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What do you mean by "cheat" in the workforce?

Faking job experience and qualifications.

If you're claiming to be a senior salesforce developer who worked for 4 fortune 500 companies, and the person hiring you doesn't know what an "object" is, you can fool them.

I literally had to recommend firing someone like that a few years ago as they were hired by my client as a "Senior Salesforce Admin." The red flag for me by day two was that he just never contributed anything in salesforce-specific meetings in spite of supposedly being the senior-most resource for SF expertise. I confronted him and ask if he could describe an object to me (he couldn't), but had claimed to work for many household brands for years as a salesforce admin.

Apart from the obvious dishonesty, I don't know why he oversold himself SO MUCH. I guess he was stupid enough to completely lie and not take the time to actually learn salesforce, but also equally stupid enough to just overshoot his qualifications.

Isn't cheating at work and unethical, fraudulent, or illegal behavior?

Taking credit for work you didn't do. Blaming others for your mistakes. Time card fraud. Stealing. Etc.

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