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>> Do I have to spin up a whole session of the IDE just to run my test suite?

> what are you on about?

This complaint is based on a .NET project I used to work on. I'm sure this isn't universally the case for everything .NET, but I had to work with one instance of visual studio open in the code repository and a second instance of visual studio open in the test repository. Everything we did was configured in and executed through VS. It was pretty nasty.

Poor project management != fault of IDE, it's the one responsible for choosing to configure the project in said way. That's not dismissing the fact that VS and other IDEs allow, and even recommend, nasty setups but, unless they force them, I don't see blaming optional features or poor usage of a tool as a rational reason to write off an entire toolset that can be powerful and productive.

It was an older project — from what I've heard, better VS project structuring has only been possible in newer VS editions.

How old are we talking? I've worked with versions of VS since VS 2005 and don't recall ever having issues with project structuring.

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