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why? The taliban is not like a nation state army, more like a bunch or militias and tribes, each of which is a “bunch of local guys with guns”. As the war has progressed, I imagine they have got more professional, but I’m guessing around 80-90% of their strength are non ideological tribal militias who are very good at figuring out which way the wind is blowing and changing sides. That worked in the US favor in 2001-2 when the northern alliance was winning, and against US interests now, that’s why resistance collapsed so quickly back in 2001 and now.

They are not local guys with guns. They were not local guys with guns years before last war. The region fighters started, long time ago, by being trained by army (American) and were sponsored by multiple governments over years.

They are trained, funded disciplined. They are also local guys and local guys join them often. But then become part of something bigger.

Supported by military arms from Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

And now $85 billion worth of American military arms as well.

Who do you think Pakistan, UAE, and Saudi Arabia by the arms from?

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