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If you are wealthy with fuck you money, a summer home in Miami is pretty good spend even if it sinks. Anyone else however should strongly consider their plans on how long they intend to live there.

it will be something to see when people realize miami is not the netherlands and can't just be "sea walled from the sea"

And since the rich make policy in our techno-oligarchy either overtly or covertly, that is the problem. The rich will simply move latitudes/location rather than deal with the problem to avoid billions of poor people effectively drowning (ok they won't LITERALLY drown, they'll starve from farmland loss or when their cities become uninhabitable).

It's a bleak future if you are poor and immobile.

With the rise of totalitarian/authoritarian capitalism, the upper-middle class won't be able to move freely. So many of us in America are used to free movement in the first world.

The future points to the first world being economically submissive to China in the future, and perhaps politically, and political movements within the first world show great appetite for authoritarians and distrust of the democratic norms, and it's not just Trump. How much of that is Russian and Chinese shadow propaganda remains to be seen.

Want to see first world countries turn super-not-first-world? Send a flood of refugees. The American Authoritarian Right is built fundamentally on paranoia of illegal immigration. Look at what the Syrian immigration did to Europe.

Those refugee events are peanuts compared to the displacements projected by Global Warming. Between rising sea levels, ecosystem changes/desertification, and raw temperature spikes, there will likely be billions with a big B displaced, and that will cause everyone to close their borders.

I would not count on free mobility when you need it.

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