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Putting something in standard lib effectively kills it. It doesn't mature, it turns into an adult child actor. Forever 'young'

I don't think their really should be a standard library for Python. There should be a base, and a much more proactively revved base library, but not a standard library. Part of installing python would be installing the base.

I think the standard library is great. It's good to know that there is a "batteries complete" library that you can really on, that won't change its API for years. Being standard, it's well documented, well vetted, and lots of people know it.

There needs to be a wider repo, but pip / easy_install does that OK.

What does need to change - there needs to be more "library2" modules. urllib wasn't good enough, so they made "urllib2". Likewise, there's lots of old, outdated modules that could be supplanted.

Brian, you are completely wrong. The x2 modules need to go away. They are confusing, the "standard lib" is mostly shit. And it is fixed in time. If it were writing I would describe it as a, "hack, rambling, incoherent, amateur" piece of work.

The usability of pip is abysmal. You don't even get usage by just typing "pip" with no arguments. Look at brew for direction.

Python makes me sad.

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