I've been using the alpha for the past 2 weeks, and I'm blown away. Copilot guesses the exact code I want to write about one in ten times, and the rest of the time it suggests something rather good, or completely off. But when it guesses right, it feels like it's reading my mind.
It's really like pair programming, even though I'm coding alone. I have a better understanding of my own code, and I tend to give better names and descriptions to my methods. I write better code, documentation, and tests.
Copilot has made me a better programmer. No kidding. This is a huge achievement. Kudos to the GitHub Copilot team!
I’ve also been using the Alpha for around two weeks. I'm impressed by how GitHub Copilot seems to know exactly what I want to type next. Sometimes it even suggests code I was about to look up, such as a snippet to pick a random hex color or completing an array with all the common image mime-types.
Copilot is particularly helpful when working on React components where it makes eerily accurate predictions. I see technology like Copilot becoming an indispensable part of the programmer toolbelt similar to IDE autocomplete for many people.
I also see it changing the way that programmers document their code. With Copilot if you write a really good descriptive comment before jumping into the implementation, it does a much better job of suggesting the right code, sometimes even writing the entire function for you.
Has anyone used Copilot with a more succinct language? It appears to only automate boilerplate and rudimentary patterns, which while useful in repetitive low signal to noise ratio languages like React or Java, sounds less appealing if you're writing Clojure.
I've not used Copilot but I've experimented with two other AI driven autocompletion engines in Java and Kotlin. In both cases I uninstalled the plugins due to a combination of two problems:
1. The AI suggestions were often less helpful than the type driven IDE autocompletions (using IntelliJ).
2. The AI plugins were very aggressive in pushing their completions to the top of the suggestions list, even when they were strictly less helpful than the defaults.
The result was it actually slowed me down.
Looking at the marketing materials for these services, they're often focused on dynamic languages like Python or JavaScript where there's far less information available for the IDE to help you with. If you've picked your language partly due to the excellent IDE support, it's probably harder for the AI to compete with hand-written logic and type system information.
I'd recommend TabNine, it is extremely helpful. I tried Kite once, and it is WAY overrated. So slow that by the time it provided me suggestions I was only a few characters away from finishing. Tabnine has saved me hours.
Could there be a boom followed by a bust? Sometimes a greedy algorithm looks good until it doesn't. It's at least imaginable that AI coding helps you do stuff locally that eventually ties you in knots globally, because you were able to rush in without thinking things through.
(It's also conceivable I'm put out of a job, but I'm not worried yet. So far I can only imagine AI automates away the boring part, and I super-duper-want that.)
Well, there are few things many programmers enjoy better than automating away repetitive tasks. If not exactly intellij or eclipse, something that achieved the same end would certainly have arisen.
I'm sure there's at least a few relevant XKCD strips to insert here.
Would be an interesting fact so see companies adopt languages that need significantly more code to reach the same result just because some AI can automate a lot.
Thinking about generating 10 times the code you need, just because you can generate it instead of writing (perfomant?) code.
This is a good point and it will be interesting to see if something like copilot will get developers/companies to adopt a language that is better supported by AI.
Edit: You are honestly downvoting me for saying something that might actually happen. If copilot lives up to the hype, but for a limited number of languages, this can have a profound affect on what languages people might decide to use in the future.
Don't worry, the most common bug fixes will become part of the suggested code, so when you start writing patches, Copilot will have great suggestions. And then when you have to fix the new bugs, same deal.
The real nightmares will revolve around changing requirements. That's where a statistical analyzer is not going to be smart enough to know what's going on, and you're going to have to understand all this autogenerated code yourself.
This is the HN copilot, which writes comments for you.
Basically, if you look at what’s not yet available to the public, we have engines that can write an entire program that does what you want, a test suite, documentation, and write thoughtful comments on all the forums about why the program is good. They could make about 100,000 programs an hour on a cluster, together wih effusive praise for each, but that would make everyone supicious.
It's a direct reply to the other comment you mention and it parses like it's autogenerated but then swerves off into another language. I'm pretty sure it's a joke.
What is the licensing for code generated in this way? GPT-3 has memorized hundreds of texts verbatim and can be prompted to regurgitate that text. Has this model only been trained on code that doesn't require attribution as part of the license?
The landing page for it states the below, so hopefully not too much of an issue (though I guess some folks may find a 0.1% risk high).
> GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search engine: the vast majority of the code that it suggests is uniquely generated and has never been seen before. We found that about 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets that are verbatim from the training set.
If you pulled a marble out of a bag ten times a day, with a 0.1% chance each time that it was red: after a day you'd have a 1% chance of seeing a red marble, the first week you'd have a 6.7% chance, the first month you'd have a 26% chance, and the first working year you'd have a 92.6% chance of having seen at least one red marble.
That's not how fair use works. It doesn't matter how unlikely it is, if Copilot one day decides to "suggest" a significant snippet of ckxd from a GPLed app, you'd better be planning to GPL your project.
Automatic refactoring could be useful for avoiding a lot of dumb legal disputes.
I say dumb because I am, perhaps chauvinistically, assuming that no brilliant algorithmic insights will be transferred via the AI copilot, only work that might have been conceptually hard to a beginner but feels routine to a day laborer.
Then again that assumption suggests there'd be nothing to sue over.
God I wish contracts were encoded semantically rather than as plain text. I just tried to look through Github's terms of service[1]. I'd search for "Github can <verb> with <adjective> code" if I could. Instead I'm giving up.
That looks hard. More politically feasible might be a language I've unfortunately forgotten the name of, ordinary English but with some extra rules designed to eliminate ambiguity -- every noun has to carry a specifier like "some" or "all" or "the" or "a", etc.
Pretty much everything is trained on copyrighted content: machine translation software, TWDNE, DALL-E, and all the GPTs. Software people are bringing this up now because it's their ox being gored. It's the same as when furries got upset about This Fursona Does Not Exist.[1][2]
To expand on your argument, pretty much every person is trained on copyrighted content too. Doesn't make their generated content automatically subject to copyright either.
"Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can happen in front of a computer to decrease much faster than the price of work that happens in the physical world. This is the opposite of what most people (including me) expected, and will have strange effects"
And I was like yeah I gotta start preparing for next decade.
>Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can happen in front of a computer to decrease much faster than the price of work that happens in the physical world.
I'm skeptical.
The envelope of "programming" will continue to shift as things get more and more complex. Your mother-in-law is not going to install Copilot and start knocking out web apps. Tools like this allow programmers to become more productive, which increases demand for the skills.
Reminds me of something I read that claimed when drum machines came out, the music industry thought it was the end of drummers. Until people realized that drummers tended to be the best people at programming cool beats on the drum machine.
Every single technological advancement meant to make technology more accessible and eliminate expertise has instead only redefined what expertise means. And the overall trend has been a lot more work opportunities created, not less.
I had a front row seat to the technological changes in the music industry. I opened a recording studio when you had to "edit" using a razor blade and tape to cut tape together. I remember my first time doing digital editing on a Macintosh IIfx. What happened to drummers is that technology advanced to the point where studio magic could make decent drummers sound great. But it's still cheaper and faster (and arguably better) to get a great session drummer who doesn't need it. Those pros are still in high demand.
Yeah, but less drummers are being hired than before drum machines came out. What you describe sounds like work has become more concentrated into fewer hands. Perhaps this will happen with software as well.
What happened is what typically happens: Concentration of expertise. The lower expertise jobs (just mechanically play what someone else wrote/arranged) went away and there was increased demand for higher expertise (be an actual expert in beats _and_ drum machines).
So the winners were those that adapted earlier and the losers were those that didn't/couldn't adapt.
This translates to: If you're mindlessly doing the same thing over and over again, then it's a low value prop and is at risk. But if you're solving actual problems that require thought/expertise then the value prop is high and probably going to get higher.
But there's also the subtext that if you find yourself at the lower-skill portion of your particular industry, then you should probably have a contingency plan to avoid being automated out of a job, such as retiring, learning more, or switching to an adjacent field.
but this was true anyways -- the lower your skill, the more competition you have. At the lowest skill levels, you better damn well have a contingency plan, because any slight downward shift in market demand is sword coming straight for your neck.
I think you have another thing coming. Think about what really got abstracted away. The super hard parts like scaling and infrastructure (aws), the rendering engines in React, all the networking stuff that’s hidden in your server (dare you to deal with tcp packets), that’s the stuff that goes away.
We can automate the mundane but that’s usually the stuff that requires creativity, so the automated stuff becomes uninteresting in that realm. People will seek crafted experiences.
It would be funny if after the AI automates away "all the boring stuff" we're left with the godawful job of writing tests to make sure the AI got it right.
I'm not sure that all of that has really gone away.
It's just concentrated into the hands of a very few super specialists, it's much harder to get to their level but their work is much much more important.
Better yet -- the jobs of those specialists got better, and the people who would have done similar work did not end up unemployed, they just do some other kind of programming.
Do you have any actual data for that? Last I saw, most bands are still using live drummers and studio recordings for small to mid-sized bands are still actual drummers as well - unless it's a mostly studio band trying to save cost.
I think the analog to programming is a bit more direct in this sense; most companies aren't going to go with something like Copilot unless it's supplemental or they're on an entirely shoestring budget; it'll be the bigger companies wanting to squeeze out that extra 10% productivity that are betting hard on this - same with where larger bands would do this to have an extremely clean studio track for an album.
Based on these very unreliable sources, the number of drummers in the US may have increased from ~1 million in 2006 to ~2.5 million in 2018. That's during a time when the population increases from 298 million to 327 million.
So, during this period, a ~10% increase in population saw a 250% increase in drummers.
It does not appear that the drum kit killed the drummer.
Big caveats about what these surveys defined as "drummer" and that this doesn't reflect professional drummer gigs, just the number of drummers.
If you could get by with a drum machine, did you really need a real drummer in the first place? Maybe a lot of drummers were used for lack of any automated alternative in the early days?
By the same line of thinking, If you can get by with AI generated code did you really require a seasoned, experienced developer in the first place? If your product/company/service can get by with copy pasta to run your CRUD app (which has been happening for some time now sans the AI aspect) did you ever really need a high end dev?
I think its like anything else, 80% is easy and 20% is not easy. AI will handle the 80% with increasing effectiveness but the 20% will remain the domain of humans for the foreseeable future.
The counter argument comes from photography. 20 years ago digital photography didn't exist and if you were a photographer it was a lot easier to make a living.
Nowadays everyone can make professional looking photos so the demand for photographers has shrunk, as the supply has increased.
Drummers do tend to be good drum programmers, but I believe they're a small fraction of the pool of pros. The drum machine made percussion feasible for lots of people living in dense housing for whom real drums were out of the question. (Also drummers tend to dislike using drum machines, because the real thing is more expressive.)
AI will be similar -- it will not just give more tools to people already in a given field (programming, writing, whatever), but also bring new people in, and also create new fields. (I personally can't wait for the gardening of AI art to catch on. It'll be soweird[1].)
Exactly. I'm currently reading The Mythical Man-Month. 90% of what the book discusses in term of programming work that actually has to be done is completely irrelevant today. Still the software industry is bigger then ever. In the book it is also mentioned that programmers spend about 50% of their time on non-programming tasks. In my experience this is also true today. So no matter the tools we've got, the profession stayed the same since the early 70s.
What are notable books nowadays? It seems all the books I can cite are from 2005-2010 (Clean Code, JCIP, even the Lean Startup or Tribal Leadership…) but did the market for legendary books vanish in favor of Youtube tutorials? I’m running out of materials I can give to my interns to gobble knowledge into them in bulk.
[systems] Designing data intensive applications - kleppman
[programming] SICP - sussman & abelson
Last one is an old scheme book. No other book (that I read) can even hold a candle to this one, in terms of actually developing my thought process around abstraction & composition of ideas in code. Things that library authors often need to deal with.
For example in react - what are the right concepts to that are powerful enough to represent a dynamic website & how should they compose together.
I have the same question when it comes to a modern version of the Mythical Man Month. I know some computer history, so I can understand most examples. But still it would be great to have a comparable modern book.
The amount of "programming time" I spend actually writing code is also quite low compared to the amount of time I spend figuring out what needs to be done, the best way for it to be done, how it fits together with other things, the best way to present or make it available to the user, etc. Ie most of my time is still spent on figuring out and refining requirements, architecture and interfaces.
Tools like email, instant messenger, and online calendars made secretaries much more productive which increased demand for the skills. Wait...
Replacement of programmers will follow these lines. New tools, like copilot (haven't tried, but will soon), new languages, libraries, better IDEs, stack overflows, Google, etc will make programming easier and more productive. One programmer will do the work that ten did. That a hundred did. You'll learn to become an effective programmer from a bootcamp (already possible - I know someone who went from bootcamp to Google), then from a few tutorials will.
Just like the secretary's role in the office was replaced by everyone managing their own calendars and communications the programmer will be replaced by one or two tremendously productive folks and your average business person being able to generate enough code to get the job done.
Secretaries became admin assistants who are much more productive and valuable since they switched their job to things like helping with the content of written communications, preparing presentations, and managing relationships. I saw my mother go through this transition and it wasn't really rough (though she's a smart and hard-working person).
That doesn't mean anything. The last 20 years have seen an absurd chase of more and more stupidity in job titles to make people feel they are "executive assistants" instead of secretaries, "vice presidents" instead of whatever managerial role, etc, etc.
I had a corporate gig as a coder reporting to at most three economists at any one time. I spent at least two hours of every day getting them to explain what they wanted, explaining the implications of what they were asking for, explaining the results of the code to them, etc. So even if I didn't need to code at all my efficiency would have expanded by at most a factor of 4.
The future as I see it is that coding will become a relatively trivial skill. The economists would each know how to code and that would remove you from the equation. They would implement whatever thing they were trying to do themselves.
This would scale to support any number of economists. This would also be a simpler model and that simplicity might lead to a better product. In your model, the economists must explain to you, then you must write the code. That adds a layer where errors could happen - you misunderstand the economists or they explain poorly or you forget or whatever. If the economists could implement things themselves - less room for "telephone" type errors. This would also allow the economists to prototype, experiment, and iterate faster.
That game of telephone is certainly an enormous pain point, and I can imagine a future where I'm out of a job -- but it's extremely hard for me to see them learning to code.
That would be harder. I shuffled data into a new form; they wrote papers. All I had to understand was what they wanted, and how to get there; they had to understand enough of the world to argue that a given natural experiment showed drug X was an effective treatment for condition Y.
It may reduce the demand for the rank-and-file grunts, though.
Why would an architect bother with sending some work overseas if tools like this would enable them to crank out the code faster than it would take to do a code review?
I think the thought process is from the perspective of the employer, if you assume these two statements are true:
1) AI tools increase developer productivity, allowing projects to get completed faster; and
2) AI tools offset a nonzero amount of skill prerequisites, allowing developers to write "better" code, regardless of their skill level
With those in mind, it seems reasonable to conclude that the price to e.g. build an app or website will decrease, because it'll require either fewer man-hours 'til completion and/or less skill from the hired developers doing said work.
You do make a good point that "building an app" or "building a website" will likely shift in meaning to something more complex, wherein we get "better" outputs for the same amount of work/price though.
Now replace “AI” in your 1 & 2 points with “Github” (and the trend of open-sourcing libraries, making them available for all). All you said still works, and it did not harm programmer jobs in any way (quite the opposite).
And actually, I really don't see AI in the next decade making more of a difference than what Github did (making thousands of man-hour of works available for free). Around 2040 or 2050, maybe. But not soon, AI is still really far.
If there are diminishing returns to expanding a given piece of software, an employer could end up making a better product, but not that much better, and employing fewer resources (esp. people) to do so.
And even that could still be fine for programmers, as other firms will be enticed into buying the creation of software -- firms that didn't want to build software when programming was less efficient/more expensive.
Decreasing the price of programming work doesn't necessarily mean decreasing the wages of programmers, any more than decreasing the price of food implies decreasing the wages of farmers.
here's the difference: the farmers are large industrial companies that lobby the government for subsidies, such that they can continue to produce food that can, by law, never be eaten.
programmers, on the other hand, are wage laborers, individually selling their labor to employers who profit by paying them less.
industry is sitting on the opposite side of the equation here. I wonder what will replace "learn to code". whatever it is, the irony will be almost as rich as the businesses that profit from all this.
It's hard to use history to predict the implications of weird new technologies. But history is clear on at least two happy facts. Technology generates new jobs -- no technology has led to widespread unemployment. (True general AI could be different; niche "AI" like this probably won't be.) Technology raises standards of living generally, and making a specific sector of the economy more productive increases the wealth accrued to that sector (although it can change who is in it too).
There are exceptions -- fancy weapons don't widely raise standards of living -- but the trends are strong.
what does unemployment have to do with it? if you're 22 and paying off loans and suddenly find yourself unable to work as much but a barista, continued employment isn't exactly a perk. meanwhile, the benefits of the increased productivity brought by new technology do accrue somewhere - it's just not with workers. the trends on that are also quite clear. productivity growth has been high over the past 40 years but real wages have at best been stagnant. and on the wheel turns, finding souls to grind beneath it's weight, anew.
On your second point I agree -- the distribution within a sector matters, and most of them at the moment are disturbingly top-heavy.
On the first though, we have little reason to think tech will systematically diminish the roles people can fill. In the broad, the opposite has tended to happen throughout history -- although the narrow exceptions, like factory workers losing their jobs to robots, are real, and deserve more of a response than almost every government in the world has provided. For political stability, let alone justice.
For every programmer who can think and reason about what they are doing, there are at least 10 who just went to a bootcamp and are not afraid to copy and paste random stuff they do not understand and cannot explain.
Initially, they will appear more productive with CoPilot. Businesses will decide they do not need anybody other than those who want to work with CoPilot. This will lead to adverse selection on the quality of programmers that interact with CoPilot ... especially those who cannot judge the quality of the suggested code.
That can lead to various outcomes, but it is difficult to envision them being uniformly good.
>Tools like this allow programmers to become more productive, which increases demand for the skills.
Well like everything in life I guess it depends? The only iron rule I can always safely assume is supply and demand.
But for programming especially on the web, it seems everyone has a tendency of making things more difficult than it should be, that inherent system complexity isn't going to be solved by ML.
So in terms of squeezing out absolute efficiency from system cost, I think we have a very very long way to go.
This is just shortening the time it takes developers to Google it, search through StackOverflow and then cut and paste and modify the code they are looking for. It will definitely speed up development time. Sounds like a nice quality of life improvement for developers. I don't think it will cause the price of work to decrease, if anything a developer utilizing copilot efficiently should be paid more.
I think this will result in classic Jevons paradox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox . As the price of writing any individual function/feature goes down, the demand for software will go up exponentially. Think of how many smallish projects are just never started these days because "software engineers are too expensive".
I don't think software engineers will get much cheaper, they'll just do a lot more.
I'm guessing low expertise programmers whose main contribution was googling stackoverflow will get less valuable, while high expertise programmers with real design skill will become even more valuable.
Googling Stackoverflow itself can sometimes be a high expertise skill, simply because sometimes you need a fairly good understanding of your issue to figure out what to search for. A recent example: we had an nginx proxy set up to cache API POST requests (don't worry - they were idempotent, but too big for a query string), and nginx sometimes returned the wrong response. I'm pretty sure I found most of the explanation on Stackoverflow, but I didn't find a question that directly addressed the issue, so Googling was a challenge. You can keep your job finding answers on Stackoverflow of you are good at it.
unfortunately companies don't make interviewing for real design skills a priority. you'll get weeded out because you forgot how to do topographical sort
Certainly but the higher expertise isn't a requirement for most dev jobs I would argue; If you are developing custom algorithm and advanced data structure, you are probably in the fringe of what the dev world do.
Otherwise I am struggling explaining why there is such a great demand for devs that short courses (3-6 months) are successful, the same courses that fail at teaching the fundamental of computing.
Inflation and productivity might be correlated but neither is a function of the other. Given any hypothetical world where increased productivity leads to inflation, there's a corresponding world equal in all respects except that the money supply shrinks enough to offset that inflation.
We went through the same hype cycle with self driving cars. We are now ~15 years out from the DARPA challenges and to date exactly 0 drivers have been replaced by AI.
It is certainly impressive to see how much the GPT models have improved. But the devil is in the last 10%. If you can create an AI that writes perfectly functional python code, but that same AI does not know how to upgrade an EC2 instance when the application starts hitting memory limits, then you haven't really replaced engineers, you have just given them more time to browse hacker news.
Driving is qualitatively different from coding: an AI that's pretty good but messes up sometimes is vastly more useful for coding than for driving. In neither case can you let the AI "drive", but that's ok in coding as software engineering is already set up for that. Testing, pair programming and code reviews are popular ways to productively collaborate with junior developers.
You're not replacing the engineer, but you're giving every engineer a tireless companion typing suggestions faster than you ever could, to be filled in when you feel it's going to add value. My experience with the alpha was eye opening: this was the first time I've interacted with an AI and felt like its not just a toy, but actually contributing.
Writing code is by far the easiest part of my job. I certainly welcome any tools that will increase my productivity in that domain, but until an AI can figure out how to fix obscure, intermittent, and/or silent bugs that occur somewhere in a series of daisy-chained pipelines running on a stack of a half-dozen services/applications, I am not going to get too worked up about it.
I agree. It kind of amazes me though there is so much room for obscurity. I would expect standardisation to have dealt with this a long time ago. Why are problems not more isolated and manageable in general?
I don't think it's a function of complexity per se, but determinism. This is why Haskellers love the IO monad. Used well, it lets you quarantine IO to a thin top-level layer, below which all functions are pure and easy to unit test.
What is your definition of "replace"? Waymo operates a driverless taxi service in Phoenix. Sign ups are open to the general public. IMO this counts as replacing some drivers as there is less demand for taxi service in the operating area.
According to this article[1], the number of ride hailing drivers has tripled in the last decade.
I think full self driving is possible in the future, but it will likely require investments in infrastructure (smarter and safer roads), regulatory changes, and more technological progress. But for the last decade or so, we had "thought leaders" and VCs going on and on about how AI was going to put millions of drivers out of work in the next decade. I think it is safe to say that we are at least another decade away from that outcome, probably longer.
Ahh yes, the serverless revolution! I was told that serverless was going to make my job obsolete as well. Still waiting for that one to pan out. Not going to hold my breath.
I am blown away but not scared for my job... yet. I suspect the AI is only as good as the training examples from Github. If so, then this AI will never generate novel algorithms. The AI is simply performing some really amazing pattern matching to suggest code based on other pieces of code.
But over the coming decades AI could dominate coding. I now believe in my lifetime it will be possible for an AI to win almost all coding competitions!
Humans are more than pattern matchers because we do not passively receive and imitate information. We learn cause and effect by perturbing our environment, which is not possible by passively examining data.
An AI agent can interact with an environment and learn from its environment by reinforcement learning. It is important to remember that pattern matching is different from higher forms of learning, like reinforcement learning.
To summarize, I think there are real limitations with this AI, but these limitations are solvable problems, and I anticipate significant future progress
Fortunately the environment for coding AI is a compiler and a CPU which is much faster and cheaper than physical robots, and doesn't require humans for evaluation like dialogue agents and GANs.
Well you still have to assess validity and code quality which is a difficult task , but not unsolvable.
Also Generative Adversarial Networks original implementation was to pit neural networks against each other to train them , they don't need human intervention.
> They feed you all these algorithms in college and your brain suggests new algorithms based on those patterns.
Some come from the other end of the process.
I want to solve that problem -> Functionally, it’d mean this and that -> How would it work? -> What algorithms / patterns are there out there that could help.
Usually people with less formal education and more hands on experience, I’d wager.
More prone to end up reinventing the wheel and spend more time searching for solutions too.
Most people I know who’ve been to college, or otherwise educated in the area they work in, tend to solve problems using what they know (not implying it’s a hard limit. Just an apparently well spread first instinct).
Which fits the pattern matching described by the grandparent.
A few people I know, most of which haven’t been to college, or done much learning at all, but are used to work outside of what they know (that’s an important part), tend to solve problems with things they didn’t know at the time they set out to solve said problems.
Which doesn’t really fit the pattern matching mentioned by the grandparent. At least not in the way it was meant.
To reduce intelligence to pattern matching begs the question: How do you know which patterns to match against which? By some magic we can answer questions of why, of what something means. Purpose and meaning might be slippery things to pin down, but they are real, we navigate them (usually) effortlessly, and we still have no idea how to even begin to get AI to do those things.
I think those are the distance metrics, which is what produces inductive bias, which is the core essence of what we consider 'intelligence'. - Consider a more complicated metric like a graph distance with a bit of interesting topology. That metric is the unit by which the feature space is uniformly reduced. Things which are not linearized by the metric are considered noise, so this forms a heuristic which overlooks features which may have been in reality salient. - This makes it an inductive bias.
(Some call me heterodox, I prefer 'original thinker'.)
To generate new, generally useful algorithms, we need a different type of "AI", i.e. one that combines learning and formal verification. Because algorithm design is a cycle: come up with an algorithm, prove what it can or can't do, and repeat until you are happy with the formal properties. Software can help, but we can't automate the math, yet.
I see a different path forward based on the success of AlphaGo.
This looks like a clever example of supervised learning. But supervised learning doesn't get you cause and effect, it is just pattern matching.
To get at cause and effect, you need reinforcement learning, like AlphaGo. You can imagine an AI writing code that is then scored for performing correctly. Overtime the AI will learn to write code that performs as intended. I think coding can be used as a "playground" for AI to rapidly improve itself, like how AlphaGo could play Go over and over again
Imparting a sense of objective to the AI is surely important, and an architecture like AlphaGo might be useful for the general problem of helping a coder. I'm not seeing it, however, for this particular autocomplete-flavored idiom.
AlphaGo learns a game with fixed, well-defined, measurable objectives, by trying it a bazillion times. In this autocomplete idiom the AI's objective is constantly shifting, and conveyed by extremely partial information.
But you could imagine a different arrangement, where the coder expresses the problem in a more structured way -- hopefully involving dependent types, probably involving tests. That deeper encoding would enable a deeper AI understanding (if I can responsibly use that word). The human-provided spec would have to be extremely good, because AlphaGo needs to run a bazillion times, so you can't go the autocomplete route of expecting the human to actually read the code and determine what works.
This is moreso automation-assisted theorem proving. It takes a lot of human work to get a problem to the point where automation can be useful.
It's like saying that calculators can solve complex math problems; it's true in a sense, but it's not not strictly true. We solve the complex math problems using calculators.
and there's already GPT-f [0], which is a GPT-based automated theorem prover for the Metamath language, which apparently submitted novel short proofs which were accepted into Metamath's archive.
I would very much like GPT-f for something like SMT, then it could actually make Dafny efficient to check (and probably avoid needing to help it out when it gets stuck!)
> If so, then this AI will never generate novel algorithms.
This is true, but the most programmers don't need to generate novel algorithms themselves anyway.
We will only reach a singularity with respect to coding. There are many important problems beyond computer coding like engineering and biology and so on
Coding isn't chess playing it's likely about as general as math or thinking. If you can write novel code you can ultimately do biology or engineering or ultimately anything else.
Reading this thread it seems to me that AI is a threat for "boilerplate-heavy" programming like website frontends, I can't really imagine pre-singularity AI being able to replace a programmer in the general case.
Helping devs go through "boring", repetitive code faster seems like a good way to increase our productivity and make us more valuable, not less.
Sure, if AI evolves to the point where it reaches human-level coding abilities we're in trouble, but that's the case this is going to revolutionize humanity as a whole (for better or worse), not merely our little niche.
I mean, we already have? Use Django Rest Framework and simple business models and you're pretty much declaratively writing API endpoints by composing behavior. Almost nothing in a DRF endpoint definition is boilerplate.
The hard part has always been writing an API that models external behavior correctly.
Will this tend to blur the distinction between coder and manager? In the end a manager is just a coder who commands more resources, and relies more on natural language to do it.
Or maybe I'm thinking of tech leads. I don't know, my org is flat.
I feel like you might be moving the goalposts. Maybe they're different problems, but it's not at all clear to me that mutation is harder than creation.
"Prediction: AI will cause the price of work that can happen in front of a computer to decrease much faster than the price of work that happens in the physical world. This is the opposite of what most people (including me) expected, and will have strange effects"
I've been saying something like that for a while, but my form was "If everything you do goes in and out over a wire, you can be replaced." By a computer, a computer with AI, or some kind of outsourcing.
A question I've been asking for a few years, pre-pandemic, is, when do we reach "peak office"? Post-pandemic, we probably already have. This has huge implications for commercial real estate, and, indeed, cities.
I just don't believe it. Having experienced terrible cheap outsourced support and things like Microsoft's troubleshooting assistant (also terrible), I'm willing to pay for quality human professionals. They have a long way to go before I change my mind.
huh... I've found that people who tend to describe their occupation as "knowledge work" are the most blind to the fact that white collar jobs are the first to get optimized away. Lawyers are going to have a really bad time after somebody manages to bridge NLP and formal logic. No, it won't result in a Lawyerbot-2000 - it will result in software that enables lawyers to do orders of magnitude more work of a higher quality. What do you think that does to a labor market? It shrinks it. That or people fill the labor glut with new, cheaper, lawsuits...
i don't think that people will ever fully trust an AI lawyer, given all the possible legal consquences of a misunderstanding between the AI and the client. You could literally go to jail because of a bug/misunderstanding due to an ambiguous term (this might make a good sci-fi story ...)
But yes, getting some kind of legal opinion will probably be cheaper with an AI.
Nor I, which is why I said so. A SaaS will pop up called "Co-chair" and that'll be that. It would definitely be a lot easier to trust than any of the black box neural networks we are all familiar with - as the field of formal logic is thousands of years old and pretty thoroughly explored. I used a SAT solver just last night to generate an exhaustive list of input values that result in a specific failure mode for some code I'm reverse engineering - I have no doubts about the answer the SAT solver provided. That definitely isn't the case with NN based solutions - which I trust to classify cat photos, but not much else.
I wouldn't describe keyword search engines or cross reference managers as "quite automated" - so I would expect little market change from whatever LexisNexis is currently selling.
I would -- I remember my mom as a lawyer having to schlep to the UCLA law library to photocopy stuff -- but current legal automation includes NLP at the level of individual clauses.
Oof, as somebody who has studied the AI winter - that article hurt, suggesting that an unsupervised NN-centric approach is going to lead somewhere other than tool-assist... its the 1970s all over again.
> I would
Well you're going to have a problem describing actual automation when you encounter it. What would you call it when NLP results are fed into an inference engine that then actually executes actions - instead of just providing summarized search results? Super-duper automation?
I kinda believe this but I still think it hugely depends on what you're doing in front of a computer. If you're just a generic developer that gets a task and codes it by the spec, then you can probably be replaced by AI in a few years.
But I don't think AI will become capable of complex thought in the next one/two decades, so if you're training to be a software architect, project manager, data analyst I think you should be safe for some time.
People have been saying AI would end everything and anything since I was a wee baby. It still hasn't happened. How about instead of making the same old tired boring predictions about the impending apocalypse of things we love we start making and listening to predictions that actually talk about how life has been observed to progress. It's not impossible, science-fiction authors get it right occasionally.
As it stands, this looks like it will actually increase the productivity of existing programmers more than it will result in "now everyone is a programmer".
Over time it will certainly do more, but it's probably quite a long time before it can be completely unsupervised, and in the meantime it's increasing the output of programmers.
Honestly, the only reason I'm still doing work in front of a computer is that it pays well. I'm really starting to think I should have followed my gut instincts when I was 17 and go to trade school to become an electrician or a carpenter...
True self-improving general AI would put all labor out of business. Incomes would then be determined by only the ownership of capital and government redistribution. Could be heaven, could be hell.
I’m not sure why it’s unexpected when it’s essentially a reframing of Baumol's cost disease. Any work that does not see a productivity increase becomes comparatively more expensive over time.
Automation has always produced an increase in jobs so far, although sometimes in a disruptive way. I consider this like the switch from instruction-level programming to compiled languages, a level of abstraction added that buys a large increase in productivity and makes projects affordable that weren’t affordable before. If anything this will probably lead to a boom in development work. But there’s a bunch of low skill programmers who can’t do much more than follow project templates and copy paste things. Those people will have to level up or get out.
1) AI makes really good code completion to make juniors way more productive. Senior devs benefit as well.
2) AI gets so good that it becomes increasingly hard to get a job as a junior--you just need senior devs to supervise the AI. This creates a talent pipeline shortage and screws over generations that want to become devs, but we find ways to deal with it.
3) Another major advance hits and AI becomes so good that the long promised "no code" future comes within reach. The line between BA and programmer blurs until everyone's basically a BA, telling the computer what kind of code it wants.
The thing though that many fail to recognize about technology is that while advances like this happen, sometimes technology seems to stall for DECADES. (E.g. the AI winter happened, but we're finally out of it.)
I could also see an alternative to #2 where it becomes increasingly hard to get a job as a senior dev when companies can just hire juniors to produce probably-good code and slightly more QA to ensure correctness.
You'd definitely still need some seniors in this scenario, but it feels possible that tooling like this might reduce their value-per-cost (and have the opposite effect on a larger pool of juniors).
As another comment said here, "if you can generate great python code but can't upgrade the EC2 instance when it runs out of memory, you haven't replaced developers; you've just freed up more of their time" (paraphrased).
No, programmers won't be replaced, we'll just add this to our toolbox. Every time our productivity increased we found new ways to spend it. There's no limit to our wants.
The famous 10 hour work week right? I am orders of magnitude more productive than my peers 50 years ago wrt programming scope and complexity, yet we work the same 40 hour week. I just produce more (sometimes buggy) code/products.
I live in a foreign country and study the language here. I frequently use machine translation to validate my my own translations, read menus with the Google Translate augmented reality camera, and chat with friends when I'm too busy to manually look up the words I don't understand in a dictionary. What I have learned is that machine translations are extremely helpful in a pinch, but often, a tiny adjustment in syntax, adding an adjective, or other minor edit like that will produce a sentence in English with entirely different meaning.
For context-specific questions it's even worse. The other day a stop owner that sells coffee beans insisted that we try out conversing with Google translate. I was trying to find the specific terms for natural, honey, and washed process. My Chinese is okay, but there's no way to know vocab like that unless you specifically look it up and learn it. Anyway, I felt pressured to go through with the Google translate charade even though I knew how the conversation would go. I said I wanted to know if this coffee was natural process. His reply was 'of course all of our coffees are natural with no added chemicals!' Turns out the word is 日曬, sun-exposed. AI is no replacement for learning the language.
State of the art image classification still classifies black people as gorillas [1].
I rue the day we end up with AI-generated operating systems that no one really understands how or why they do what they do, but when it gives you a weird result, you just jiggle a few things and let it try again. To me, that sounds like stage 4) in your list. We have black box devices that usually do what we want, but are completely opaque, may replicate glitchy or biased behaviors that it was trained on, and when it goes wrong it will be infuriating. But the 90% of the time that it works will be enough cost savings that it will become ubiquitous.
> For context-specific questions it's even worse. The other day a stop owner that sells coffee beans insisted that we try out conversing with Google translate. I was trying to find the specific terms for natural, honey, and washed process. My Chinese is okay, but there's no way to know vocab like that unless you specifically look it up and learn it. Anyway, I felt pressured to go through with the Google translate charade even though I knew how the conversation would go. I said I wanted to know if this coffee was natural process. His reply was 'of course all of our coffees are natural with no added chemicals!' Turns out the word is 日曬, sun-exposed. AI is no replacement for learning the language.
Does "natural process" have a Wikipedia page? I've found that for many concepts (especially multi-word ones), where the corresponding name in the other language isn't necessarily a literal translation of the word(s), the best way to find the actual correct term is to look it up on Wikipedia, then see if there is a link under "Other languages".
Looks like in this case it's only part of a Wikipedia page[0] but the Chinese edition is only a stub page. But your suggestion is absolutely spot-on. One of the things I love about Wikipedia is that it's human-curated for human evaluation, not a "knowledge engine" that produces wonky results.
I feel like you're neglecting to mention all the people who need to build and maintain this AI. Cookie cutter business logic will no longer need programmers but there will be more highly skilled jobs to keep building and improving the AI
But you need orders of magnitude fewer people to build and maintain the AIs then you do to manually create all the software running the world. And this is the unique peril of AI. The scale of capabilities of AI have the promise to grow faster than the creation of new classes jobs.
> Automation has always produced an increase in jobs so far
Do you have a source for this re the last 20 years? It seems to me automation has been shifting the demand recently towards more skilled cognitive work.
I think you are confusing correlation and causation.
Not automation produces jobs, more people and more income for that people produces jobs, because more people means more demand.
>Pack it all up, boys, programming's over. Hello, AI.
I don't know, cranking out some suggestion for a function is not the same as writing a complete module / application.
Take the job of a translator, you would say the job would go extinct with all the advances in autotranslation? here it says that 'employment of interpreters and translators is projected to grow 20 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations' [1]. You still need a human being to clear up all of the ambiguities of languages.
Maybe the focus of the stuff we do will change, though; but on the other hand, we do tend to get a lots of changes in programming; it goes with the job. maybe we will get to do more code reviews of what was cranked out by some model.
However, within a decade it might be harder to get an entry level job as a programmer. I am not quite sure if i should suggest my profession to my kids, we might get a more competitive environment in some not so distant future.
With VSCode, Github and a perhaps a little bit of help from OpenAI, Microsoft is poised to dominate the developer productivity tools market in the near future.
I wouldn't be surprised to see really good static analysis and automated code review tools coming out of these teams very soon.
Windows is a mess and I hope it will stay that way.
The real strength of Windows is backwards compatibility, especially dealing with proprietary software. Its messiness is a relic of the way things were done in the past, it is also the reason why my 20+ year old binary still runs. And it does without containers or full VMs.
I much prefer developing on Linux (I still miss the Visual Studio debugger), but different platform, different philosophy.
Note: I don't know much about mainframes. I heard they really are the champions of backwards compatibility. But I don't think the same principles are applicable to consumer machines.
I've been on both Windows and Ubuntu for a while. I'd say Ubuntu has a ton more issues and requires a ton more initial configuration to behave "normally".
I don't even remember the last time Windows got in my way, in fact.
I guess the difference is that you can put in a weekend of effort on an Arch Linux installation and get a machine tailored to your workflow, few bugs, fast boot times, easy to maintain for the future, etc.
But no matter how much work you put into your Windows install it will be just as slow/fast, uncustomizable, and unoptimizable as it was out of the box.
I bet there are people that use Windows to develop VSCode and use VSCode to develop Windows, so some people probably know each other internally. I think what escapes HN is how massively successful Microsoft is. Sure, the search built into Windows sucks. There are many, many more complicated components of a platform and OS than that, and those seem to work as well as any other platform and OS.
The problem is that not many IT departments support ubuntu. They are making lots of improvements to the UI and application management, but it can be cumbersome to get some applications working on linux. Having windows to install whatever gui apps you need or whatever other apps that aren't needed in linux, then having linux there to develop on has been pretty great. It's almost like a hybrid linux+windows operating system and not at all like running a vm on windows.
e.g. this is in my .bashrc in wsl, it writes stdout to my windows clipboard:
function cb () { powershell.exe -command "\$input | set-clipboard" }
Windows gets tons of hate in our community, but I gave it a chance a couple years ago after being frustrated with osx and it has been amazing and I think a lot of people would come around to it if they gave it a chance. I am biased towards linux though since I'm an sre, so maybe that is why I never could quite get comfortable on osx. I really disliked having to learn how to do something once on a mac, then do that same thing again on linux to get something into production.
Every other OS.
It's full of legacy APIs and scrapped new APIs.
Every release is like two steps one step forward, one step back and one two the side.
Just because thousands of companies have written software and drivers for it, it's still existing.
If it were released today it wouldn't stand a chance.
Are you talking about developing for windows or developing on windows? I'm talking about developing on windows. I don't really care what the apis look like underneath it all. wsl on windows is a lot more intuitive to develop on when you have a target environment of linux compared to something like osx where its almost like linux, but not really at all.
Have you used any intelligent code completion in the past? E.g. I'd really be interested how it compares to TabNine[0], which already gives pretty amazing single line suggestions (haven't tried their experimental multi-line suggestions yet).
Interestingly the founder of TabNine (which was acquired by Codota[0]) is currently working at Open AI (edit: comments corrected me he left in December 2020 according to his blog).
I imagine they're livid about Open AI creating a competing product.
TabNine at times was magical, but I stopped using it after Codota started injecting ads directly into my editor[1]
I'm curious as to how relevant Copilot would be when autocompleting code that is specific to my codebase in particular, like Tabnine completes most used filters as soon as I type the db table name for the query. I'm a big tabnine fan because it provides this feature. I'm much more often looking to be suggested a line than an entire function because I'm mostly writing business logic.
also tabnine is useless in multi-lines completes. which is where co-pilot should be strong.
Yeah, I've been very happy with Tabnine for a while, but the prospect of good multi-line completions is appealing. I might try running both Tabnine and Copilot simultaneously for a bit to A/B test.
I've been using TabNine for a couple years – constantly impresses me, especially how quickly it picks up new patterns. I wouldn't say it's doing my job for me, but definitely saves me a lot of time.
I have used IDEs with good knowledge of the types and libraries I'm using (e.g. VSCode with TypeScript). They offer good suggestions once you start typing a function name.
But nothing gets close to Copilot. It "understands" what you're trying to do, and writes the code for you. It makes type-based autocompletions useless.
tabnine works quite similarly to copilot. it's not a thing that "knows about types and libraries", it's a similar predictive machine learning method as copilot seems to use.
I tried out TabNine. It was a very frustrating experience. In almost all cases it gave completely useless suggestions which overrode the better ones already suggested by IntelliJ. I persevered for a few days and then uninstalled it.
Maybe it's just because humans are not as creative as they think.
Whatever you do, thousands of others have done the same already.
So no need to pay a high level programmer, just a mediocre one and the right AI assistant gives the same results.
With an AI assistant, in the best scenario, you'll get a "wisdom of crowds" effect on implementation details and program architecture. At worst, you'll get a lot of opinionated code bloat and anti-patterns as suggestions.
For most backend programming jobs, the challenge is not in writing complex code but figuring out what the business wants, needs and should have in the first place and distinguishing between them. Figuring out how to integrate with existing systems, processes, fiefdoms and code. Knowing when to say yes and no, how to make code future proof, etc. This is a task fundamentally unfit for what we currently call "AI", because it's not actually intelligent or creative yet.
On the frontend, it becomes even more nebulous. Maybe Copilot can suggest common themes like Bootstrap classes for a form, CSS properties, the basic file structure and implementations for components in an SPA, etc. As I see it, the main challenge is in UX there, not the boilerplate, which again makes it about understanding the user, figuring out how to make UI feel intuitive, etc. Again: unfit for current AI.
I cannot offer any opinion on the utility for actually complex, FANG-level code, for lack of experience.
Maybe programmers will adopt a similar model to artists and musicians. Do a lot of work for free/practically nothing hoping that some day you can make it "big" and land a full time role.
Side note: I recently suffered from a tennis elbow due to sub optimal desktop setup when working from home. Copilot has drastically reduced my keystrokes, and therefore the strain on my tenders.
I watched the same thing happen with the introduction of Intellisense. Pre-Intellisense I had tons of RSI problems and had to use funky ergonomic keyboards like the Kinesis keyboard to function as a dev. Now I just hop on whatever laptop is in front of me and code. Same reason - massive reduction in the number of keys I have to touch to produce a line of code.
Unfortunately, one in 10 times is far from good enough (and this is with good prompt engineering which after using large language models for a while, one starts to do).
I feel like the current generation of AI is bringing us close enough to something that works once in a while but requires constant human expertise ~50% of the time. The self-driving industry is in a similar situation of despair where millions have been spent in labelling and training but something fundamental is amiss in the ML models.
I think 1/10 is incredible. If it holds up it means they may have found the right prior for a path of development that can actually lead to artificial general intelligence. With exponential improvement; humans learning to hack the AI and the AI learning better suggestions, this may in theory happen very quickly.
We live in a very small corner of the space of possible universes, which is why finding a prior in program space within it is a big deal.
I keep wondering how much time it could possibly save you, given that you're obligated to read the code and make sure it makes sense. Given that, the testimonials here are very surprising to me.
It's smarter than that. It suggests things that have never been written. It actually creates code based on the context, just like GPT-3 can create new text documents based on previous inputs.
Anyone tried this on any sort of numeric computation? Numpy, Julia, Pandas, R, whatever?
I definitely see the utility in the linked screencast. But I am left to wonder whether this effectiveness is really a symptom of the extreme propensity for boilerplate code that seems to come with anything web-related.
How big/complicated are the functions Copilot is autocompleting for you? I'm thinking perhaps reading 10 potential candidates is actually slower and less instructive than trying to write the thing yourself.
The problem I see with that is that's not possible for it to understand well which code is the best, GPT-3 is trying to mimic human writing in general, the thing is most human code is garbage, if this system was able to understand how to make code better you could keep training it until you had perfect code, which is not what the current system is giving you (a lot of the times anyway).
I guess you miss the point. It's not trying to suggest the perfect code. Only you know it. It's saving you time by writing a good (sometimes perfect) first solution based on method/argument names, context, comments, and inline doc. And that is already a huge boost in productivity and coding pleasure (as you only have to focus on the smart part).
Maybe you are right, in my experience either the code you have easily available to you (either because another person or a computer wrote it) is perfect for your use case (to the best of your knowledge anyway) or rewriting it from scratch is usually better than morphing what you have into what you need.
>if this system was able to understand how to make code better you could keep training it until you had perfect code
Based on the FAQ, it looks like some information about how you interact with the suggestions is fed back to the Copilot service (and theoretically OpenAI) to better improve the model.
So, while it may not understand "how to make code better" on its own, it can learn a bit from seeing how actual devs do make code better and theoretically improve from usage.
It does actually suggest entire blocks of code. I haven't quite figured out yet when it suggests blocks or lines - if I create a new function / method and add a doc string it definitely suggests a block for the entire implementation for me.
I see, I think the most useful case for me would be where I write a function signature+docstring, then get a list of suggestions that I can browse and pick from.
Do you have examples of what the line ones can do? The site doesn't really provide any of those.
Take a look at this minimal example I just created where I did just that -- created a new function and docstring. This example is of course super simple - it works for much more complex things.
https://github.com/HackerNews/API doesn't list this as a valid endpoint. Indeed, when I try to access it via curl, I get a HTTP 405 with a "Permission denied" error (same result when I try to access nonexistent-endpoint.json).
Based on the HN search on the website, I'd expect the correct autocomplete to involve hn.algolia.com [0].
To me, this points at the need for human input with a system like this. There is a Firebase endpoint, yes, and Copilot found that correctly! But then it invented a new endpoint that doesn't exist.
Even snippets are so bad I have to turn them off. I can't even fathom how bad the suggestions are going to be for full blocks of code. But I guess I'll see soon...
What's your estimate of the productivity boost expressed as a percentage? I.e. if it takes you 100 hours to complete a project without Copilot, how many hours will it be with Copilot?
I'm not sure I spend less time actually coding stuff (because I have to review the Copilot code). But the cost of the code I write is definitely reduced, because:
- the review from my peers is faster (the code is more correct)
- I come back less to the code (because I have thought about all the corner cases when checking the copilot code)
- As I care more about naming & inline docs (it helps copilot), the code is actually cheaper to maintain.
Having been a TabNine user for a while I can say that it's less of a productivity boost and more of a quality of life win. It's hard to measure - not because it's small, but because it's lots of tiny wins, or wins at just the right moment. It makes me happy, and that's why I pay for it - the fact that it's probably also saving me some time is second to the fact that it saves me from annoying interrupts.
In addition, I would like to see GitHub reviewing my code & giving me suggestions on how I could improve. That will be more educative & a tool to ensure consistency across code.
I'm surprised this doesn't exist. Google, FB, and Apple (and I imagine Microsoft) have a lot of this stuff built in that is light-years better than any open source solution I'm aware of.
Given that MS owns GitHub and how valuable this is - I imagine it will be coming soon.
I guess I dont see the point if only 10% of the time it's exactly what you want and the rest of the time you have to go back and touch up the line.
Does it train a programmer for accepting less than ideal code because it was suggested? Similar to how some programmers blindly copy code from StackOverflow without modification.
Seems like there is a potential downside that's being ignored.
> Does it train a programmer for accepting less than ideal code because it was suggested? Similar to how some programmers blindly copy code from StackOverflow without modification.
Maybe juniors, but I don't see this being likely for anyone else. I've been using TabNine for ages and it's closer to just a fancy autocomplete than a code assistant. Usually it writes what I would write, and if I don't see what I would write I just write it myself (until either I wrote the whole thing or it suggests the right thing). Of course, barring some variable names or whatever.
I don't have it "write code for me" - that happens in my head. It just does the typing.
for those of you like this concept but 1. did not get into the alpha (or want something that has lots of great reviews) 2. need to run locally (security or connectivity) 3. want to use any IDE... please try Tabnine
Until it automatically knows when and how it's wrong, you'll still need a human to figure that out, and that human will need to actually know how to program, without the overgrown auto-complete.
May or may not reduce the demand for programmers, though. We'll see.
But that's exactly what you are doing as a programmer who uses it. If you autocomplete using it and then fix the code, you are literally telling it what it got wrong.
I was responding to "It could start to replace us in 20 years." I think if it can do that, it'll basically be AGI and a lot of things will change in a hurry. I don't think that a tool that can do that is even all that similar to this tool.
Hard to say, really. When writing React components, Jest tests and documentation, it's often not very far. I found it off when writing HTML markup (which is hard to describe with words).
Seems like it's best classed (for now) as an automated tool to generate and apply all the boilerplate snippets I would be creating & using manually, if I weren't too lazy, and/or too often switching between projects, to set all those up and remember how to use them (and that they exist).
Hi HN, we've been building GitHub Copilot together with the incredibly talented team at OpenAI for the last year, and we're so excited to be able to show it off today.
Hundreds of developers are using it every day internally, and the most common reaction has been the head exploding emoji. If the technical preview goes well, we'll plan to scale this up as a paid product at some point in the future.
- the generated code by AI belongs to me or GitHub?
- under what license the generated code falls under?
- if generated code becomes the reason for infringment, who gets the blame or legal action?
- how can anyone prove the code was actually generated by Copilot and not the project owner?
- if a project member does not agree with the usage of Copilot, what should we do as a team?
- can Copilot copy code from other projects and use that excerpt code?
- if yes, *WHY* ?!
- who is going to deal with legalese for something he or she was not responsible in the first place?
- what about conflicts of interest?
- can GitHub guarantee that Copilot won't use proprietary code excerpts in FOSS-ed projects that could lead to new "Google vs Oracle" API cases?
Great achievements like this only hammer home the point more about how illogical copyright and patent laws are.
Ideas are always shared creations, by definition. If you have an “original idea”, all you really have is noise! If your idea means anything to anyone, then by definition it is built on other ideas, it is a shared creation.
> Ideas are always shared creations, by definition. If you have an “original idea”, all you really have is noise! If your idea means anything to anyone, then by definition it is built on other ideas, it is a shared creation.
Copyright doesn't protect "ideas" it protects "works". If an artist spends a decade of his life painting a masterpiece, and then some asshole sells it on printed T-shirts, then copyright law protects the artist.
Likewise, an engineer who writes code should not have to worry about some asshole (or some for-profit AI) copy and pasting it into other peoples' projects. No copyright protections for code will just disincentivize open source.
Software patents are completely bullshit though, because they monopolize ideas which 99.999% of the time are derived from the ideas other people freely contributed to society (aka "standing on the shoulders of giants"). Those have to go, and I do not feel bad at all about labeling all patent-holders greedy assholes.
But copyright is fine and very important. Nothing is perfect, but it does work very well.
Copyrights are complete bullshit too though. In your 2 examples. First, the artist I assume is using paints and mediums developed arguably over thousands of years, at great cost. So just because she is assembling the leaf nodes of the tree, the far majority of the “work” was created by others. Shared creation.
Same goes for an engineer. Binary notation is at the root of all code, and in the intermediate nodes you have Boolean logic and microcode and ISAa and assembly and compilers and high level Lang’s and character sets. The engineer who assembles some leaf nodes that are copy and pasteable is by definition building a shared creation of which they’ve contributed the least.
The basis of copyright isn’t that the sum product is 100% original. That insane since nothing we do is ever original. It’ll always be a component ultimately of nature. The point is that your creation is protected for a set amount of time and then it too eventually becomes a component for future works.
And they handed the cashier money and then got to do whatever they want with those things. Now they want to sell their painting to the cashier AND control what the cashier does with it for the rest of the cashier's life. They want to make a slave out of the cashier by a million masters.
I used to work at Microsoft and occasionally would email Satya the same idealistic pitch. I know they have to be more conservative , but some of us have to envision where the math can take us and shout out loud about it, and hope they steer well. When I started at MS, my first week was heckled for installing Ubuntu on my windows machine. When I left, windows was shipping with Ubuntu. What may seem impossible today can become real if enough people push the ball forward together. I even hold out hope that someday BG will see the truth and help reduce the ovarian lottery by legalizing intellectual freedom.
Talking about the ovarian lottery seems strange in a thread about an AI tool that will turn into a paid service.
No one will see the light at Microsoft. The "open" source babble is marketing and recruiting oriented, and some OSS projects infiltrated by Microsoft suffer and stagnate.
You can't abolish IP without completely restructuring the economic system (which I'm all for, BTW). But just abolishing IP and keeping everything the same is kind of myopic. Not saying that's what you're advocating for, but I've run into this sentiment before.
Sure, but usually I tend to think "abolish X" means "lets agree on an end goal of abolishing X and then work rapidly to transition to that world." So in that sense I tend to think the person is not advocating for the simple case of changing one law, but on the broader case of examining the legal system and making the appropriate changes to realize a functioning world where we can "abolish X".
I agree that it would be a huge upheaval. Absolutely massive change to society. But I have every confidence we have a world filled with good bright people who can steer us through the transition. Step one now is just educating people that these laws are marketed dishonestly, are inequitable, and counter productive to the progress of ideas. As long as the market starts to get wind that the truth is spreading, I believe it will start to prepare for the transition.
In practical terms, IP could be referred to as unique advantages. What is the purpose of an organization that has no unique qualities?
In general, what is IP and how it's enforced are two separate things. Just because we've used copyright and patents to "protect" an organization's unique advantages, doesn't mean we need to keep using them in the same way. Or maybe it's the best we can do for now. That's why BSD style licences are so great.
Uh, I very much doubt that. Is there any actual precedent on this?
> We expect that IP and AI will be an interesting policy discussion around the world in the coming years, and we're eager to participate!
But apparently not eager enough to have this discussion with the community before deciding to train your proprietary for-profit system on billions of lines of code that undoubtedly are not all under CC0 or similar no-attribution-required licenses.
I don't see attribution anywhere. To me, this just looks like yet another case of appropriating the public commons.
> We found that about 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets that are verbatim from the training set
That's kind of a useless stat when you consider that the code it generates makes use of your existing variable/class/function names when adapting the code it finds.
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure I can't just bypass GPL by renaming some variables.
If we could answer those questions definitively, we could also put lawyers out of a job. There’s always going to be a legal gray area around situations like this.
You can probably tokenize the names so they become irrelevant. You can ignore non-functional whitespace, so that code C remains. Maybe one can hash all the training data D such that hash(C) is in hash(D). Some sort of Bloom filter...
Surprised not to see more mention of this. It would make sense for an AI to "copy" existing solutions. In the real world, we use clean room to avoid this.
In the AI world, unless all GPL (etc.) code is excluded from the training data, it's inevitable that some will be "copied" into other code.
How do you know that when you write a simplish function for example, it is not identical to some GPL code somewhere? "Line by line" code does not exist anywhere in the neural network. It doesn't store or reference data in that way. Every character of code is in some sense "synthesized". If anything, this exposes the fragility of our concept of "copyright" in the realm of computer programs and source code. It has always been ridiculous. GPL is just another license that leverages the copyright framework (the enforcement of GPL cannot exist outside such a copyright framework after all) so in such weird "edge cases" GPL is bound to look stupid just like any other scheme. Remember that GPL also forbids "derivative" works to be relicensed (with a less "permissive" one). It is safe to say that you are writing code that is close enough to be considered "derivative" to some GPL code somewhere pretty much every day, and you can't possibly prove that you didn't cheat. So the whole framework collapses in the end anyways.
(1) That may be so, but you are not training the models on public data like sports results. You are training it on copyright protected creations of humans that often took years to write.
So your point (1) is a distraction, and quite an offensive one to thousands of open source developers, who trusted GitHub with their creations.
> [...] The GitHub Copilot editor extension sends your comments and code to the GitHub Copilot service, which then uses OpenAI Codex to synthesize and suggest individual lines and whole functions.
Yes, my partner likes to remind me we don't have it here in Australia. You could never write a search engine here. You can't write code that scrapes websites.
> We expect that IP and AI will be an interesting policy discussion around the world in the coming years, and we're eager to participate!
Another question is this: let's hypothesize I work solo on a project; I have decided to enable Copilot and have reached a 50%-50% development with it after a period of time. One day the "hit by a bus" factor takes place; who owns the project after this incident?
Your estate? The compiler comparison upthread seems to be perfectly valid. If you work on a solo project in c# and die, Microsoft doesn’t automatically own your project because you used visual studio to produce it
> the output belongs to the operator, just like with a compiler.
No it really is not that easy, as with compilers it depends on who owned the source and which license(s) they applied on it.
Or would you say I can compile the Linux kernel and the output belongs to me, as compiler operator, and I can do whatever I want with it without worrying about the GPL at all?
Unfortunately, in ML "public data" typically means available to the public. Even if it's pirated, like much of the data available in the Books3 dataset, which is a big part of some other very prominent datasets.
So basically youtube all over again? I.e bootstrap and become popular by using widely available whatever media (pirated by crowdsourced piracy) and then many years later, when it gets popular, dominant, it has to turn around and "do things right" and guard copyrights.
Fair Use is an affirmative defense (i.e. you must be sued and go to court to use it; once you're there, the judge/jury will determine if it applies). But taking in code with any sort of restrictive license (even if it's just attribution) and creating a model using it is definitely creating a derivative work. You should remember, this is why nobody at Ximian was able to look at the (openly viewable, but restrictively licensed) .NET code.
Looking at the four factors for fair use looks like Copilot will have these issues:
- The model developed will be for a proprietary, commercial product
- Even if it's a small part of the model, the all training data for that model are fully incorporated into the model
- There is a substantial likelihood of money loss ("I can just use Copilot to recreate what a top tier programmer could generate; why should I pay them?")
I have no doubt that Microsoft has enough lawyers to keep any litigation tied up for years, if not decades. But your contention that this is "okay because it's fair use" based on a position paper by an organization supported by your employer... I find that reasoning dubious at best.
It is the end of copyright then. NNs are great at memorizing text. So I just train a large NN to memorize a repository and the code it outputs during "inferencing" is fair use ?
You can get past GPL, LGPL and other licenses this way. Microsoft can finally copy the linux kernel and get around GPL :-).
> - under what license the generated code falls under?
Is it even copyrighted? Generally my understand is that to be copyrightable it has to be the output of a human creative process, this doesn't seem to qualify (I am not a lawyer).
Isn't it subject to the licenses the model was created from, as the learning is basically just an automated transformation of the code, which would be still the original license - as else I could just run some minifier, or some other, more elaborate, code transformation, on some FOSS project, for example the Linux kernel, and relicense it under whatever?
Does not sound right to me, but IANAL and I also did not really look at how this specific model/s is/are generated.
If I did some AI on existing code I'd be quite cautious and group by compatible licences classes, asking the user what their projects licence is and then only use the compatible parts of the models.-Anything else seems not really ethical and rather uncharted territory in law to me, which may not mean much as IANAL and just some random voice on the internet, but FWIW at least I tried to understand quite a few FOSS licences to decide what I can use in projects and what not.
Anybody knows of some relevant cases of AI and their input data the model was from, ideally in jurisdictions being the US or any European Country ones?
This is a great point. If I recall correctly, prior to Microsoft's acquisition of Xamarin, Mono had to go out of its way to avoid accepting contributions from anyone who'd looked at the (public but non-FOSS) source code of .NET, for fear that they might reproduce some of what they'd seen rather than genuinely reverse engineering.
Is this not subject to the same concern, but at a much greater scale? What happens when a large entity with a legal department discovers an instance of Copilot-generated copyright infringement? Is the project owner liable, is GitHub/Microsoft liable, or would a court ultimately tell the infringee to deal with it and eat whatever losses occur as a result?
In any case, I hope that GitHub is at least limiting any training data to a sensible whitelist of licenses (MIT, BSD, Apache, and similar). Otherwise, I think it would probably be too much risk to use this for anything important/revenue-generating.
> In any case, I hope that GitHub is at least limiting any training data to a sensible whitelist of licenses (MIT, BSD, Apache, and similar). Otherwise, I think it would probably be too much risk to use this for anything important/revenue-generating.
I'm going to assume that there is no sensible whitelist of licenses until someone at GitHub is willing to go on the record that this is the case.
> I hope that GitHub is at least limiting any training data to a sensible whitelist of licenses (MIT, BSD, Apache, and similar)
Yes, and even those licences require preservation of the original copyright attribution and licence. MIT gives some wiggle room with the phrase "substantial portions", so it might just be MIT and WTFPL
(Not a lawyer, and only at all familiar with US law, definitely uncharted territory)
No, I don't believe it is, at least to the extent that the model isn't just copy and pasting code directly.
Creating the model implicates copyright law, that's creating a derivative work. It's probably fair use (transformative, not competing in the market place, etc), but whether or not it is fair use is github's problem and liability, and only if they didn't have a valid license (which they should have for any open source inputs, since they're not distributing the model).
I think the output of the model is just straight up not copyrighted though. A license is a grant of rights, you don't need to be granted rights to use code that is not copyrighted. Remember you don't sue for a license violation (that's not illegal), you sue for copyright infringement. You can't violate a copyright that doesn't exist in the first place.
Sometimes a "license" is interpreted as a contract rather than a license, in which you agreed to terms and conditions to use the code. But that didn't happen here, you didn't agree to terms and conditions, you weren't even told them, there was no meeting of minds, so that can't be held against you. The "worst case" here (which I doubt is the case - since I doubt this AI implicates any contract-like licenses), is that github violated a contract they agreed to, but I don't think that implicates you, you aren't a party to the contract, there was no meeting of minds, you have a code snippet free of copyright received from github...
So if I make AI that takes copyrighted material in one side, jumbles it about, and spits out the same copyrighted material on the other side, I have successfully laundered someone else's work as my own?
Wouldn't GitHub potentially be responsible for the infringement by distributing the copyrighted material knowing that it would be published?
I exempted copied segments at the start of my previous post for a reason, that reason is I don't really know, I doubt it works because judges tend to frown on absurd outcomes.
Where does copying end though?
If an AI "retypes" it, not only with some variable renaming but some transformations that are not just describable by a few code transformations (neural nets are really not transparent and can do weird stuff), it wouldn't seem like a copy when just comparing parts of it, but it effectively would be one, as it was an automated translation.
Probably, copying ends when the original creative elements are unrecognizable. Renaming variables actually goes a long way to that, also having different or standardized (and therefore not creative) whitespace conventions, not copying high level structure of files, etc.
The functional parts of code are not copyrightable, only the non functional creative elements.
> The functional parts of code are not copyrightable, only the non functional creative elements.
1. Depends heavily on the jurisdiction (e.g., Software patents are a thing in America but not really in basically all European ones)
2. A change to a copyrightable work, creative or not, would still mean that you created a derived work where you'd hold some additional rights, depending on the original license, but not that it would now be only in your creative possession.
E.g., check §5 of https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
3. What do you think of when saying "functional parts"? Some basic code structure like an `if () {} else {}` -> sure, but anything algorithmic like can be seen as copyrightable, and whatever (creative or not) transformation you apply, in its basics it is a derived work, that's just a fact and the definition of derived work.
Now, would that matter in courts? That depends not only on 1., but additionally to that also very much on the specific case, and for most trivial like it probably would be ruled out, but if an org would invest enough lawyer power, or suing in a for its case favourable court (OLG Hamburg anyone). Most small stuff would be thrown out as not substantial enough, or die even before reaching any court.
But, that actually scares me a bit when thinking about that in this context, as for me, it seems like when assuming you'd be right, this all would significantly erodes the power of copyleft licenses like (A)GPL.
Especially if a non-transparent (e.g., AI), lets call it, code laundry would be deemed as a lawful way to strip out copyright. As it is non-transparent it wouldn't be immediately clear if creative change or not, to use the criteria for copyright you used. This would break basically the whole FOSS community, and with its all major projects (Linux, coreutils, ansible, git, word press, just to name a few) basically 80% of core infrastructure.
Read it all, and the questions still stand. Could you, or any on your team, point me on where the questions are answered?
In particular, the FAQ doesn't assure that the "training set from publicly available data" doesn't contain license or patent violations, nor if that code is considered tainted for a particular use.
> GitHub Copilot is a code synthesizer, not a search engine: the vast majority of the code that it suggests is uniquely generated and has never been seen before. We found that about 0.1% of the time, the suggestion may contain some snippets that are verbatim from the training set.
I'm guessing this covers it. I'm not sure if someone posting their code online, but explicitly saying you're not allowed to look at it, getting ingested into this system with billions of other inputs could somehow make you liable in court for some kind of infringement.
that doesn't include patent violations nor license violations or compatibility between licenses. Which would be the most numerous and non-trivial cases.
How is it possible to determine if you've violated a random patent from somewhere on the internet via a small snippet of customized auto-generated code?
Does everyone in this thread contact their lawyers after cutting and pasting a mergesort example from Stackoverflow that they've modified to fit their needs? Seems folks are reaching a bit.
I was answering a specific question, "How is it possible to determine if you've violated a random patent from somewhere on the internet via a small snippet of customized auto-generated code?" The answer is that many companies have forbidden that specific action in order to remove the risk from that action.
You are expanding the discussion, which is great, but that doesn't apply in answer to that specific question.
There are answers in response to your question, however. For example, many companies use software for scanning and composition analysis that determines the provenance and licensing requirements of software. Then, remediation steps are taken.
Not sure what you're getting at. Are you suggesting that independent discovery is a defense against patents? Or are you clear that it isn't a defense, but just arguing that something from the internet is more likely to be patented than something independently invented in-house? Maybe that's true, but it doesn't really answer the question of
> How is it possible to determine if you've violated a random patent from somewhere on the internet via a small snippet of customized auto-generated code?
There are different ways to handle risk, such as avoidance, reduction, transfersal, acceptance. I was answering a specific question as to how people manage risk in a given situation. In answer I related how companies will reduce the risk. I was not talking about general cases of how to defend against the risk of patents but a specific case as to reducing the risk of adding externally found code into a product.
My answer described literally what many companies do today. It was not a theoretical pie in the sky answer or a discussion about patent IP.
To restate, the real-world answer I gave for, "How is it possible to determine if you've violated a random patent from somewhere on the internet via a small snippet of customized auto-generated code?" is often "Do not take code from the Internet."
The most important question, whether you own the code, is sort of maybe vaguely answered under “How will GitHub Copilot get better over time?”
> You can use the code anywhere, but you do so at your own risk.
Something more explicit than this would be nice. Is there a specific license?
EDIT: also, there’s multiple sections to a FAQ, notice the drop down... under “Do I need to credit GitHub Copilot for helping me write code?”, the answer is also no.
Until a specific license (or explicit lack there-of) is provided, I can’t use this except to mess around.
None of the questions and answers in this section hold information about how the generated code affects licensing. None of the links in this section contain information about licensing, either.
Sorry Nat, but I don't think it really answers anything. I would argue that using GPL code during training falls under Copilot being a derivative work of said code. I mean if you look at how a language model works, than it's pretty straightforward. The word "code synthesizer" alone insinuates as much. I think this will probably ultimately tested in court.
When you sign up for the waitlist it asks permission for additional telemetry, so yes. Also the "how it works" image seems to show the actual model is on github's servers.
Can't companies write code that runs on customer's premises these days? Are they too afraid somebody will extract their deep learning model? I have no other explanation.
And the irony is that these companies are effectively transferring their own fears to their customers.
Some of your questions aren't easy to answer. Maybe the first two were OK to ask. Others would probably require lawyers and maybe even courts to decide. This is a pretty cool new product just being shared on an online discussion forum. If you are serious about using it for a company, talk to your lawyers, get in touch with Github's people, and maybe hash out these very specific details on the side. Your comment came off as super negative to me.
> This is a pretty cool new product just being shared on an online discussion forum.
This is not one lone developer with a passion promoting their cool side-project. It's GitHub, which is an established brand and therefore already has a leg up, promoting their new project for active use.
I think in this case, it's very relevant to post these kinds of questions here, since other people will very probably have similar questions.
The commenter isn't interrogating some indy programmer. This is a product of a subsidiary of Microsoft, who I guarantee has already had a lawyer, or several, consider these questions.
No, they are all entirely reasonable questions. Yeah, they might require lawyers to answer - tough shit. Understanding the legal landscape that ones' product lives in is part of a company's responsibility.
Regardless of tone, I thought it was chock full of great questions that raised all kinds of important issues, and I’m really curious to hear the answers.
What do you think about this being overall detrimental to code quality as it allows people to just blindly accept completions without really understanding the generated code. Similar to copy-and-paste coding.
The first example parse_expenses.py uses a float for currency - that seems to be a pretty big error that's being overlooked along with other minor issues around no error handling.
I would say the quality of the generated code in parse_expenses.py is not very high, certainly not for the banner example.
EDIT - I just noticed Github reordered the examples on copilot.github.com in order to bury the issues with parse_expenses.py for now. I guess I got my answer.
How is it different from the status quo of people just doing the wrong thing or copy pasting bad code? Yes there's the whole discussion below about float currency values, but I could very well see the opposite happening too, where this thing recommends better code that the person would've written otherwise.
> How is it different from the status quo of people just doing the wrong thing or copy pasting bad code?
Well, yes, the wrong code would be used. However - the wrong code would then become more prevelant as an answer from gh, causing more people to blindly use it. It's a self-perpetuating cycle of finding and using bad and wrong code.
Hmm, not quite. My point was that if they aren't a good enough programmer to understand why the code is wrong, then chances are they would've written bad code or copy pasted bad code anyways. It just makes the cycle faster.
And again, I could argue that the opposite could happen too, people who would otherwise have written bad code could be given suggestions of better code that they would've written.
> Hmm, not quite. My point was that if they aren't a good enough programmer to understand why the code is wrong, then chances are they would've written bad code or copy pasted bad code anyways. It just makes the cycle faster.
No, not quite. It also makes the cycle more permanent and its results deeply ingrained, which is what is actually relevant.
Either way it wouldn’t matter since the only thing short of stopping the cycle is stack overflow to close down and a new stack overflow not to open up. A very unlikely scenario for this industry. Either way , no matter the difference in time frame, the result would have always been permanent.
It seems that copilot lets one cycle through options, which is an opportunity for it to facilitate programmers moving from a naive solution to one they hadn't thought of that is more correct.
(Unclear to me yet whether the design takes advantage of this opportunity)
I use a similar feature in IntelliJ idea, and I've often found that first time I learn about new feature in the language is when I get a suggestion. I usually explore topic much more deeply at that time. So far from helping me copy-paste, I find code suggestions help me explore new features of the language and framework, that I might not have known about.
Why would you say it's an error to use a float for currency? I would imagine it's better to use a float for calculations then round when you need to report a value rather than accumulate a bunch of rounding errors while doing computations.
It is widely accepted that using floats for money[1] is wrong because floating point numbers cannot guarantee precision.
The fact that you ask is a very good case in point though: Many programmers are not aware of this issue and would maybe not question the "wisdom" of the AI code generator. In that sense, it could have a similar effect to blindly copy-pasted answers from SO, just with even less friction.
[1] Exceptions may apply to e.g. finance mathematics where you need to work with statistics and you're not going to expect exact results anyway.
Standard floats cannot represent very common numbers such as 0.1 exactly so they are generally disfavored for financial calculations where an approximated result is often unacceptable.
> For example, the non-representability of 0.1 and 0.01 (in binary) means that the result of attempting to square 0.1 is neither 0.01 nor the representable number closest to it.
I fail to see your point. Floats are best practice for many financial applications, where model error already eclipses floating point error and performance matters.
You don't want to kick the can down to the floating point standard. Design for deterministic behavior. Find the edge cases, go over it with others and explicitly address the edge case issues so that they always behave as expected.
GCP on there other hand has standardized on unit + nano. They use this for money and time. So unit would 1 second or 1 dollar, then the nano field allows more precision. You can see an example here with the unitPrice field: https://cloud.google.com/billing/v1/how-tos/catalog-api#gett...
When you are approximating fixed-point using floating-point there is a lot more you need to do correctly other than roun ding. Your representation must have enough precision and range for the beginning inputs, intermediate results, and final results. You must be able to represent all expected numbers. And on. There is a lot more involved than what you mentioned.
Of course, if you are willing to get incorrect results, such as in play money, this may be okay.
When did mdellavo anything about floating point? You can, and should, use plain old fixed-point arithmetic for currency. That’s what he means by “microdollar”.
Using float for currency calculations is how you accumulate a bunch of rounding errors. Standard practice when dealing with money is to use an arbitrary-precision numerical type.
Because it's an error to use floats in almost every situation. And currency is something where you don't want rounding errors, period. The more I've learned about floating point numbers over the years, the less I want to use them. Floats solve a specific problem, and they're a reasonable trade-off for that kind of problem, but the problem they solve is fairly narrow.
Using float is perfectly OK since using fixed point decimal (or whatever "exact" math operations) will lead to rounding error anyway (what about multiplying a monthly salary by 16/31 (half a month) ?)
The problem with float is that many people don't understand how they work to handle rounding errors correctly.
Now there are some cases where float don't cut it. And big ones. For example, summing a set of numbers (with decimal parts) will usually be screwed if you don't round it. And not many people expect to round the results of additions because they are "simple" operations. So you get errors in the end.
(I have written applications that handle billions of euros with floats and have found just as many rounding errors there as in any COBOL application)
OK, the salary example was a bit simplified; in my case it was about giving financial help to someone. That help is based on a monthly allowance and then split in the number of allocated days in the month, that's for the 16/31.
Now for your example, I see that float and decimal just give the same result. Provided I'm doing financial computations of a final number, I'm ok with 2 decimals. And both your computations work fine.
Th decimal module in python gives you number of significant digits, not number of decimals. You'll end up using .quantize() to get to two decimals which is rounding (so, no advantage over floats).
As I said, as soon as you have division/multiplication you'll have to take care of rounding manually. But for addition/subtraction, then decimal doesn't need rounding (which is better).
The fact is that everybody say "floats are bad" because rounding is tricky. But rounding is always possible. And my point is that rounding is tricky even with the decimal module.
And about bragging, I can tell you one more thing : rounding errors were absolutely not the worse of our problems. The worse problem is to be able to explain to the accountant that your computation is right. That's the hard part 'cos some computations imply hundreds of business decisions. When you end up on a rounding error, you're actually happy 'cos it's easy to understand, explain and fix. And don't start me on how laws (yes, the texts) sometimes explain how rounding rules should work.
sum = 0
for i in range(0, 10000000):
sum += 0.1
print(round(sum*1000, 2))
what should this code print? what does it print?
I mean, sure, this is a contrived example. But can you guarantee that your code doesn't do anything similarly bad? Maybe the chance is tiny, but still: wouldn't you like to know for sure?
We agree, on additions, floats are tricky. But still, on division, multiplications, they're not any worse. Dividing something by 3 will end up in an infinite number of decimals that you'll have to round at some point (except if we use what you proposed : fractions; in that case that's a completely different story).
No, exact precision arithmetic can do that 16/31 example without loss of precision:
from fractions import Fraction
# salary is $3210.55
salary = Fraction(321055,100)
monthlyRate = Fraction(16,31)
This will give you an exact result. Now, at some point you'll have to round to the nearest cent (or whatever), true. However, you don't have to round between individual calculations, hence rounding errors cannot accumulate and propagate.
The propagation of errors is the main challenge with floating point numbers (regardless of which base you use). The theory is well understood (in the sense that we can analyse an algorithm and predict upper bounds on the relative error), but not necessarily intuitive and easy to get wrong.
Decimal floating-point circumvents the issue by just not introducing errors at all: money can be represented exactly with decimal floating point (barring very exotic currencies), therefore errors also can't propagate. Exact arithmetic takes the other approach where computations are exact no matter what (but this comes at other costs, e.g. speed and the inability to use transcendental functions such as exp).
For binary floating point, that doesn't work. It introduces errors immediately since it can't represent money well and these errors may propagate easily.
Of course, if you use "fractions" then, we agree, no error will be introduced nor accumulated over computations which is better. The code base I'm talking about is Java 10 years ago. I was not aware of fractions at that time. There was only BigDecimal which was painful to work with (the reason why we ditched it at the time).
It's mostly painful because Java doesn't allow custom types to use operators, which I think was a maybe reasonable principle applied way too strictly. The same applies to any Fraction type you'd implement in Java.
Still, I'll take "verbose" over "error-prone and possibly wrong".
I visited https://copilot.github.com/, and I don't know how to feel. Obviously it's a nice achievement, not gonna lie.
But I have a feeling it will end up causing more work. e.g. the `averageRuntimeInSeconds` example, I had to spend a bit of time to see if it was actually correct. It has to be, since it's on the front page, but then I realized I'd need to spend time reviewing the AI's code.
It's cool as a toy, but I'd like to see where it is one year from now when the wow factor has cooled down a bit.
Interesting comment and I agree. Reading and writing code seem to involve different parts of the brain. I wonder if tools like this will create some sort of code review fatigue. I can write code for a few hours a day and enjoy it but I couldn't do code review for hours, every day.
This isn't like skimming through a codebase to get a sense of what the code does. You'd have to thoroughly review each line to make sure it does what you want it to do, that there are no bugs. And even then, you'd feel left behind pretty quickly because your brain didn't create the paths to the solution to the problem you're trying to solve. It is like reading a solution to a problem on leetcode vs coming up with it yourself.
Yes!! Totally agree. Imagine writing a method and then telling an AI to write your unit tests for it. The AI would likely be able to come up with the edge cases and such that you would not normally take the time to write.
While I think the AI generating your mainline code is interesting, I must certainly agree that generating test code would be the killer feature. I would like to see this showcased a little more on the copilot page.
You don’t need AI for that. While example based testing is familiar to most, other approaches exist that can achieve this with less complexity. See: property based testing.
Yes, I agree. But just to ask, wouldn't we consider that a form of AI testing, even just in very primitive form? We're begging the question for the very definition of AI. I would argue that your example is just the primordial version of what machine reasoned testing could potentially offer.
> I had to spend a bit of time to see if it was actually correct.
Interesting point - it reminds me of the idea that it’s harder to debug code than to write it. Is it also harder to interpret code you didn’t write than to write it?
In terms of the permissibility of training on public code, the jurisprudence here – broadly relied upon by the machine learning community – is that training ML models is fair use. We are certain this will be an area of discussion in the US and around the world and we're eager to participate.
> ...the jurisprudence here – broadly relied upon by the machine learning community – is that training ML models is fair use.
To be honest, I doubt that. Maybe I am special, but if I am releasing some code under GPL, I really don't want it to be used in training a closed source model, which will be used in a closed source software generating code for closed source projects.
The whole point of fair use is that it allows people to copy things even when the copyright holder doesn't want them to.
For example, if I am writing a criticism of an article, I can quote portions of that article in my criticism, or modify images from the article in order to add my own commentary. Fair use protects against authors who try to exert so much control over their works that it harms the public good.
This isn't the same situation at all. The copying of code doesn't seem to be for a limited or transformative purpose. Fair use might cover parody or commentary & criticism but not limitless replication.
They are not replicating the code at all. They are training a neural network. The neural network then learns from the code and synthesises new code.
It's no different from a human programmer reading code, learning from it, and using that experience to write new code. Somewhere in your head there is code that someone else wrote. And it's not infringing anybody's copyright for those memories to exist in your head.
We can't yet equivocate ML systems with human beings. Maybe one day. But at the moment, it's probably better to compare this to a compiler being fed licensed code. The compilation output is still subject to the license. Regardless of how fancy the compiler is.
Also, a human being that reproduces licensed code from memory - because they read that code - would constitute a license violation. The line between derivative work, and authentic new original creation is not a well defined one. This is why we still have human arbiters of these decisions and not formal differential definitions of it. This happens in music for example all the time.
If avoiding copyright violations was simply "I remembered it", then I don't think things like clean-room reverse engineering would be ever legally necessary [1]
It is replication, maybe not of a single piece of code - but creating a synthesis is still copying. For example, constructing a single piece of code of three pieces of code from your co-workers is still replication of code.
Your argument would have some merit if something were created instead of assembled, but there is no new algorithm that is being created. That is not what is happening here.
On the one hand, you call this copying in fair use. On the other hand, you say this is creating new code. You can't have it both ways.
> Your argument would have some merit if something were created instead of assembled, but there is no new algorithm that is being created. That is not what is happening here.
If you're going to set such a high standard for ML tools like this, I think you need to justify why it shouldn't apply to humans too.
When a human programmer who has read copyrighted code at some point in their life writes new code that is not a "new algorithm", are they in violation of the copyrights of every piece of code they've ever read that was remotely similar in any respect to the new work?
I mean, I hope not!
> On the one hand, you call this copying in fair use. On the other hand, you say this is creating new code. You can't have it both ways.
I'm not a lawyer, but this actually sounds very close to the "transformative" criterion under fair use. Elements of existing code in the training set are being synthesized into new code for a new application.
I assume there's no off-the-shelf precedent for this, but given the similarity with how human programmers learn and apply knowledge, it doesn't seem crazy to think this might be ruled as legitimate fair use. I'd guess it would come down to how willing the ML system is to suggest snippets that are both verbatim and highly non-generic.
From https://docs.github.com/en/github/copilot/research-recitatio...: "Once, GitHub Copilot suggested starting an empty file with something it had even seen more than a whopping 700,000 different times during training -- that was the GNU General Public License."
You are making arguments about what you read instead of objectively observing how copilot operates. Just because GH wrote that copilot synthesizes new code doesn't mean that it writes new code in the way that a human writes code. That is not what is happening here. It is replicating code. Even in the best case copilot is creating derivative works from code where GH is not the copyright owner.
> You are making arguments about what you read instead of objectively observing how copilot operates.
Of course I am. We are both participating in a speculative discussion of how copyright law should handle ML code synthesis. I think this is really clear from the context, and it seems obvious to me that this product will not be able to move beyond the technical preview stage if it continues to make a habit of copying distinctive code and comments verbatim, so that scenario isn't really interesting to me. Github seems to agree (from the page on recitation that you linked):
> This investigation demonstrates that GitHub Copilot can quote a body of code verbatim, but that it rarely does so, and when it does, it mostly quotes code that everybody quotes, and mostly at the beginning of a file, as if to break the ice.
> But there’s still one big difference between GitHub Copilot reciting code and me reciting a poem: I know when I’m quoting. I would also like to know when Copilot is echoing existing code rather than coming up with its own ideas. That way, I’m able to look up background information about that code, and to include credit where credit is due.
> The answer is obvious: sharing the prefiltering solution we used in this analysis to detect overlap with the training set. When a suggestion contains snippets copied from the training set, the UI should simply tell you where it’s quoted from. You can then either include proper attribution or decide against using that code altogether.
> This duplication search is not yet integrated into the technical preview, but we plan to do so. And we will both continue to work on decreasing rates of recitation, and on making its detection more precise.
The arguments you've made here would seem to apply equally well to a version of Copilot hardened against "recitation", hence my reply.
> Even in the best case copilot is creating derivative works from code where GH is not the copyright owner.
It would be convenient for your argument(s) if it were decided legal fact that ML-synthesized code is derivative work, but it seems far from obvious to me (in fact, I would disagree) and you haven't articulated a real argument to that effect yourself. It has also definitely not been decided by any legal entity capable of establishing precedent.
And, again, if this is what you believe then I'm not sure how the work of human programmers is supposed to be any different in the eyes of copyright law.
> Of course I am. We are both participating in a speculative discussion of how copyright law should handle ML code synthesis. I think this is really clear from the context, and it seems obvious to me that this product will not be able to move beyond the technical preview stage if it continues to make a habit of copying distinctive code and comments verbatim, so that scenario isn't really interesting to me. Github seems to agree (from the page on recitation that you linked):
No. We both aren't. I am discussing how copilot operates from the perspective of a user concerned about legal ramifications. I backed that concern up with specific factual quotes and animated images from github, where github unequivocally demonstrated how copilot copies code. You are speculating how copyright law should handle ML code synthesis.
You say I'm not ... but then you say, explicitly in so many words, that I am:
> You are speculating how copyright law should handle ML code synthesis.
I don't get it. Am I, or aren't I? Which is it? I mean, not that you get to tell me what I am talking about, but it seems like something we should get cleared up.
edit: Maybe you mean I am, and you aren't?
Beyond that, I skimmed the Github link, and my takeaway was that this is a small problem (statistically, in terms of occurrence rate) that they have concrete approaches to fixing before full launch. I never disputed that "recitation" is currently an issue, but honestly that link seems to back up my position more than it does yours (to the extent that yours is coherent, which (as above) I would dispute).
Now that five days have passed, there have been a number of examples of copilot doing just that, replicating code. Quake source code that even included comments, the famous python poem, etc. There are many examples of code that has been replicated - not synthesized but duplicated byte for byte from the originals.
The messier issue is probably using the model to write code outside the US. Americans can probably analyze code from anywhere in the world and refer to Fair Use if a lawyer comes knocking, but I can't refer to Fair Use if a lawyer knocks on my door after using Copilot.
It is not US specific, we have it in EU. And e.g. in Poland I could reverse engineer a program to make it work on my hardware/software if it doesn't. This is covered by fair use here.
Is it any different than training a human? What if a person learned programming by hacking on GPL public code and then went to build proprietary software?
It is different in the same way that a person looking at me from their window when I pass by is different from a thousand cameras observing me when I move around city. Scale matters.
> a thousand cameras observing me when I move around city. Scale matters.
While I certainly appreciate the difference, is camera observation illegal anywhere where it isn't explicitly outlawed? Meaning, have courts ever decided that the difference of scale matters?
No idea. I was not trying to make a legal argument. This was to try to convey why someone might feel ok about humans learning from their work but not necessarily about training a model.
This is a lovely analogy, akin to "sharing mix tapes" vs "sharing MP3s on Napster". I fear the coming world with extensive public camera surveilance and facial recognition! (For any other "tin foil hatters" out there, cue the trailer for Minority Report.)
You can rest assured that this is already the case if your picture was ever posted online. There are dozens of such products that law enforcement buys subscriptions to.
A human being who has learned from reading GPL'd code can make the informed, intelligent decision to not copy that code.
My understanding of the open problem here is whether the ML model is intelligently recommending entire fragments that are explicitly licensed under the GPL. That would be a licensing violation, if a human did it.
Actually, I believe it's tricky to say if even human can actually do that safely. There's the whole concept of "cleanroom rewrite" - meaning, if you want to rewrite some GPL or closed-source project into a different license, you should make sure you never ever seen even a glimpse of the original code. If you look on GPL or closed-source code (or, actually, code governed by any other license), it's hard to prove you didn't accidentally/subconsciously remember parts of this code, and copy them into your "rewrite" project even if "you made a decision to not copy". The border between "inspired by" and "blatant copyright infringement" is blurry and messy. If that was already so tricky and troublesome legal-wise before, my first instinct is that with the Copilot it could be even more legally murky territory. IANAL, yet I'd feel better if they made some [legally binding] promises that their model is based only on code carefully verified to have one of an explicit (and published) whitelist of permissive licenses. (Even this could be tricky, with MIT etc. actually requiring some mention in your advertising materials [which is often forgotten], but now that's a completely different level of trouble than not knowing if I'm infringing GPL or some closed-source code, or other weird license.)
Would you hire a person who only knew how to program by taking small snippets of code from GPL and rearranging them? That's like hiring monkey's to type Shakespeare.
The clear difference is that a human's training regimen is to understand how and why code interacts. That is different from an engine that replicates other people's source code.
Exactly so it needs licensing of some sort - this is closer to cover tunes than it is to someone getting a CS degree and being asked to credit Knuth for all their future work.
Perhaps we need GPL v4. I don't think there is any clause in current V2/V3 that prohibits learning from the code, only using the code in other places and running a service with code.
Okay, but that's...not much of a counterargument (to be fair, the original claim was unsupported, though.)
> Maybe I am special, but if I am releasing some code under GPL, I really don't want it to be used in training a closed source model
That's really not a counterargument. “Fair use” is an exception to exclusive rights under copyright, and renders the copyright holder’s preferences moot to the extent it applies. The copyright holder not being likely to want it based on the circumstances is an argument against it being implicitly licensed use, but not against it being fair use.
It seems like some of the chatter around this is implying that the resultant code might still have some GPL still on it. But it seems to me that it's the trained model that Microsoft should have to make available on request.
Can you explain why you think this is covered by fair use? It seems to me to be
1a) commercial
1b) non-transformative: in order to be useful, the produced code must have the same semantics as some code in the training set, so this does not add "a different character or purpose". Note that this is very different from a "clean room" implementation, where a high-level design is reproduced, because the AI is looking directly at the original code!
2) possibly creative?
3) probably not literally reproducing input code
4) competitive/displacing for the code that was used in the input set
1a) Fair use can be commercial. And copilot is not commercial so the point is moot.
1b) This is false. This is not literally taking snippets it has found and suggesting it to the user. That would be an intelligent search algorithm. This is writing novel code automatically based on what it has learned.
2) Definitely creative. It's creating novel code. At least it's creative if you consider a human programming to be a creative endeavor as well.
3) If it's reproducing input code it's just a search algorithm. This doesn't seem to be the case.
4) Most GPLed code doesn't cost any money. As such the market for it is non-existent. Besides copilot does not displace the original even if there were a market for it. As far as I know there is not anything even close to comparable in the world right now.
So from my reading it violates none of the guidelines.
This is what is so miserable about the GPL progression. We went from GPLv2 (preserving everyone's rights to use code) to GPLv3 (you have to give up your encryption keys) - I think we've lost the GPL as a place where we could solve / answer these types of questions which are good ones - GPL just tanked a lot of trust in it with the (A)GPLv3 stuff especially around prohibiting other developers from specific uses of the code (which is diametrically different from earlier versions which preserved rights).
Under GPLv2 I could make a device with GPLv2 software and maintain root of trust control of that device if I wanted (ie, do an anti-theft activation lock process, do a lease ownership option of $200/month vs $10K to buy etc).
Think what you will, but your lies about the GPLv3 can easily be tested. Can you point me to some GPLv3 software in the Apple tech stack?
We actually already know the answer.
Apple had to drop Samba (they were a MAJOR end user use of Samba) because of GPLv3
I think they also moved away from GCC for LLVM.
In fact - they've probably purged at least 15 packages I'm aware of and I'm aware of NO GPLv3 packages being included.
Not sure what their App Store story is - but I wouldn't be surprised if they were careful there too.
Oh - this is all lies and apple's lawyers are wrong? Come one - I'm aware of many other companies that absolutely will not ship GPLv3 software for this reason.
In fact, by 2011 even it was clear that GPLv3 is not really workable in a lot of contexts and alternatives like MIT became more popular.
Apple geared up to fight DOJ over maintaining root control of devices (San Bernadino case).
Even Ubuntu has had to deal with this - SFLC made it clear that if some distributor messed things up ubuntu would have to release their keys, which is why they ended up with a MICROSOFT (!) solution.
"Ubuntu wishes to ensure that users can boot any operating system they like and run any software they want. Their concern is that the GPLv3 makes provisions by which the FSF could, in this case as the owner of GRUB2, deem that a machine that won't let them replace GRUB2 with something else is in violation of the GPLv3. At that point, they can demand that Ubuntu surrender its encryption keys used to provide secure bootloader verification--which then allows anyone to sign any bootloader they want, thus negating any security features you could leverage out of the bootloader (for example, intentionally instructing it to boot only signed code--keeping the chain trusted, rather than booting a foreign OS as is the option)." - commentator on this topic.
It's just interesting to me that rather than any substance the folks arguing for GPLv3 reach for name calling type responses.
If I sell an open source radio with firmware limiting broadcast power / bands etc to regulated limits and ranges - under GPLv3 I can lock down this device to prevent the buyer from modifying it? I'm not talking about making the software available (happy to do that, GPLv2 requires that). I'm talking about the actual devices I build and sell (physical ones).
I can build a Roku or Tivo and lock it down? Have you even read the GPLv3? It has what is commonly called the ANTI-tivoisation clause PRECISELY to block developers from locking devices down for products they sell / ship.
If I rent a device and build in a monthly activation check - I can use my keys to lock device and prevent buyer from bypassing my monthly activation check or other restrictions?
The problem I have with GPLv3 folks is they basically endlessly lie about what you can do with GPLv3 - when there is plenty of VERY CLEAR evidence that everyone from Ubuntu to Apple to many others who've looked at this (yes, with attorney's) says that no - GPLv3 can blow up in your face on this.
So no, I don't believe you. These aren't "just anecdotes" These care companies incurring VERY significant costs to move away / avoid GPLv3 products. AGPLv3 is even more poisonous - I'm not aware of any major players using it (other than those doing the fake open source game).
No, you can't lock it down without letting its owner unlock it. That's indeed the point. But your original comment said you have to give up your encryption keys. That's the lie I was getting at.
Now we can debate whether or not it's a good thing that the user gets full control of his device if he wants it. I think it is. You?
Apple used to also interoperate wonderfully if you were using Samba SERVER side too because - well, they were using Samba client side. Those days were fantastic frankly. You would run Samba server side (on Linux), then Mac client side - and still have your windows machines kind of on -network (for accounting etc) too.
But the Samba folks are (or were) VERY hard core GPLv3 folks - so writing was on the wall.
GPLv3 shifted things really from preserving developer freedom for OTHERs to do what they wanted with the code, to requiring YOU to do stuff in various ways which was a big shift. I'd assumed that (under GPLv2) there would be natural convergences, but GPLv3 really blew that apart and we've had a bit of a license fracturing relatively.
AGPLv3 has also been a bit weaponized to do a sort of fake open source where you can only really use the software if you pay for a commercial license.
These claims are absurd. AGPL and GPLv3 carry on the same mission of GPLv2 to protect authors and end users from proprietization, patent trolling and freeloading.
This is why SaaS/Cloud companies dislike them and fuel FUD campaigns.
> ...the jurisprudence here – broadly relied upon by the machine learning community – is that training ML models is fair use.
If you train az ML model on GPL code, and then make it output some code, would that not make the result a derivative of the GPL licensed inputs?
But I guess this could be similar to musical composition. If the output doesn't resemble any of the inputs, or contains significant continous portions of them, then it's not a derivative.
> It shouldn't do that, and we are taking steps to avoid reciting training data in the output
This just gives me a flashback to copying homework in school, “make sure you change some of the words around so it’s not obvious”
I’m sure you’re right Re: jurisprudence, but it never sat right with me that AI engineers get to produce these big, impressive models but the people who created the training data will never be compensated, let alone asked. So I posted my face on Flickr, how should I know I’m consenting to benefit someone’s killer robot facial recognition?
The whole point of that case begins with the admission "yes of course Google copied." They copied the API. The argument was that copying an API to enable interoperability was fair use. It went to the Supreme Court because no law explicitly said that was fair use and no previous case had settled the point definitively. And the reason Google could be confident they copied only the API is because they made sure the humans who did it understood both the difference and the importance of the difference between API and implementation. I don't think there is a credible argument that any AI existing today can make such a distinction.
How does that apply to countries where Fair Use is not a thing? As in, if you train a model on a fair use basis in the US and I start using the model somewhere else?
It's fair to expect a international company pushing its products all over the world to be prepared to comment on non-US jurisdictions. (I have some sympathy for "we have a local market, and that's what we are solely targeting and preparing for" in companies where that is actually the case, but that's really not what we are dealing with in the case of Microsoft/GitHub)
One would expect GitHub (owned by Microsoft) to have engaged corporate counsel for an opinion (backed by statue and case law), and to be prepared to disable the functionality in jurisdictions where it’s incompatible with local IP law.
In what context? You are planning on commercializing Copilot and in that case the calculus on whether or not using copyright protected material for your own benefit changes drastically.
It isn't. US copyright law says brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim
----> for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research <----, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.
Copilot is not criticizing, reporting, teaching, or researching anything. So claiming fair use is the result of total ignorance or disregard.
This is obviously controversial, since we are thinking about how this could displace a large portion of developers. How do you see Copilot being more augmentative than disruptive to the developer ecosystem? Also, how you see it different from regular code completion tools like tabnine.
We think that software development is entering its third wave of productivity change. The first was the creation of tools like compilers, debuggers, garbage collectors, and languages that made developers more productive. The second was open source where a global community of developers came together to build on each other's work. The third revolution will be the use of AI in coding.
The problems we spend our days solving may change. But there will always be problems for humans to solve.
This innovation does not seem like a natural successor to compilers, debuggers and languages. If today's programming environments still require too much boilerplate and fiddling with tools, it seems like better programming languages, environments that require less setup, etc would be a better use of time. Using GPT to spit out code you may or may not understand seems more like a successor to WSDLs and UML code generators. I really hope we're just in a wild swing of the pendulum towards complex tooling and that we swing back to simplicity before too long.
To expand a little and not sounds so completely negative towards AI, seems like there could be value in training models to predict whether a patch will be accepted, or whether it will cause a full build to fail.
If this is the drive behind this project, seems like you are putting too many eggs in one basket. Maybe a good attempt to get rid of the "glue" programming but, I wouldn't pay for this. Its all trivial stuff that I now need to review.
It would be a "cool tool" if it inspected the code statically and dynamically. Testing the code to see if it actually does what the AI thinks it should do. From running small bits of code on unit level to integration and acceptance testing. Suggest corrections or receive them. _That_ will save time and I and companies will pay for.
Also you cannot call this the "third revolution" if it is a paid service.
I appreciate this insight, as a proponent of progress studies. It is indeed a pragmatic view of what the industry will be or should be. I believe the thing that would be also appreciated would be a pair security auditor. Most vulnerabilities in software can be avoided early on in development , I
believe this could be a great addition to Github's Security Lab securitylab.github.com/
There's a good amount of discussion on this topic in "The Mythical Man-Month". The entire book is discussing the factors that affect development timeframes and it specifically addresses whether AI can speed it up (albeit from 1975, 1986 and 1995 viewpoints, and comparing progress between those points.)
Thanks! That's a great suggestion. I forgot that was in there.
I read Mythical Man Month many years ago and enjoyed it. Time for a re-read. Of course it won't cover the third wave very well though. Would love to see a blog post cover that.
I think this is already happening. There's credible evidence that the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has been essentially replaced by a Siri-driven clone over the last 7 months. They march the real guy out when needed, but if you watch closely when they do, it's obvious he's under duress reading lines prepared by an AI. His testimony in the Epic lawsuit for example. They'll probably cite how seriously he and the company take 'privacy' to help normalize his withdrawal from the public space in the coming years.
I think you’re looking at the problem the wrong way. This provides less strong engineering talent with more leverage. The CEO (which could be you!) gets closer to being a CTO with less experience and context necessary (recall businesses that run on old janky codebases or no code platforms; they don’t have to be elegant, they simply have to work).
It all boils down to who is capturing the value for the effort and time expended. If a mediocre software engineer can compete against senior engineers with such augmentation, that seems like a win. Less time on learning language incantations, more time spent delivering value to those who will pay for it.
> Just look at what your average person is able to accomplish with Excel.
Approximately nothing.
The average knowledge worker somewhat more, but lots of them are at the level of “I can consume a pivot table someone else set up”.
Sure, there are highly-productive, highly-skilled excel users that aren't traditional developers that can build great things, but they aren’t “your average person”.
Yes, Excel “runs the world”, and in most organizations, you’ll find a fairly narrow slice of Excel power users that build and maintain the Excel that “runs the world”.
We may not call them developers or programmers (or we might; I’ve been one of them as a fraction of my job at different times, both as a “fiscal analyst” by working title and as a “programmer analyst” by title), but effectively that's what they are, developers using (and possibly exclusively comfortable with) Excel as a platform.
Usually I agree but I think Nat's comment here makes perfect sense and isn't just some PR buzzword stew. Tools like these are basically a faster version of searching stack overflow. You could have suggested that things like github and stack overflow would replace programmers since you could just copy and paste snipits to write your code.
And sure, we do now have tools like square space which fully automate making a basic business landing page and online store. But the bar has been raised and we now have far more complex websites without developer resources being wasted on making web stores.
Perhaps he should go easy on the euphemisms then and show respect for the developers who wrote the corpus of software that this AI is being trained on (perhaps illegally).
How many jobs have developers helped displace in business and industry? I don't think it's controversial that we become fair game for that same automation process we've been leading.
>How many jobs have developers helped displace in business and industry? I don't think it's controversial that we become fair game for that same automation process we've been leading.
historically when has that sort of 'tit-for-tat' style of argument ever been helpful?
the correct approach would be "we've observed first hand the problems that we've cause for society, how can we avoid creating such problems for any person in the future?"
It might seem self-serving, and it is, but 'two wrongs don't make a right'. Let's try to fix such problems rather than serving our sentence as condemned individuals.
> historically when has that sort of 'tit-for-tat' style of argument ever been helpful?
It's not tit-for-tat, it's a wake up call. As in, what exactly do you think we've been doing with our skills and time?
> ""we've observed first hand the problems that we've cause for society"...
But not everyone agrees that this is actually a problem. There was a time when being a blacksmith or a weaver was a very highly paid profession, and as technology improved and the workforce became larger, large wages could no longer be commanded. Of course the exact same thing is going to happen to developers, at least to some extent.
> How many jobs have developers helped displace in business and industry?
How many?
> I don't think it's controversial that we become fair game for that same automation process we've been leading.
This is not correct. A human (developer) displacing another human (business person) is entirely different than a tool (AI bot) replacing a human (developer).
In this case, it is assumed that the global amount of development work is fixed, so that, if AI takes a part of it, the equivalent workforce in terms of developers, will be out of job. Especially in the field of SWE, this is obviously false.
It also needs to be seen what this technology will actually do. SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this will be an augmentation.
> A human (developer) displacing another human (business person) is entirely different
That's not what is happening though, a few developers replace thousands of business and industry people with automated tools. Say, automated route planning for package delivery, would take many thousands of humans if not for the AI bots that do the job instead.
> SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this will be an augmentation.
Of course there will always be some jobs for humans to do. Just like there are still jobs for humans loading thread into the automated looms and such.
But your arguments against automation displacing programming jobs ring hollow. People said the same thing about chess playing programs, they would never be able to understand the subtlety or complexity like a human could.
> That's not what is happening though, a few developers replace thousands of business and industry people with automated tools. Say, automated route planning for package delivery, would take many thousands of humans if not for the AI bots that do the job instead.
Without reading and understanding the lump of labour fallacy, it can't be understood the relation between the fallacy and the displacement of jobs. In short, the fallacy is not incompatible with the displacement argument; the difference is in the implications.
> But your arguments against automation displacing programming jobs ring hollow. People said the same thing about chess playing programs, they would never be able to understand the subtlety or complexity like a human could.
Chess is a finite problem, SWE isn't, so they can't be compared.
Nope, before the modern approach to shipping stuff you simply couldn't get many different things unless you were in a big city. There weren't humans doing the route planning, there was no one because it wasn't worth doing at all.
> SWE is a complex field, way more than typing a few routines. In best case (technologically speaking) this will be an augmentation.
If there is a pathway to improving this AI assist efficiency say by restricting the language, methodology, UI paradigm and design principles, it will happen quick due to market incentives. The main reason SWE is complex is it's done manually in myriad subjectively preferred ways.
Indeed. It should be the goal of society to automate away as much work as possible. If there are perverse incentives working against this then we should correct them.
1. How do you define work differently from "that which should be automated"?
2. While I agree with your stance, it is not by itself sufficient. If you provide the automation but you do not correct the perverse incentives (or you worry about correcting them only later) that you mention, then you are contributing to widening the disparity between a category of workers (who have now lost their leverage) and those with assets and capital (who have a reduced need for workers).
I agree, the fact we're even talking about this is evidence that our society has the perverse incentive baked in and we should be aware of and seek to address that.
Regardless, programmers would be hypocritical to decry having their jobs automated away.
That's why it's best to get unions or support systems (like UBI) before they're needed. It's hard to organize and build systems when you have no leverage, influence, or power left.
What do you mean by "bad"? If you're asking why it makes sense to structure society with an eye toward avoiding disparity, then it's enough to just observe empirically that people have an aversion to unfair treatment. And not just people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_inequity_aversion
If you're asking why do people respond the way they do to disparity, then I can only speculate that it has something to do with the meaning of life.
Human beings need something to do to have a fulfilling life. I do not agree at all that the ultimate goal of society is to automate everything that’s possible. I think that will be horrible overall for society.
This tool only replaces a small part of a good programmer and just further highlights the differences between people blindly writing code and people building actual systems.
The challenge in software development is understanding the real world processes and constraints and turning them into a design for a functional & resilient system that doesn't collapse as people add every little idea that pops into their head.
If the hard part was "typing in code" then programmers would have been replaced long ago. But most people can't even verbally explain what they do as a series of steps & decision points such that a coherent and robust process can be documented. Once you have that it's easy to turn into code.
> Doctors and lawyers have protected their professions successfully for centuries.
And one could argue that this means we all pay more for health and legal services than we otherwise would. You have to calculate both costs and benefits; what price does society pay for those few people having very high paying jobs?
> This is obviously controversial, since we are thinking about how this could displace a large portion of developers.
It... couldn't, in net.
Tools which improve developer productivity increase the number of developers hired and the number of tasks for which it is worthwhile to employ them and the market clearing price for development work.
See, for examples, the whole history of the computing industry as we’ve added more layers of automation between “conceptual design for software” and “bit patterns in hardware implementing that conceptual design as concrete software”.
It might displace or disadvantage some developers in specific (though I doubt a large portion) by shifting the relative value of particular subskills within the set used in development, I suppose.
In just 2-3 years time DL algorithms will have as many synapses (parameters) as the human brain. The only thing needed to teach such algorithm to program better than us it to say to it that program needs to be faster, more secure and more user friendly (it's not impossible to teach this to DL alg.). This "tool" will make our work 90% easier in the next few years, so unless we have much more work to do we will earn much less and juniors will most likely be not needed anymore...
I'm glad they find it head exploding but my concern is that it would be most head exploding to newbies who don't have the skill to discern if AI code is how it should be written.
For a seasoned veteran writing the code was never really the hard part in the first place.
If I put a section in my LICENSE.txt prohibiting use as training data in commercial models, would that be sufficient to keep my code out of models like this?
> If I put a section in my LICENSE.txt prohibiting use as training data in commercial models, would that be sufficient to keep my code out of models like this?
Neither in practice (because it doesn't look for it) nor legally in the US, if Microsoft’s contention that such use is “fair use” under US copyright law.
That “fair use” is an Americanism and not a general feature of copyright law might create some interesting international wrinkles, though.
> Why was GitHub Copilot trained on data from publicly available sources?
> Training machine learning models on publicly available data is now common practice across the machine learning community. The models gain insight and accuracy from the public collective intelligence. But this is a new space, and we are keen to engage in a discussion with developers on these topics and lead the industry in setting appropriate standards for training AI models.
Personally, I'd prefer this to be like any other software license. If you want to use my IP for training, you need a license. If I use MIT license or something that lets you use my code however you want, then have at it. If I don't, then you can't just use it because it's public.
Then you'd see a lot more open models. Like a GPL model whose code and weights must be shared because the bulk of the easily accessible training data says it has to be open, or something like that.
I realize, however, that I'm in the minority of the ML community feeling this way, and that it certainly is standard practice to just use data wherever you can get it.
When I referenced their contention on Fair Use, that's not what I was referencing, but instead Github CEO Nat Friedman’s comment in this thread that “In general: (1) training ML systems on public data is fair use”.
Or it could explicitly check for known standard licenses that permit it, if it were opt in instead of opt out, the way most everything else in software licensing is opt-in for letting others use.
Has there been an attempt to train a similar ML model on a smaller dataset of standards-compliant code? e.g. MISRA C.
I started working at a healthcare company earlier this year, and my whole approach to software has needed to change. It's not about implementing features any more - every change to our embedded code requires significant unit testing, code review, and V&V.
Having a standards-compliant Copilot would be wonderful. If it could catch some of my mistakes before I embarrass myself to code-reviewing colleagues, the codebase would be better off for it and I'd be less discouraged to hear those corrections from a machine than a person.
Hi Nat! Just signed up for the preview (even though I'm the type to turn off intellisense and smart indent). I was wondering if WebGL shader code (glsl) was included in the training set? Translating human understandable graphics effects from natural language is a real challenge ;)
The technical preview document points out that editor context is sent back to the server not just for code generation but as feedback for improvement. Are you (or OpenAI) improving the ML models based on the usage of this extension? It is interesting what the pricing will look like given that the model was originally trained on FOSS and then you go and harvest test cases from real users. If that’s the case I think that should be clearly explained upfront.
I don't think we need to start looking for new career paths yet. This example has a few bugs and it took me longer to track them down than it would have to write it myself:
# List all python source files which are more than 1KB and contain the word "copilot".
find . \
-name "*.py" \
-size +1000 \
-exec grep -n copilot {}\;
"-exec grep -n copilot {}\;" needs to have a space before the semicolon otherwise find fails with "find: missing argument to '-exec'".
The "1000" in "-size +1000" has a unit of 512 byte blocks so it is looking for files that are greater than 512000 bytes, not 1KB. This would be very easy to miss in a code review and is one of those terrible bugs that causes the code to mostly work, but not quite.
The following line is quite widespread in use, but not as portable as it could be:
For increased portability, respect users' PATH environment variable using:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Using #!/bin/bash could lead to subtle bugs on systems with more than one version of bash installed, or outright breakage on systems where bash isn't installed at /bin/bash. (OpenBSD is known to use /usr/local/bin/bash, for example.)
I wonder if copilot would have produced better code if the user had used /usr/bin/env instead. If you already have buggy code, will copilot also suggest buggy code?
This is actually a pretty important thing to understand. It can be better to rewrite than fix an existing mess. It’s similar to construction work in that sense: if you rebuild, you know what’s inside the walls.
That's why this copilot won't fly. The junior programmer will not be able to spot subtle errors but will kind-of feel "productive" by some random pastes from a giant brain, which cannot be interrogated.
If anything, I see copilot generating more work for existing, senior programmers - so there you have it.
(Comments like this will go away when we turn off pagination. I know it's annoying. Sorry.)