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Everything on this list that isn’t Wikipedia, along with essentially all of the research they fund.


You don’t have to put it in air quotes like you’re making some sort of point. Calling everything they fund a “project” is the language Wikimedia use in their budgets and governance documentation.

If you were actually having trouble thinking of a single project they operate other than Wikipedia, then perhaps you might also have some questions about what they do with 90% of their revenue.

You are reading way too far into what I wrote. I was only asking a question. The “air quotes” were quotes. Because I was quoting you, and that’s when you’re supposed to use them. Like above.

Thank you for the link. I was unaware.

Using quotation marks in that fashion is widely understood that is has its own wikipedia page (though they have a different name in print).


But don’t worry. I’m sure you really were just “quoting [me]”.

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