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I can't find where in that bill that congressional votes were blind?

I see a bunch of changes, but you could still see whom voted for what. Or, I read it wrong?

I'm not an expert in the wording, but you can read quotes from several people on it, and it's clear that they were blind or mostly blind prior to the act. By "mostly blind", I mean things like a verbal vote, but at a time that would be hard to predict, and no CSPAN, paper transcript, etc, to record what exactly happened other than the totals.

See https://congressionalresearch.org/LRA.html for example.

Edit: Guessing it's mostly sections 104 and 121 of the bill: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/91/hr17654/text

"Roll Call" is their wording for detailed info on who voted for what.

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