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kaczordon on Sept 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

Where did the title for this post come from?

> Villages where cloth masks were distributed experienced a 5 percent reduction in symptoms, while villages where surgical masks were distributed saw a reduction of 12 percent.

Also: this is a specific set of circumstances with many variables.

Shocking. Perhaps TSA's security theater could undergo similar scrutiny?

Are there any non-hospital mask mandates anywhere that require anything but a cloth mask?

Rand Paul was suspended from Twitter for saying that.

“This study has several implications for policy-makers. First, there is clear evidence that community mask-wearing can reduce COVID-19. The effects were substantially larger in communities where surgical masks were distributed, consistent with greater filtration efficiency measured in laboratories, and surgical masks reduced 1 in 3 symptomatic infections among individuals aged 60+.”

I don’t think he said that

Well, obviously not. How could he cite a study that wasn’t out yet.

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