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The number is crazy for sure but then it includes stuff like the $0.99/mo iCloud storage subscription which is basically mandatory if you own an iPhone. Would be far more interesting to see the broken-out numbers for Apple Music, TV+, Apple One etc. if they ever share them.

Even if all 700 million subscribers are $0.99/month it is still an $8.3 billion per year business. That's enough to be #362 on 2021 Fortune 500.

If you really drill into all the different numbers they release over time as investment / corporate strategy analyst you can get a pretty reasonable mix on revenue streams this size.

I don't dig in on Apple as I'm a B2B focused person so speculating a bit here based on parallel experience.

I don’t know why this comment is downvoted? My parents, in their late 60s and the opposite of tech savvy, have an iCloud storage subscription. The default 5 gigabyte is laughable small.

How is it mandatory? You can backup to your own computer and then you don’t even have to worry about the snoops looking at your data.

Haha I just finally splurged on that $0.99/mo iCloud storage, after just not backing up my phone forever :/

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