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> Better to just accept that it's coming and figure out how best to deal with it. I don't believe laws telling people they can't have it or use it will work.

Two things:

1. I will never accept this. Hell no. And under no circumstances will I give in to let them do their thing just because it's easier.

2. Laws telling people they can't use/have it will work. That's why we have laws, to coordinate certain behaviours when people refuse to act respectfully. Mask mandates and GDPR have been some very recent examples that had a drastic impact on how things are done, providing these laws are actually enforced. If they aren't enforced, that's a problem with your enforcement and not the laws.

And yes, to echo the sentiments of others in this thread: if everyday life becomes saturated with these invasive devices, I will be the one person asking them to switch them off during s conversation. Or run to the hills.

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