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This is a UI prototyping tool, and a potentially good one at that. It does not develop what a HN audience would call production ready applications. That being said, "Production Ready" as used by this author is very different than what "production ready" as used by the HN audience means, a look at the end of the linked video where he claims a checklist with drag and drop support and cookie-derived sessions next to is "Production Ready" should sufficiently demonstrate that.

And that's okay! It doesn't need to have replaced the entire Web Developer career field, it can just be a cool UI prototyping tool. But I might suggest to the author to reduce the scope of their claims a touch, as it would engender more positive discussion.

I suspect that many of the apps we all have deployed to production isn't what we would consider "production ready" when looking at someone else's app.

Honestly if you frame it that way, the framework is very well done. OP, if you can read this, this is the way to market your product.

From the developer perspective, I would not call this production ready also

Who isn't looking forward to 99% of front end developers being out of jobs if apps can be built in minutes instead of months.

Definitely not looking forward to 99% of any group being out of jobs.

Hit men?


Sharepoint will put my team out of business any day now /s

Yeah, not happening. Someone still needs to write the CSS.

I think the day where Figma emits styled React components is closer than you think, but the jobs are safe for now.

And what about when you need to glue an external library into a page, or pivot a feature. I've seen design generating frontend as a promised holy grail, and it's still not there. The further away your design is from the person who actually builds the product, the longer and slower the turn around time is for the inevitable pivot or adjustment. It's all 'perfect world' scenarios. Creating a CMS? Sure. Web app that connects to x,y,z services and crunches a,b,c datasets? Not a chance.

Try Plasmic.

I'm familiar with backend stacks but can't write a lick of CSS. This tool helped me build some small webapps.

I am in no way associated with them. Just a happy user.

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