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China accused of seizing Uighurs who fled abroad (thetimes.co.uk)
86 points by walterbell on June 10, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

In other news, creepy totalitarian regime continues to behave in creepy totalitarian fashion.

It’s valuable to know about the specifics of a behavior if you have any interest in stopping it.

North American citizens may have forgotten about actions taken by their own government against indigenous peoples in 'modern' times. (Which preceded those of Germany, Japan and China.)






All true and we can now play a game of quoting American vs European/American history (plenty of genocides in either). But that doesn't make the present-day crimes of the CCP any less heinous or horrible.

Of course it doesn't make the crimes less heinous. If anything it makes them more heinous, because they failed to learn from those mistakes. Their statues will also be torn down.

I am pretty sure that CCP is less heinous and horrible comparing to those acts. This is exactly why I am strongly against labeling anyone Nazi without really comparing their actions. Westerners love to use terminology they are familiar with, 'colonism', 'slavery' and 'genocide'. I don't know what's the purpose of using these words rather than stating facts, personally I feel that they want to make themselves look good by associate these words with Chinese investment in Africa, Chinese factory and now Xinjiang.

At least those atrocities are out in the open.

In 1537 Pope tried to stop native Indian genocides: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sublimis_Deus

Can any international entity stand up to this abuse of power?

And how come we give a free pass to American politicians that choose to ignore this behavior?

The world feels backwards.

What should the American politicians do?

Just like what happened with Nazi Germany, nobody will do anything until it starts impacting them.

China is too smart to directly attack the US and its allies. At least currently. In twenty years, things may be different.

It's worth noting that the US' history of interventionism hasn't been great. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan... But that's probably not the strategy it would choose to take.

It is strikingly similar to the build up to world war 2. China is the modern day Nazi Germany. They're no better. I know that people don't want to compare anyone to them because they were so bad, but China as it exists today is that bad, it is not an overstatement.

Wow some astroturfing going on in this thread..

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