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> There's little/no penalty to jobhopping frequently in this field

As long as you're already wealthy enough to be able to comfortably afford to move. And single, or with a stay-at-home or fully-remote spouse.

I moved to a big city when i started my work life for this single reason: opportunities.

No need to move when you just switch your public transport line.

Nonetheless, honestly i think career progression is totally different if you don't live in a city or if you are not very flexible.

Who moves in 2021 to write software?

I mean, the remote question is still very much up for debate in most places.

Personally, I think any company that refuses to offer full remote work to any developer who wants it deserves to crash and burn. However, I also think that's wishful thinking in the near-to-medium term: I'm expecting to see at least a small majority of companies try to force all their employees back remote once they decide that enough people are vaccinated that they can call the pandemic "over enough".

I think it's massively premature to dismiss concerns about having to relocate for a new job at this point.

> I'm expecting to see at least a small majority of companies try to force all their employees back remote once they decide that enough people are vaccinated that they can call the pandemic "over enough".

Small majority means a large minority who don't. It's simple: just work for those. You're also talking about the future; right now, the majority is remote. Get any one of those, then simply don't ever relocate and let them shoot themselves in the foot if they want to fire you.

SWEs have their pick of employers, that isn't up for debate any longer.

The only way labor gets any power is through refusing having their deals made worse.

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