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Don’t let this article get in your head if you want a promotion or a raise.

1 and 6 are total BS. If your company does not have KPI or whatever useless and evil things project managers invent, just go to your manager and tell them you want a raise the moment you feel like you’re doing good and deserve it. And if the company still won’t give you a raise then I doubt it values you enough.

My salary raised over 200% in half a year just because I underestimated my base tag and asked for a raise every time I felt like I was doing very good. Although that’s not only about my performance but soft skills as well as pointed out somewhere in the article.

My manager once said: "Business does not care about you. How modesty can help you achieve things?”.

Six has been key to my carrier advancement. Every single job I got was people coming to me - because I was visible and they liked what they saw of me and thought I would be a good fit. And in all but one it ended up working out for both of us, and in that one not so great fit I transitioned to other satisfying and mutually beneficial work.

Visibility should never be underestimated - not just for potential positive, but negative effects too. So many of our younger generation doing so many stupid things on social media is going to be a real long term problem if attitudes around things like cancelling people for anything uttered at any point in time on Twitter aren't changed more broadly in our society.

This is accounted for and preempted at many corporations who enforce that promotions are only given once a year, and at a set time, or something like that.

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