I would highlight that both Microsoft and Apple (to a lesser extent, mind you) also operate their own ad platforms. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to see a blanket ban on web browsers and ad companies being related, and have it apply to all three. I'm an equally opportunity antitrust breakup advocate. ;)
Regarding risk-based authentication, I see a lot of value in it, but I think the cost may be too high, and often less robust methods it uses are a poor metric anyways. I gave an example elsewhere that someone might be using a wired PC and a wireless phone on two different carriers with vastly different user agents at the same time, for instance.
I think there's some merit in some very rough Geo-IP based RBA, but I'm not sure how many other strategies for that I find effective. The fact that Outlook and Gmail seem equally happy to let someone who's never signed in from outside the United States get logged into in Nigeria seems like low-lying fruit in the risk-based authentication space. ;)
> I would highlight that both Microsoft and Apple (to a lesser extent, mind you) also operate their own ad platforms.
Do you mean that before when you said "every single browser developer that doesn't own an Ads and Analytics suite" you meant to exclude nearly all the browser vendors? Google, sure, but also Apple, and Microsoft. And then Opera, UC Browser, Brave, DDG, ... I think maybe everyone but Mozilla and Vivaldi has an ads product?
Perhaps it would be best to say companies support privacy in web browsers inversely correlated with their dependence on ad revenue. So Google is worse than Microsoft, which is worse than Apple, etc. I think it'd be fair to assume if you gave all three a choice to keep their ad products or their browser, Google would keep ads, and both Microsoft and Apple would keep their browsers, because of their relative value to their core business.
Regarding risk-based authentication, I see a lot of value in it, but I think the cost may be too high, and often less robust methods it uses are a poor metric anyways. I gave an example elsewhere that someone might be using a wired PC and a wireless phone on two different carriers with vastly different user agents at the same time, for instance.
I think there's some merit in some very rough Geo-IP based RBA, but I'm not sure how many other strategies for that I find effective. The fact that Outlook and Gmail seem equally happy to let someone who's never signed in from outside the United States get logged into in Nigeria seems like low-lying fruit in the risk-based authentication space. ;)