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If Apple has the ability to decrypt my photos on their servers, why do I care whether or not they actually do so today? Either way, the government could hand them a FISA warrant for them all tomorrow.

If photos become E2EE, then Apple can no longer turn over said photos, while still not completely turning down their CSAM scanning obligations.

That’s an interesting way to look at it. Funny how this news can be interpreted as both signaling Apple’s interest in E2EE iCloud Photos or weaking their overall privacy stance.

My issue with my own statement is that we have yet to see plans for E2EE Photos with this in place - if apple had laid out this as their intention on apple.com/child-safety/ it would have been clear-cut.

If everything is E2EE, I don’t see how they can have any scanning obligations.

Google drive does not scan for child porn if the user uploads a user encrypted file. They literally can’t.

Personally, I don’t think E2EE photos is coming.

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