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>It could very well be dependent on the place you live.

Then it would have to be funded with local taxes. Why should people with a median salary pay taxes so that someone can get a UBI that is higher than the median salary?

>Assuming that not everyone can be successful in life (in spite of having boatloads of IQ + work ethic) UBI might be one of the few ways left to reduce generational in-equality.

Or you could just get rid of money hoarding and land hoarding. Just think about it. The time people spend unemployed or underemployed is gone but the money isn't. Thus the value of the claim to labor (money) is greater than what the economy can support. The inevitable result is inequality just from a pure logical perspective. The conventional solution had been to just let the economy grow endlessly so that the economy becomes strong enough to support all the freeloaders. Alternatively you let inflation act as a soft default on that unsustainable claim to labor.


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