For those like me who preferred (as opposed to, there's, maintained by Drew DeVault. Runs the same backend (gddo) with all the Google-cruft removed.
Nice. Drew may come off really harsh in discussions, but he does so many things that benefit others. Hm, that reminds of a guy from finland that announced his side project somewhere.
Thank goodness. The site is absolute garbage. Constantly having problems loading new tags, and the dumb BLM banner. Plus their website devs dont know how to code a responsive site: anything less than a giant resolution and you lose the left navigation. Then someone added these hidden keys, so you will randomly go into dark mode if you hit the wrong button. Finally you have the fixed top bar. Not everyone uses the web on a 4K monitor in full screen. I wish web devs would stop thinking that. Just stop making everything CSS fixed, so people get their screen real estate back.
It makes me irrationally happy to see that what must be one of the most sought-after domains resolves to a 90s web aesthetic site promoting beaches and fresh air.
I don't think it's a dns resolver issue.
I'm intentionally using to prove the point (same results with other mainstream services like by the way):
Or use a worse DNS resolver. Your ISP may be trying to cash in on DNS names that don't resolve / ain't found by instead sending you to another website that pays the ISP a small fee.
IIRC some gTLD rule prohibits non-NS records from being applied to root zones like this (ccTLDs not having this requirement obviously). I'll look for it.
A nation state is not just a fancy way of saying country or state. It means a case where a nation (group of people with a common culture etc) form the vast majority of a country.
dig +noall +answer A ai
ai. 86006 IN A
For better or worse the developers of browsers/libraires decided to allow it, it takes extra code to check for it and block it. Now that sites rely on it they can't exactly back track. Another strange one is domains with names that end in hypen - "". These are technically against standards, and don't work on linux/unix based OSs. However they happily work on windows. I've seen a github username that ended in -, which prevented me from viewing their site. (Github seem to no longer allow this).
I have one of those, and I learned about this when I created a site. It worked fine on Chrome in Windows, but Firefox read the SSL cert as invalid. It took me a while to figure out that it was the URL that was invalid.
> is a companion website to is the home of the open source project and distribution, while is the hub for Go users providing centralized and curated resources from across the Go ecosystem.
This description doesn't feel so accurate anymore.
And the fact is that this move will make the official Go language sites more fragmented and confusing. At least for me.
I read somewhere that Go engineering team wanted instead of but they couldn't get it as it was not for sale. [Can't find the source of this info though]
Also, the questions that contained `Golang` in the title and description @ Stackoverflow were edited to contain `Go` instead by the users with edit description being "Name of the language is Go and not Golang". That's when I thought why didn't they use or or any domain name having go instead of golang.
I'm not a very inspired Go user but have always loved their simplicity(the language) and carefulness(the way we moved to Go mod) and due to this I've always read their Release notes and blogs with the favorite one being Profiling Go Programs[1]. was an early pre-Web 2.0 company. I guess it was ultimately acquired by Disney or something, but yes, that definitely wasn't and isn't available.
I like the shorter URL, however googling for “Go” lang stuff has been hit or miss and would need to use “golang” for better results. I wanna say same thing for StackOverflow too but can’t remember…I switched to Crystal so not much Go searching now.
Reminds me that I bought years ago for a project that never came to be. Figured it would be suited for something Go related…hey Google it’s for sale ;)
I've never understood why we change things on the internet so much. I've got muscle memory after 10 years of navigating the docs. Seriously why did you just decide to remove my workflow?
A bit off topic, but one of my pet peeves with the go ecosystem is the extreme difficulty in generating nice documentation for private packages. Has anyone solved this problem and I just missed it? is a pretty horrible name. It shouldn't have two dots. It is hard to remember the order of the words initially (I had forgotten after the summer vacation), and you shouldn't use vanity domain names.
Short, clear and boring names work best. was descriptive, clear, short, and easy to remember. It was totally unnecessary to ditch it. The new name adds no value to the user and complicates something that didn't need complicating.
Yeah, a bit disappointing. Sometimes it's just nice to nerd out and get away from politics. I don't want or need to know every single person or group's ideologies. And certainly not every single time I visit.
If you nerd out and interact with other people, you can't ever get away from politics. Even stating to others in public here on HN that you wish to "get away from politics" is itself a (hypocritical) political action.
Nerd out alone with offline docs and you can avoid it. Interact with others and politics are involved as a matter of necessity.
To pretend that there is any apolitical social space is farce.
People cannot be separated from their ideologies. If you wish to avoid ideologies, avoid people.
It's a programming language website. To do its job effectively, it doesn't need to devote screen real estate to racial justice, police brutality, child sex trafficking, cancer awareness, gun safety, climate change, domestic abuse, regional famines, or any other myriad of important (sometimes political) issues. It's not hypocritical to desire a "separation of concerns".
> To do its job effectively, it doesn't need to devote screen real estate to racial justice
That is a matter of opinion that reasonable people disagree about.
Again, people are inseparable from their ideology. If you don't like hearing about ideology (like I don't like having to see crucifix necklaces), avoid people and you won't have that problem.
No, seperation is a very reasonable position. Some US-based developers and companies tend to forget that not only their ideology is not fully supported within their own country but more importantly that the rest of the world, even if not vocal about, often disagree. There are a lot of different cultures, values and opinions around the world (you know, the actual diversity) and inevitably one political opinion good for virtue signaling points in the US will rub people elsewhere in the wrong way. Pushing it too hard will also produce opposite result by polarizing people more. Some people/culture won't change anyway (cough cough 800 millions USD for promoting women rights in Afghanistan). So stop your cultural imperialism and let the professional stuff separated from your myopic politics.
This is just a depressing view of people. While it may often be the case, it's not absolute. I just watched a movie last night, and while not a great movie and definitely dramaticized, was based on a true story. Of a (now former) KKK member voting to integrate schools. People are much more complex than I believe you give them credit for.
And that's another issue is that people aren't so one dimensional. For example, many BLM people aren't on the LBGTQ train. Many Trumpers aren't antivaxxers. Many Libertarians aren't anarchists. Point being, there's not a ton you can draw from a crucifix.
As for the movie, CP Ellis is the man's name, if you care to read about him.
Agreed on most counts, but I don't see as a social space. Perhaps we define that differently.
I also don't find politics in personal interactions a necessity, more an indulgence or some primal urge. I know, I've slipped many times before into it for no justifiable reason. Trying to be better.
"Getting away from politics" is commonly understood as shorthand for "entering a place with minimal/insignificant/infinitesimal politics". Similarly, you might describe yourself as getting "away from the humidity" even if you've moved from a coast to a desert (keeping in mind that even in a desert, the humidity is always nonzero).
Nominally it’s not Google, but the Go developer team, most of whom happen to work for Google. Not that this justifies the sketchy political advertisement, however.