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Speech from Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road Founder) (twitter.com/mutatrum)
21 points by vkdelta on June 11, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This is the guy who was happy to contract with the Hell's Angels to kill people who threatened his business, right (https://www.wired.com/2015/02/read-transcript-silk-roads-bos...)?

I can be sympathetic to the libertarian view that you should be able to sell whatever you want to whoever consents to buy it, but once you talk about killing people who cause you problems, you're not the hero any more...

I am hesitant to believe those details of the case. First, because so much malfeasance went on with multiple investigators on the case. Second, because it was awfully close to entrapment, and lastly, because none of those details were brought up in the case that put him away for multiple life sentences. I am skeptical they would leave those details out if they were unimpeachable.

What a harrowing read.

double life without parole. makes no sense. even if he murdered people for money personally he not would get that I bet.

he was sentenced for facilitating mass sale of drugs right? the people responsible for the opioid epidemic should get the same sentence.

Yea, but the people responsible for the opioid epidemic are rich

Nah, Mr Ulbricht doesn't deserve a voice. He victimises himself. Fuck him and his "just a website" supporters.

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