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Why Robert Burton’s masterpiece speaks to our pandemic age (prospectmagazine.co.uk)
34 points by pepys on Aug 22, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This year in a bout of melancholy boredom I started typesetting Anatomy of Melancholy in LaTeX with the goal of releasing it under a free software license and the pdf under creative commons. I still haven't finished all the little details to consider it done but I've uploaded some page spreads here if anyone wants to check it out: https://nessuent.xyz/posts/2021-04-19_anatomy_of_melancholy....

Draft PDF is here https://epilys.github.io/anatomy-of-melancholy-latex

That is super cool! I tried to click on the RSS link to get updates but I get an error when it tries to auto open in Feedly.

Apart from that looks super cool!

Thank you :)

Re: the feeds, it passes w3c validators:


Does the error say what the problem is?

I was using my phone and clicking the RSS button. It looks like it uses the link “ feed:https://epilys.github.io/anatomy-of-melancholy-latex/feed.rs... . I managed to fix this by removing the “feed:” prefix to the link.

Subscribed now thanks!

it looks very nice.

Wonderful work, thank you for doing this.

See also

My Mistress Melancholy: Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy - https://aeon.co/essays/robert-burton-lived-and-died-for-his-...

(via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22430219 - Feb 2020 but no comments)

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