"Look, we're serious, we did a raid!" (even though we personally review and approve each sale that NSO Group does to foreign governments and have one of the best surveillance systems and spy networks in the world, we really don't know what NSO Group is really doing. I mean, we know everything Iran is doing with their nuclear program and have been able to thwart it for decades and boy, was Olympic Games a tough one to get through, but we really don't have a clue what our own corporations are doing on our own soil)
There has been a change of government and the new one probably suspects corrupt dealings on Netanyahu’s part, not unreasonably so. Furthermore French President Emmanuel Macron has threatened withdrawing intelligence cooperation with Israel, and he won’t be placated by mere appearances.
Calling a meeting with members of the oversight board a "raid" seems a bit extreme. The description makes it sound more like they organized their denial than ransacked the place for evidence.
All major tech companies are part of the state. Frankly, they are too important and useful not to be.
More than anything, this will be used by NSO to sell more services to unsuspecting and naive governments/political actors/orgs around the world. "See, we are neutral. We were even investigated by the Israeli government! How can we be part of the israeli government's spying operation when the israeli government 'raided' us? So you can trust us..".
Suggest changing 'raid' to 'inspect' in the title since it seems that the NSO Group was not forced to comply with a thorough search as would be implied by a 'raid'.