard, that's why it's sought after? Just weird and writes like a child.

See also, the "StandardRB" wrapper around somebody's RuboCop config:



Then again, companies like Github and Heroku use it, and even UK Government. Maybe it does produce value for them?

They copied the idea of gofmt; they could be a bit fairer with attribution to ESLint though.

I don't really think the idea is copied at all. The idea of formatting code is fairly common. I just think they should stop using deceptive advertising.

I meant copying without a negative connotation, as it is a good thing to copy good ideas.

But ESlint there does all the work, it's a self proclaimed "standard" that works very well in the modern working environments due to hype.

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