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Solid Objects: 16th-Century Geometric and Perspective Drawings (publicdomainreview.org)
50 points by benbreen on July 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

This suggests that humans, if they have the luxury of not having to spend 100% of their effort on survival, can envision and comprehend much of what we today think about.

Weren't these people rather privileged? Just being able to draw on paper was a big thing back then iirc.

But yeah, if you have just 20% or even 10% free time, if it's bugging you enough you'll keep thinking about it.

Now, having the means to realize that is a whole different story.

Ideas are aplenty, even among people with the actual skills to execute them, but the social and monetary capital is lacking.

Can't do shit without help and money.

Exactly, that's my point. If we prioritized things differently and afforded more people the space to be creative, perhaps we would be more advanced as a civilization.

You really don’t need a lot of social and monetary capital to be creative in the modern world.

But you do need time.

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