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A monorepo misconception – atomic cross-project commits (snellman.net)
102 points by askl on July 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 102 comments

The advantage of a monorepo in this particular case is that it makes easy things easy: if you want to remove a parameter of a function in some library and that function has just a few callers in dependent executables, you can just do that in a single commit. Without a monorepo, you have to do the full-blown iterative rollout described in the OP even for small changes, if they cross VCS boundaries.

This is the reason for monorepos.

It's not about migrating APIs or coordinating deployments. That's an impossible problem to solve with your repo. It's to update libraries and shared code uniformly and patch dependencies (eg. for vulns) all in one go.

Imagine updating Guava 1.0 -> 2.0. Either you require each team to do this independently over the course of several months with no coordination, or in a monorepo, one person can update every single project and service with relative ease.

Let's say there's an npm vuln in leftpad 5.0. You can update everything to leftpad 5.0.1 at once and know that everything has been updated. Then you just tell teams to deploy. (Caveat: this doesn't really work as cleanly for a dynamically typed language like javascript, but it's a world wonder in a language like Java.)

I can't fathom how hard it would be to coordinate all of these changes with polyrepos. You'd have to burden every team with a required change and force them to accommodate. Someone not familiar with the problem has to take time out of their day or week to learn the new context. Then search and apply changes. And there's no auditability or guarantee everyone did it. Some isolated or unknown repos somewhere won't ever see the upgrade. But in a monorepo, you're done in a day.

Now, here's a key win: you're really at an advantage when updating "big things". Like getting all apps on gRPC. Or changing the metrics system wholesale. These would be year long projects in a polyrepo world. With monorepos, they're almost an afterthought.

Monorepos are magical at scale. Until you experience one, it's really hard to see how easy this makes life for big scale problems.

Do you really feel that confident working in another team’s code base? I work in a multi-repo company, and almost every time I’ve gotten a patch from outside my team it’s been wrong in some way. Why would I want to make it easier for people who don’t understand (and aren’t interested in understanding) my project to land code in it?

Another advantage of a mono-repo is that it encourages everyone to use the same tooling & coding libraries. So (at least at Google) I can open another team's codebase (as long as it's in the main mono-repo) and understand it within ~10 minutes.

I fix bugs that bother me in random projects (both internal and external) maybe once a month (most recently, in the large scale change tool!). For context, I've been at Google for ~3 years. I've only had a changelist rejected once, and that was because the maintainer disagreed with the technical direction of the change and not the change itself.

Because any company reaching monorepo scale will have integration tests that cut across the boundaries of your projects. It's possible for an outside contribution to break your corner of the repo, but the flip side is that you will know much more quickly if your own changes break another part of the repo.

>Because any company reaching monorepo scale will have integration tests that cut across the boundaries of your projects.

Heh. This makes a couple assumptions that I only can wish were true: (a) that people won't go to monorepo until they hit some huge scale, and (b) that people will at that point have good test coverage.

I completely disagree. My company is absolutely “monorepo scale”, but I also know we’re nowhere close to having the test coverage to allow people unfamiliar with a project to freely land changes in it.

I think you’re misunderstanding something because this isn’t (usually) a way to bypass code review by the team that owns the code.

You want to make it easier to contribute so that people can send a patch and it’s more likely to be useful without too much back-and-forth in code review. Having common tools and coding standards makes that more likely.

None of the things you state are related to the technical act of having a single repository, but they are all results of the organizational structure. It's entirely possible to have a monorepo where one person doesn't have the organizational or technical ability to update everything in it, and you can also have split repositories where a single person does.

As I read your post, you're attributing a lot of properties to a monorepo.

That's fine, but I think you should be careful whether you're pointing to the properties of using a single repsoitory in general; or the properties of tooling certain monorepo-using companies have built with no requirements other than supporting their own source control; or how uniform it can feel to jump into multiple projects when every project has been forced to a lot of the same base tooling beyond just source control; and/or a work culture that happened to have grown up around a certain monorepo - but for which a monorepo is neither necessary nor sufficient to reproduce.

I've worked jobs where the entire company is in a unified repository, and companies where a repository represents everything related to a product family, and places where each product was multiple gitlab groups with tons of projects.

The most I can say is that monorepos solve package management by avoiding package management. The rest comes down to tooling, workflow and culture.

I would be interested in hearing why it would be hypothetically worse if google had gone the other direction. Where they still spent the same amount of money and time from highly talented people on the problem of unifying their tooling and improving workflow, but done it to support a polyrepo environment instead. How would it have been fundamentally worse than what they got when they happened to do the same with a monorepo?

Hum... Ok, there has been a "mostly nonbreaking" change on leftpad that corrects some vulnerability. Are you proposing that a single developer/team clones the work of 100s or 1000s of different people, update it into to use the new leftpad, run the tests and push?

The only way this could ever work is if the change is really nonbreaking (do those exist in Javascript?), in what case you could script the update on as many repositories you want too. Otherwise, living with the library vulnerability is probably safer than blindly updating it on code you know nothing about.

Anyway, burdening all the teams with a required change is the way to go. It doesn't matter how you organize your code. Anything else is a recipe for disaster.

> with the library vulnerability is probably safer than blindly updating it on code you know nothing about.

This is what tests are for.

> Are you proposing that a single developer/team clones the work of 100s or 1000s of different people, update it into to use the new leftpad, run the tests and push? ... Anyway, burdening all the teams with a required change is the way to go.

No, and speaking from personal experience, it's much more difficult to ask ~500 individuals to understand how and why they need to make a change than to have a few people just make the change and send out CLs. Writing a change, especially one that you have to read a document to understand, has a fixed amount of overhead.

(Also, you don't have to clone all the repositories if you're in a monorepo :) ).

Forcing each team to do (or approve!) the update has nothing to do with a shared repository, it's just what limits and requirements you've added on top of your repo(s). A for loop over N repos and an automated commit in each one is perfectly achievable.

If you want consistency so you can automate stuff, require consistency.

I update our polyrepo code all the time. I just have to go into each repo and make the change. It isn't much more work than you have, the only difference I need to run more "git pull/git commit/git push" steps, and my CI dashboard draws from more builds.

I sometimes leave some repos at older versions of tools. Sometimes the upgrade is compelling for some parts of our code and of no value to others.

In multi-repo, on all projects I've worked on, there is no such problem.

First, inter-repo dependencies are managed by pulling specific a commit or tag. So changing a library has zero effect on the program depending on that library.

Second, if you are introducing breaking change and you know not all client will want the change, you can have multiple branches. No, you do not want this as the default choice and not on the long term, but for the short-term transition, that is possible.

From that point on, clients of the library can upgrade to new versions with the changes on their own schedule. The client is never forced to upgrade until there a feature is absolutely needs. The library is not forced to support two versions of code.

That last point is not trivial. If every braking change need to go through this dual-support period in the same single code base it can become a support and testing nightmare. You need to duplicate tests and as the number of such dual-version of API increase, the compatibility matrix grows exponentially.

This is entirely avoided in the multi-repos scenario.

The flip side of this is that if you need a change to go out everywhere, say because it fixes a security vulnerability, or fixes a bug that affects all users, or you want to remove the old behavior from a service in a reasonable amount of time, then you have to update the commit/version/whatever in every dependent project as well, recursively. And I've seen the pain of doing that cause bad incentives, like not splitting up projects that really need to be, or delaying critical fixes because you don't want to update depencies twice.

If it is possible to have multiple revisions of libraries you will have multiple revisions of libraries. I've seen this play out "at scale" and what happens in practice is software rots until some kind of crisis or feature demands an upgrade. At which point somebody creates another set of branches to solve precisely their problem and nothing else.

Maybe it's just where I've worked, but atomic commit carries with it some strong cultural norms that make it really tractable to have one version of everything. If code compiles and automated tests pass, the change is safe and may be committed unilaterally. Inevitably things go wrong, but the post mortems for incidents don't lead back to the lack of permission from the affected projects.

I wouldn't maintain software that can kill people in this way, but for everything else it strikes a nice balance.

Wouldn't you still have to do the iterative thing to avoid temporary outages during deployments? Or do you try to synchronize all deployments?

If the change is in a shared library (and not a service shared over the network), it's fine to change all usages at once. Deploying a service wouldn't affect the others.

If the change affects the public interface of a service, then there's no option but to make your changes backward-compatible.

> no option but to...

Not necessarily; you can accept downtime/breakage instead. That is always an option!

You must not work on safety critical code where downtime/breakage mean people die.

I hope nobody's life depends on the uptime of a web-based distributed system.

But, well, I also expect nobody's life to depend on it. There would be a short window between people getting into that situation and they not have any life to depend on anything.

Most people don't, to be fair. The case where zero-downtime strategies are adopted for (at least) a questionable ROI is far more common.

I hope you're not doing anything "safety critical" with general purpose computers, let alone microservices.

Well the arm CPUs we use are in general purpose computers as well. Though you are correct, we don't follow the same practices as general purpose computers.

I was thinking more like bank/govt websites that go down for "scheduled maintenance".

I don't think synchronized deployments is really possible - you'd have to either still do the iterative thing, or possibly have some versioning system in place

It is possible for trivial cases. What I do in my basement for example - though even there I have come to prefer keeping things intentionally unsynchronized: it ensures that after updates I have some system that still works.

It takes the guesswork out of library migrations. API migrations still need forwards/backwards compat hygiene, unless you blue/green your entire infrastructure to compatible versions, which is possible but not necessarily practical

If you design with a "no deprecations" mentality and deploy backend before frontend, in _most cases_ this isn't an issue -- the frontend code that needs the new table or column or endpoint that doesn't exist yet won't run until those things are deployed, and the new backend endpoints will be fully backwards compatible with the old frontend, so no issues.

You don't even need to be that dogmatic to make this work either -- simply stipulating backwards compatibility between the two previous deploys should be sufficient.

The better version of this is simply versioning your backend and frontend but I've never been that fancy.

Depends on how you deploy and your scaling strategy.

e.g: If your smallest deployable unit is a Kubernetes pod, and all your affected applications live in that pod, you can treat it as a private change.

Most likely bla3 is referring to statically linked applications.

This is the big downside of monorepos: they strongly encourage tight coupling and poor modularity.

> they strongly encourage tight coupling and poor modularity

No, that's not true. Why would you say that?

Because they do nothing to make it hard to add a coupling or break modularity.

You should of course use good discipline to ensure that doesn't happen. Compared to mutli-repo it is a lot easier to violate coupling and modularity and not be detected. Anyone who is using a monorepo needs to be aware of this downside and deal with it. There are other downsides of multi-repo, and those dealing with them need to be aware of those and mitigate them. There is no perfect answer, just compromises.

They make it easy, and then human nature and dev laziness does the rest. If you can reach across the repo and import any random piece of code, you end up with devs doing just that. It's a huge huge pain to try to untangle later.

That's why tools like Bazel are strict about visibility and put more friction and explicitness on those sorts of things. But this tends to not be the first thing at the top of people's minds when starting a new project... so in the monorepos I've worked on, it's never been noticed until it's too late to easily fix.

Single "big bang" atomic commits that update both the client and server with new features usually aren't practical, I can agree with that.

I think the real intention of the "atomic commits" idea is a total ordering of commits between both the client and server code. Both a "big bang" strategy as well as the author's incremental change strategy can benefit from that arrangement.

The key is that at any given point in the repository's history, you can be sure that the client and server both work together. The point is not that each commit atomically completes an entire new feature, only that each commit atomically moves the repository to a state where the client and server still work together.

In that sense, the author's incremental commits actually do have that kind of atomicity.

  > It's particularly easy to see that the "atomic changes
  > across the whole repo" story is rubbish when you move
  > away from libraries, and also consider code that has 
  > any kind of more complicated deployment lifecycle, 
  > for example the interactions between services and 
  > client binaries that communicate over an RPC interface.
This seems exactly wrong to me. Getting rid of complicated deployment lifecycles is exactly the job that people use monorepos to solve. Wasn't that one of the reasons they are used at Google, Facebook, etc? As well as being able to do large-scale refactors in one place, of course.

You should be able to merge a PR to cause a whole system to deploy: clients, backend services, database schemas, libraries, etc. This doesn't preclude wanting to break up commits into meaningful chunks or to add non-breaking-change migration patterns into libraries -- but consider this: is it meaningful for a change to be broken into separate commits just because it is being done to independent services? What benefit does cutting commits this way give you?

What you want to avoid is needing to do separate PRs into many backend service and client repos, since: (1) when the review is split into 10+ places it's easier for reviewers to miss problems arising due to integration, (2) needing to avoid breaking changes can sometimes require developers to follow multi-stage upgrade processes that are so difficult that they cause mistakes, and (3) when there are separate PRs into different repositories these tend to start independent CI processes that will not test the system as-it-will-be (unless you test in production or have a very good E2E suite -- which would be a good idea in this situation).

I will say that, even in a monorepo, a big change might still happen gradually behind feature flags. But I think that generally it's nice to be able to deploy breaking changes in a more atomic fashion.

I can only attest to how Google does (did) it, but they use the monorepo as a serialized consistent history. There is no concept of deploying "the whole system" -- even deploying a single service requires, mechanically, multiple commits spread across time.

In fact, when I was last there in 2017, making a backwards-incompatible atomic change to multiple unrelated areas of the codebase was forbidden by policy and technical controls (the "components" system). You had to chop that thing up, and wait a day or two for the lower-level parts of it to work their way through to HEAD.

I would generalize this to say that the idea of deploying clients, schemas, backends, etc all at once is an inherently "small scale" approach.

Interesting, RE: Google. Though, even if no other large-scale company is doing this, it seems on face value to be an easier and safer way to develop software up to perhaps a medium scale system/problem (and assuming that you're not needing to make database changes). I've yet to see a benefit to straddling changes across multiple repositories...

The benefit of changes straddling repositories is having separation of control.

For example different npm (cargo, etc) packages are controlled by different entities. Semver is used to (loosely) account for compatibility issues and allow for rolling updates.

A single company requiring multiple repositories for control reasons might be an antipattern and might indicate issues with alignment/etc.

Monorepo tooling (as opposed to a big repo with a bunch of stuff tossed into it) generally provide access controls.

Also remember that non DVCS repos generally have find-grained access controls.

  > The benefit of changes straddling repositories 
  > is having separation of control.
Good point, although a monorepo with a `CODEOWNERS` file could be used to give control of different areas of a codebase to different people/teams.

> This seems exactly wrong to me. Getting rid of complicated deployment lifecycles is exactly the job that people use monorepos to solve. Wasn't that one of the reasons they are used at Google, Facebook, etc? As well as being able to do large-scale refactors in one place, of course.

No, neither of those is why big companies use monorepos. Clearly the kinds of things you wrote are why the general public thinks big companies use monorepos, which is why this argument keeps popping up. But given making atomic changes to tens, hundreds, or thousands of projects does not actually match the normal workflows used by those companies, it cannot be the real reason.

Monorepos are nice due to trunk based development, and a shared view of the current code base. Not due to the capability of making cross-cutting changes in one go.

You do not need Monorepos for trunk based development. In principle you "only" need a common build system. E.g. You can just force the consumption of head via the build system. I think the rollback is still a factor. E.g. in a Monorepo rolling back a change is straightforward, whereas with multiple repos you would have to somehow track that commits from several repos belong together. This would create an additional layer which is avoided by using a monorepo

Without a mono repo and the ability to build from HEAD all the components, it's much harder to be sure a change to a library _is_ actually backwards compatible (think a complicated refactoring).

Otherwise, there is much more fear that a change to an important library will have downstream impact and when the impact does arise, you've moved on from the change that caused it.

Even within the same repo, it is very likely that the old version of your code will coexist with the new version during the deploy roll out. Often having different commits and deploys is a requirement. For instance, imagine that you add a column in the database and also is using it in the backend service. You probably have add the column first and then commit and deploy the usage of the column later, because you can't easily guarantee that the new code won't be used before the column is added. Same would apply for a new field in the API contract.

The old version won't coexist when the change is contained within a single binary, which seems like it would be true in a bunch of cases.

In our monorepo we have to treat database changes with care, like you mention, as well as HTTP client/server API changes, but a bunch of stuff can be refactored cleanly without concern for backwards compatibility.

Do you only have a single instance of the binary running across the whole org? And during deployment to you stop the running instance before starting the new one?

Any change that won't cross deployable binary boundaries (think docker container) can be made atomically without care about subsequent deployment schedules. So this doesn't work for DB changes or client/server API changes as mentioned by OP, but does work for changes to shared libraries that get packaged into the deployment artifacts. For example, changing the interface in an internal shared library, or updating the version of a shared external library.

Seems like a common misconception to me that people seem to believe that you can never change an interface. You actually can as long as it is not published to be used outside of your repositories.

That is only likely to apply in very small-scale environments or companies.

And if only a single binary is produced, quite likely a single source code repo would be used as well - sounds like 'single developer mode', well 'small team' at most.

Our monorepo is millions of lines of source code, and hundreds of developers. Not small scale.

In this scenario, the single binary is the key encapsulation boundary, but your monorepo could be producing N binaries, each of which receives the change.

For example, if the change is to remove a single, unnecessary allocation in a low-level library function used across the repo, you can refactor it out and push the change as N binaries without worrying about compatibility.

We commit the column schema change and the code that uses it in a single commit.

This is handled by our deployment tool. It won't allow the new executable to run until the database has been updated to the new schema.

It's simply unfeasible to do that. The best you can do is blue-green deployments with a monorepo but you will still need at least data backwards compatibility to be able to roll back any change. The only thing you gain with blue-green deployments is slightly easier API evolution.

Nit: you need backward compatibility to roll out the new change. You need forward compatibility to roll it back.


Yes, but usually you need both.

Oh, agreed. My point was it was easy for folks to think they are safe because they have backwards compatibility, when they actually need both if they are concerned with running a rollback.

I do not really agree with the conclusion. Google does large scale automatic refactorings. Those clearly benefit from atomic commits, because it is easy to roll them back in that case. As other have mentioned in smaller projects you might want to be able to do some (internal) refactorings easily and being able to roll them back easily is a big advantage

I’m not sure what you consider the conclusion to be, but large-scale refactorings at Google do happen in the way described in the article, with the bulk of the migration done using many commits done in parallel.

Being able to rollback is indeed important and reducing the sizes of commits makes it less painful. If one project has a problem, unrelated projects won’t see the churn.

Or at least that’s how it was done when I was there. It’s been a while.

It still is done that way, but even individual LSC (large scale change) CLs touch easily >100 files and rely very strongly on the atomicity guarantee of the monorepo.

Plus, when most people think LSCs, they think about the kind of stuff that the C++ or TS or <insert lang> team do, not someone refactoring some library used by a handful of teams, which themselves usually impact anywhere between ten to a few hundred files.

I am saying large-scale refactoring can and should (in same cases) happen (and are doable). The author claims you should always do it in steps. I disagree with this opinion. If the refactoring is automatic, why would I do it in steps?

The more projects you touch, the more approvals you need and the more tests you need to run. Some tests take a long time to run and some are flaky. And the longer to takes to do all this, the more likely there is to be a merge conflict due to other people’s commits.

If you divide it up, most commits will land quickly and without issue, and then you can deal with the rest.

Is your automatic refactoring completely 100% bug free in all edge conditions?

I personally don't have that much confidence.

As someone who has worked on large-scale refactorings at Google they usually do happen as the author describes:

1. Add the new interface (& deprecate the old one)

2. Migrate callers over (this can take a long time)

3. Remove the old interface.

Even then, you risk breakages because in some cases the deprecation relies on creating a list of approved existing callers, and new callers might be checked in while you're generating that list. (In that case you would ask the new callers to fix-forward by adding themselves to the list.)

This three step process has to happen because step 2 takes a long time for widely-used interfaces, and automatic refactorings cannot handle all cases.

The only time you can consolidate all three into one commit is if the refactoring is so trivial that automatic tooling can handle every case (in which case, does the cost of code churn & code review really justify the change?) or the number of usages are small enough that a person can manually make all the changes the automatic fixer can't handle before much churn happens.

Hmm... I didn't work on large scale refactors but (IIRC - it's been a few years) I definitely had to approve commits that were touching components I had ownership over & that was part of the same commit as many other changes batched. Given that I recall a wiki describing what your responsibility was as the downstream user of the API in these scenarios, it seemed like a common thing to me & I recall there were also automated tools to help do this.

Whether or not that's the most common workflow is another story. Works great at the C++/Java API layer or trivial reorganizations, may not work as well when modifying runtime behavior since you have to do the 3 phase commit anyway.

I think it depends on how large the change is. If the change is small — e.g. we need to slightly modify the signature of some function, then the library maintainer would be responsible as they can easily reason about the change (or automatically generate the change) and there is not much benefit to asking the consumer to generate it.

Approving commits is part of any (non-global approval) LSC process; originally I meant that there's a lot more friction in a consumer generating code changes than approving them. If you received an email saying that you had to make a bunch of small changes to your codebase, you would probably ignore it and keep working on your P1/P2; on the other hand if you receive a small, reasonable CL from a library team updating their function usages you would likely LGTM without much thought.

On the other hand, if the change is: we need to completely overhaul the interface of this library/service, then you need more in-depth reasoning and the consumer team is responsible for making the change (similar to deprecating a service), since these large "deprecations" require a lot more knowledge of how consumers use the code.

There is also a middle ground where the changes are somewhat easy to reason about but still require some human intervention; then the task is usually assigned to volunteers.

The arguments seem exceedingly weak here. Having a monorepo does not prevent a workflow like (1) add new function signature; (2) let all calls use the new function signature; (3) remove old function signature. However, in some cases a multirepo makes sure you could only do it this way. If a function is called all over the place the three-step program is the only somewhat safe way to do it but if a function is called not exceedingly many times one can do the atomic refactor, which is an easier process. That one sometimes needs the three-step process and sometimes can do an atomic refactor is in no way contradictory as this article seems to claim. It depends on the size of the change and the risk involve what you would do in a particular case.

Also, a monorepo forcing trunk-based development is great. Long-living feature branches are hell. I would even say to avoid feature branches entirely and use feature switches instead whenever one can get away with it. Every branch always runs the risk of making refactoring more difficult.

Re: branches, I agree in principle - we've had feature branches at my current job that were open for a year, reasoning being that it impacts a lot of our application core and we cannot permit issues impacting existing customers, etc etc.

But I do like short-lived (max 1 sprint) branches for my own smaller scale projects because they group changes together. I name my branches after an issue number, rebase freely on that branch, and merge with a `--no-ff` flag when I'm done. My history is a neat branch / work / merge construct.

Not sure if this is just fear, but I believe trunk- and feature switch based history will end up an incoherent mess of multiple projects being worked on at the same time, commits passing through each other. I'm sure they can be filtered out, but still.

It is not the monorepo which forces trunkbased development it is the fact that you use one build for the monorepo. E.g. you can do trunk based development with multiple repos by forcing everyone to use a common build. You could also use a monorepo and still everyone does their own build consuming libraries via mechanisms such as Mavens Repositories or published npm packages

> The example of renaming a function with thousands of callers, for example, is probably better handled by just temporarily aliasing the function, or by temporarily defining the new function in terms of the old.

Why exactly? The best I can think of is that you may annoy people because they'd need to rebase/merge after your change lands and takes away a function they were using.

If you're literally just doing a rename, and you're using something like Java, why not just go ahead and do a global rename?

Because actually getting that commit pushed won't be just clicking "rename method". You'll need to run and pass the presubmits of every single project you made code changes in - and the more projects you're changing at once, the less likely it is that the build is green for all of them at the same time. Then you'll need to get code review approvals from the code owners of each of the clients in one go. Hopefully no new users pop up during this process. If some do, you'll need to iterate again.

Then once some trivial refactoring inevitably causes some kind of breakage ("oh, somebody was using reflection on this class"), you'll need to revert the change. That'll be another set of full code reviews from every single owner. Let's hope that in the meanwhile, nobody pushed any commits that depend on your new code.

None of this is a problem if you have a library and two clients. But the story being told is not "we can safely make changes in three projects at once", it's "we can safely make changes in hundreds or thousands of projects". The former is kind of uninteresting. The latter is a fairy tale.

The latter does happen at Google at least. But it requires tooling to reliably make the change (monorepo-aware refactoring tools, basically), and tooling to run all affected tests. Such large changes at Google are often accompanied by a doc outlining the specific process and possible impacts of the change, and many times are given "global approval" by someone that has that ability rather than requiring individual approvals from each affected team.

That's not true. The process for the large scale changes at Google is described in the "Sofware Engineering at Google" book[0]. Chapter 22 is all about it. There is tooling, yes, but the goal is exactly the opposite of trying to make a single commit across the whole codebase:

> At Google, we’ve long ago abandoned the idea of making sweeping changes across our codebase in these types of large atomic changes.

[0] https://abseil.io/resources/swe_at_google.2.pdf

The article is talking about mitigating risk. Unless I missed something, it doesn't restrict itself to Java, so that's an unreasonable restriction when questioning the author's reasoning. But I don't think it destroys the argument completely.

I suppose a single-developer code base in a fully checked and compiled language that doesn't support any kind of reflection has no particular added risk from renaming vs introducing a new name. Each time you remove one of those constraints, you add a little bit of risk.

If you have a giant company, it might be possible that someone is copying a jar file and calling it in a weird way that you don't expect.

If your language isn't fully checked, you might correctly rename all the Typescript uses and miss a Javascript use.

If the language supports dynamical calling, it might turn out that somewhere it says "if the value of the string is one of these string values, call the method whose name is equal to the value of the string". There's various IPC systems that work this way, and it will certainly be hard to atomically upgrade them. I hate that kind of code but someone else doesn't.

If your language supports you doing these things, you can create as many conventions as you like to eliminate it. But someone will have an emergency and they need to fix it right now.

Some people view the correct way of dealing with that problem is to insist on the development conventions, because we need to have some kind of conventions for a large team to feasibly work together.

But I guess the author leans towards the side that says "if it's valid according to the language/coding environment, it might be better or worse, but it's still valid and we need to expect and accommodate it". It isn't my preference but it's a viable position - technical debt is just value if you can accommodate it without some unreasonable burden.

> If you're literally just doing a rename, and you're using something like Java, why not just go ahead and do a global rename?

It introduces changes to places which really doesn't need changes. We've done both at work, but I mostly prefer just making the old function(s) simply call the new one directly.

Then you won't "pollute" source control annotation (blame) and similar.

Not a 100% thing though.

The process described in the article (allow old+new behavior on server, migrate clients, deprecate old behavior on server) works spectacularly well, especially when used with a decent level of observability and informafion in the form of logging messages.

We are using variations on this theme extensively at my company, in a large spectrum of projects, with great satisfaction.

Crucially, this method is orthogonal to using monorepos. It is simply a safety net for and good stewardship of your APIs.

Definitely a best practice in my tool belt.

That is just a best practice for published interfaces (allowed to be used outside of your repositories). E.G. using a different build, main example being APIs available for customers) Not all interfaces need (really "must not") to be published. For "private" interfaces it is an advantage to be able to refactor them easily and also being able to rollback those changes easily if needed. Without a mono-repo that becomes difficult. You basically need an additional layer to "stitch" commits together. You could question why that makes sense because it would just emulate mono-repo behavior.

If an interface spans repos it isn't private.

I assume you are not creating some strawman every source code file is in a separate repository. That would be insane and nobody does that. If you are in a mutli-repo world, then how your break your repos up is an important decision. There are interfaces that are allowed to use within one repo that you cannot use in others, which allows things that should be coupled to be coupled, while forcing things that should be more isolated to be isolated. This is the power of the multi-repo: the separation of what is private vs public is enforced. (which isn't to say you should go to multi-repo - there are pros and cons of both approaches, in the area of where and interface can be used multi-repo gives you more control, but there are other ways to achieve the same goal)

Not sure I understand what you say. But a repo for a library that is used only internally in an application does not need to be published to "customers"(real external customers or internal customers such as another microservice). Therefore interfaces of this library can be changed "at will" as long as all internal users are adapted.

There is no rule about how much is in an individual repo in a multi-repo setup. Sometimes multi-repo setups have more than one library in a repo.

Even if we take the one library example you have, the library has source file A.c and B.c (I'm using C as an example, but this should apply to any language). A is the main interface, with B helper functions. With a mono-repo it is easy for someone else to use B even though that is not supposed to be the interface, with a mutli-repo setup the interface to B isn't published, and so only A can get at it. Of course the point to this is if B.c is wanted as an interface you get notice of that need and can review the interface to make sure it is clean.

In a more complex variation of the above, related libraries in the same repo LibX and LibY can both use B.c, but libraries in other repos can't get at B.c.

Does this matter to you? That is your decision. In a simple situation it won't. In a complex project it needs to because complexity is the enemy.

Again, mutli-repo is only one possible solution to this problem. There are many ways to solve this problem, each with pros and cons. You need to figure out what is the best compromise for your situation, and then mitigate the cons to your choice. There is no perfect answer. I've touched on one a few of the pros and cons of them - and there are probably some that don't even apply to me but will to you.

Interesting idea and it certainly makes sense to ensure working software at all times.

However it doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Sometimes a single commit (or PR if you prefer multiple commits) can update the api and all clients at the same time.

Sometimes client callers are external to the repo/company. In which case backward compatibility strategy is needed.

There is no need to abandon a concept of a single repo just because you might not use one of the main benefits all the time.

Sort of off-topic, but before building a shared library, I strongly recommend reading up on Jeff Atwood's "Rule of Threes". It's harder than most people think, and I've seen them do far more harm than good because authors aren't disciplined & lack domain expertise. The biggest mistake is thinking "Something is always better than nothing" when in fact that something can easily become your biggest liability. If you must do it, keep it as minimalist and focused as possible, and don't hand the task to junior-level people; hand it to someone who recognizes that it's 10x harder than it looks.



The API changes are mainly a problem (I think) if you have a monorepo, but not a mono-deploy; you can only get the full benefits of a monorepo if all your changes are deployed simultaneously and atomically.

Changing a model that is shared between different services (or a client / server) should be atomic. In practice, you need to think about backwards compatibility, and work in the three-step process outlined in the article (build and deprecate, switch over, remove deprecated code across a number of deployments / time).

If you don't have atomic deployments, that's one less argument in favor of monorepos.

You're using one specific definition of an API. Another definition of an API is the contract between a library and the calling code. The latter sort of API changes happen frequently (at least in places with monorepos), and they don't require phased deployments.

It looks like more effective change control is a major concern of the author.

We use a monorepo for our organization and have found that feature flags are the best way to manage the problem of exposing new functionality in ways that won't piss off our customers. We can let them tell us when they are ready and we flip the switch.

Once a flag goes true for every customer, make a note to drop it. This is important because these things will accumulate if you embrace this ideology.

The article seems to be written from a perspective where integration and unit testing don't exist. IMO the main advantage of monorepos is that you can have end-to-end tests within the same project structure. In that case you wouldn't need to do these incremental changes hoping things don't break in production, because your test suite would prove to you that it works.

And even if you do the changes incrementally, it lets you validate you are doing each step correctly and not breaking backwards compatibility along the way.

Mostly agree with the article. To me the problem is about dependency management. I see all the time codebases hugely fragmented at the level of git which is totally ad-hoc. After a while, teams face a lot of issues the most annoying being one change in the product involving N PRs with N code reviews and N CIs. This fragmentation of knowledge also pop-ups in weird integration bugs that could be solved with better tool enforcing clearer processes.

The ultimate goal of Reviewpad (https://reviewpad.com) is to allow the benefits of the monorepo approach independently of how the codebase is fragmented at the git level. We are starting from the perspective of code review and debugging (e.g. code reviews with multiple PRs, or code reviews across multiple projects). For people doing microservices like us, the ability to have a single code review for both library and clients has been quite positive so far.

Don’t agree with the conclusion or reasoning, sure you might need to take a multi Stage approach for many reasons. But if you’ve got your shit together atomic change is possible, in many other approaches it’s not even nearly possible. Whether your org can put together the maturity / investment / whatever to make it a reality is upto you. But the possibility is the sell, not the guarantee. If you can make it work (and google do on a crazy scale) it’s an incredible power, incredible, like change your entire approach to tech debt incredible. Also has costs at scale like the theory about how google keeps shutting down products because keeping them in tree is expensive.

Google keeps shutting down projects because of internal politics and reward structures.

On the subject of libraries on large code bases. I think one should be careful on deciding what goes into a library and what goes into an API/Service. Both allow you to share code. But there is a difference on who controls the deployment in prod. For example if you need to change a business rule, you can change the code, and when the API/service is deployed the rule change takes effect. However in a library you make the change and deploy the library but it is up to the apps that include the library to decide when the change is deployed in prod. As the owner of the library, you no longer have control on when it is deployed in prod.

There are plenty of smaller changes that are just way easier with a single commit. A small API call with just two or three consumers, a documentation change, etc. The multistage approach is certainly good for big changes.

Also, if you do all changes at once, you can also run the whole testsuite and find problems quicker. Sure, you could still later split the work up into many commits.

But even when problems come up that you didn't see in the tests, it is easier to revert the work if it indeed is a single commit.

The real reason why I still sometimes prefer many small commits is to reduce the chance of merge conflicts.

You can do automatic bisecting https://git-scm.com/docs/git-bisect which you cannot easily do with multiple repos

As an ops engineer I really expect not to use multiple repositories. Seriously the company don't hire 10 ops engineers + 1 developer: They hire 10 developers + 1 ops engineer. Instead of fixing a problem once, the ops engineer now have to solve a problem 10 times! It's against any good promise at hiring time!

In my past job, I wrote a script to update all deployment manifests in tens of repositories. All commits arrived at the git server at the same time. Needless to say the whole team had to stop all work to wait for the ci/cd triggers @@@

Monorepos offer one thing, and precisely one advantage, "visibility"

because everything is in the same place, you can, in theory can find stuff.

However in practice its also a great way to hide things.

But the major issue is that people confuse monorepos for a release system. Monorepos do not replace the need for an artifact cache/store, or indeed versioned libraries. They also don't dictate that you can't have them, it just makes it easier _not to_.

You can do what facebook do, which is essentially have an unknowable npm like dependency graph and just yolo it. They sorta make it work by having lots of unit tests. However that only works on systems that have a continuous update path (ie not user hardware.)

It is possible to have "atomic changes" across many libraries. it makes it easier to regex stuff, but also impossible to test or predict what would happen. Its very rare that you'd want to alter >0.1% of the files in your monorepo at one time. But thats not the fault of a monorepo, thats a product of having millions of files.

So I'm kind of stuck thinking, if you want to have cross-cutting changes happening in many small steps rather than one big one, why not choose a repository layout that makes it the path of least resistance, rather than one that makes it require extra effort?

There is no perfect answer. Both mono-repo and multi-repo have pros and cons. Once you make a choice you have to deal with the cons that come with your choice (you are allowed to change, but then you get a different set of cons to deal with).

He talked about per-directory ACLs … does anyone know an open source system that implements this? I can’t seem to find one

Either way, you've got to do the tooling work to make your chosen approach work. There's no free lunch here.

ITT: people who have never dealt with things going _wrong_ in a large codebase.

This is still easier to do with monorepo. One reason is easily, reliably finding all the usage sites.

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