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Ask HN: Do you like watching commencement speeches and inspiring talks online?
8 points by JamieHarris on July 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I love watching commencement speeches, and inspiring talks in general.

The problem is that there isn't anywhere online I can go to find them. A lot of them aren't on YouTube. Ted Talks is ok, but hardly comprehensive.

Do any of you love watching commencement-type speeches as well?

If so, do you share my frustration? Or, what's the best way to find them?

Depends on the inspirational speech and the speaker's delivery. Most of the commencement speech or other inspirational speeches I've come across suck hardcore. A few TED vids are good, the Steve Jobs commencement speech is good, some other vids are good... but in general most of them suck. Its not so much the type of vid but rather the topic, delivery, and various other things that would make it good. I enjoy watching a good one, hate most of the ones I come across. That said, not a big frustration for me. I don't go out of my way to find them.

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