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Exactly, I hate dealing with Lombok projects for that reason. I'd rather the cruft than the compiler add-on.

Do you not just use maven? Any of the major IDEs will automatically configure annotation processors for you when they're configured in your pom. Similar for gradle.

Its been a while since I have had to deal with one, but at the time the IDE didn't handle it well at all. I think it was because I was missing the Lombok plugin.

TBH, it was a lot of trouble so that someone could avoid generating a couple of getters and setters, and could use a annotation to setup the logger. I realize that there are more features available than that, but the ones that I've seen often used it in such mundane and boring ways that the setup wasn't worth the hassle for me.

But I guess we all get annoyed with minor hassles in different ways. I got annoyed with the hassle of setting up an IDE, they got annoyed with getters and setters more. :)

I no longer think there is a justification for a project like Lombok. FreeBuilder/AutoValue (depending on your needs) will provide the same feature, but with clear visibility at the IDE level.

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