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But the problem with this approach is that you're making it impossible to extract the actual changes when you do want them, whereas simply skipping non-merge commits is a minor inconvenience (`--first-parent` tends to cover it).

I mean, granted, it's not ideal. I think this is a bit of a problem with the low-level nature of git - Ideally it'd be easier to semantically bundle such sequences of commits such that it's be more reliably dealt with in the broader ecosystem (not every tool supports --first-parent), and in any case, there's nothing forcing you to maintain the first-parent-is-linear-mainline-history; that's just a tradition which, again, many common tools follow. Then of course there's the poor integration with git hosting (such as github) and git - I can blame a file, but I can't easily correlate that with the discussions in the PRs, and whatever correlation there is is purely online, with all the limitations of a single-vendor non-distributed system like that entails.

Ideally this wouldn't even be a tradeoff at all; it would be obvious how to track history both at the small scale and the larger scale (and perhaps even more?), but alas, it's what we have.

Out of curiosity - when you merge via squash, what kind of commit messages do you retain? Do you mostly concatenate the commit messages, or rewrite the whole thing?

> when you merge via squash, what kind of commit messages do you retain? Do you mostly concatenate the commit messages, or rewrite the whole thing?

Context-specific. For a bigger PR that deals with an extensive refactor I'll prefer to have a descriptive title and hand-curated task list below (so definitely not 1:1 to commit messages). For smaller PRs -- or more focused ones, like those dealing with a single feature or bug -- I'll only leave a descriptive title.

But I usually never leave a list of commit messages. Not because I have no discipline; sometimes some refactoring requires 4-5 steps and all commits have 99% identical messages which is not useful when you aggregate those in a single list of bullet points in the end.


> But the problem with this approach is that you're making it impossible to extract the actual changes when you do want them, whereas simply skipping non-merge commits is a minor inconvenience (`--first-parent` tends to cover it).

Again, that's not the issue here. The issue is that when you work on a big project (like many of us do) you get something like 4-7 merged PRs a day; don't pull/fetch for 3 days and you'll get 60+ lines in your terminal when you get to it.

There are people who manage releases and people who chase subtle regressions. Having git bisect narrow it down to a big PR squashed commit is actually a win; it gives them a localized area inside which they can work with other tools (not bisect).

In the end I suppose we can say it's a subjective taste. But I always appreciated the main branch's history to only consist of squashed commits. Again, it gives you a good bird-eye's view.

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