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“ You live in a community, if you take actions generally frowned upon by the majority of people, like it or not you will possibly receive some negative consequences, especially if it involves children. ”

This is the logic used by people who call the police on children walking to the park without an adult. These are commonly people who watch a lot of news (and are therefore more misinformed according to multiple studies) and who would fail basic knowledge tests on actual risks of various activities.

Stop pretending you're more 'informed' then others or an expert on risk management. You think leaving multiple kids in a car with the engine on is effective risk management. Now you're trying to convince us it's weird that someone would ring the police if they saw a child wandering the streets without a parent. So they are too young to manage a carpark and its best they stay locked in a car, but letting them wonder off to the park on their own across how many roads is fine. People who would be concerned are generally stupid and watch too much news.

This is all one big joke. I think I'm about finished arguing the absurd.

Until 10 to 15 years ago, all of that was completely normal, and kids did not die en masse. Consider why you think the world is drastically more dangerous than it used to be. Is it based on fact, or is it based on living in a culture of fear?

It was never normal to let say a 3 year old walk unsupervised to a park which may have roads and vehicles on the way. You have simply been misled into the idea of that safety is synonymous with fear.

Sorry if it seemed like arguing, just trying to frame my reasoning:) peace!

I like a good internet 'debate', why I don't know. If It comes across as aggressive I apologise, It's more arguing the point then the person. 'Nothing personal' as they say.

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