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It seems that the Linux Foundation has overstepped its initial purpose of driving Linux standardization. Is it becoming instead a shell for a wide megacorp[0] coalition, now jumping on the Covid train[1]?

And how about CBDC? It seems that there's a (strong?) link between Hyperledger and the WEF.[2][3]

I doubt Linus would condone such things! Oh, wait...[4]

Gah, conspiracies upon conspiracies :-) .

[0] https://linuxfoundation.org/join/members/ [1] https://www.lfph.io/ [2] https://www.weforum.org/people/brian-behlendorf [3] https://www.hyperledger.org/event/world-economic-forum [4] https://www.weforum.org/people/linus-torvalds

Thanks for the references, which reminded me that IBM was a founding member of the Apache Foundation & Brian was the founding President.

Is there a directory of all "WEF People", other than a web search for the URL fragment? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Aweforum.org%2Fpeople

WEF has been kind enough to release public media about their visions, e.g. last week's video envisioned people's lives being rebuilt around "neighborhood hubs" that are 15-min walking distance from their home offices, containing gym and bars, but no restaurants since those will be replaced by ghost kitchens. They envision biometric ID of each human by their heartbeat [already specified in the upcoming 2024 IEEE Wi-Fi standard that will allow consumer routers to "see through walls" with doppler imaging], https://twitter.com/wef/status/1427721919483326470

One challenge for those not shopping for what WEF is selling is the lack of institutions to champion alternative visions. E.g. until that WEF video, I had no idea the "15-min city" (smart gulag?) was endorsed by urban planners, https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/02/08/defining-15-minu.... As a point of comparison, that would be a radius of ~1km, 80% smaller than the 5km home lockdown zones in Victoria, Australia, https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/what-the-new-cor...

There is an index of partner organizations,[0] but I haven't had much luck with their people index,[1] which seems to present just the WEF website template without any content.

Indeed they've been very kind with releasing their agenda. :) Schwab's "The Great Reset" book is a roadmap for the next steps, and the WEF is following up with more media-friendly content regularly.[3]

I suspect that Schwab either is a very productive author who made excellent use of his lockdown time, or the Great Reset manuscript was sitting in his ghostwriter's desk, and just got "COVID-19" prepended to its title.

Also, re: the "neighborhood hubs". Really? These already existed, they were called, eh let me think -- neighborhoods. But yeah, I like your take on it as a "smart gulag", seems to capture the whole idea nicely.

I'm squinting really hard, but can't see any non-dystopian outcome. Sure, we'll put on a smile -- even with a mask on, it's a requirement, and the WiFi routers are ubiquitous, they're looking at us,[4] and they can tell when you're not smiling,[5] so we'll have to.

(OK, perhaps I'm stretching it with SENS being able to detect smiling, though apparently it does detect gestures.)

[0] https://www.weforum.org/partners

[1] https://www.weforum.org/people/

[2] https://www.amazon.com/o/asin/2940631123

[3] https://www.weforum.org/focus/the-great-reset

[4] https://beyondstandards.ieee.org/ieee-802-11bf-aims-to-enabl...

[5] https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/31/wifi_devices_monitori...

A modicum of good news: in a previous HN discussion of SENS, someone posted a couple of EU-funded research papers on technical countermeasures ("CSI murder" based on OpenWiFi), https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27133079

If you haven't already seen the historical archives of IIW meetings and the Project VRM mailing list, they sometimes have in-depth discussions by recognizable names in the digital identity industry, including some with leadership roles on upcoming specs: https://cyber.harvard.edu/lists/arc/projectvrm & https://cyber.harvard.edu/projectvrm/Main_Page & https://internetidentityworkshop.com/

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