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https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/average-credit-card...

There are significant international transaction fees. There are also merchant fees involved for sellers. Much like the ubiquitous credit card fees, you may not see it line-itemized on your bill, but the costs are absolutely part of the price you see at checkout.

Literally everything I buy with crypto, the crypto network fees are less than what I would have paid otherwise.

What about how much money it cost to get whatever currency you had into a cryptocurrency? That may be vanishingly small for people that had BTC cheap and now have a bunch that cost some low initial amount to get into the system, but most people would necessarily have to convert whatever currency they normally have to a crypto currency first and then spend it. A true comparison would compare a few things, including same currency transactions using paypal, differing currency transactions using paypal, cost to use crypto to buy assuming you have none to start with, and cost to use crypto assuming you already have it as crypto at essentially zero cost. And for all those, probably run the number for buying something at $5, $10, $50, $100 and $1000.

Or don't do all that and intuit from it that the likely result is that in some cases crypto wins (when the purchase is large, when the crypto was acquired at closet to zero cost), and in others it doesn't (when the cost is small, or possibly even moderate and when you have to convert to crypto first).

I guess my point is that with PayPal, as a buyer, the transaction fees are seamlessly included in the price.

With crypto, it depends. Which coin? Which wallet? Which seller or marketplace? I'm curious if you care to share more about your transactions, that cost less using crypto. Now, if you're saying that you bought at $100 and it's at $1000, and you "paid less" that way, that's just this stage of the ponzi scheme's doing, not an inherent feature of the network that lowers costs.

Oh, for sure, there's plenty of work to still be done on the crypto side of things.

Regarding which coins I use, it's mostly Bitcoin Cash or Doge. No funny accounting or anything. The network transaction fees are readily available:



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