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Nice, do you know of anything similarly-comprehensive that is updated for Python 3? IIRC, Python 3 simplified things a good deal by removing "implicit" relative imports, but I'm a little foggy on exactly what that means.

Explicit relative imports use a "." to indicate the file/package is from the current directory and not found elsewhere in sys.path:

  from . import foo
  from .foo import bar
Implicit relative imports don't have such an indicator:

  from foo import bar
In py2, that second one could be a relative import or from anywhere in sys.path, while in py3 those implicit relative imports were removed so that means it'll only only look in sys.path and not the local directory.


> IIRC, Python 3 simplified things a good deal by removing "implicit" relative imports, but I'm a little foggy on exactly what that means.

Exactly that: in Python 3, if an import doesn’t start with a . it will always be absolute aka looked up from sys.path.

In python 2, it would try performing a relative import (so importing a sibling module) first.

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