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SeL4 on RISC-V Verified to Binary Code (microkerneldude.wordpress.com)
157 points by kryptiskt on May 5, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 47 comments

One of the discussions that always forms when talking about formally verified software is the whole verifying-the-verifier scenario. AKA, all of the reasons why you still can't trust it. And while that is an interesting conversation to have, it does a disservice to the practical benefits of the software verification process.

The Linux CVE database was recently analyzed and it was determined that 96% of the vulnerabilities would be mitigated to at least non-critical status, if not completely eliminated, if linux were a microkernel architecture. Now throw in capabilities oriented security, and most of non-critical exploits become non-exploits. Throw in formal verification of the kernel, and you've basically eliminated everything except for hardware exploits.

Assuming mass adoption, what seL4 effectively does is turn million dollar black market zero days into billion dollar zero days...possibly more. A million dollar exploit probably isn't even a line-item in the FBI budget. A billion dollar exploit would be a "needs-congressional-approval" type of line-item in the national US intelligence budget. Unless your job revolves around protecting the nuclear arsenal of a major nation-state, you won't ever have to worry about OS vulnerabilities, and you can rely on the security characteristics of the OS to drastically narrow down your attack surface.

To me, that is a pretty big deal. It is slowly becoming a moral imperative that we start adopting this sort of security as a core standard.

Summary acronyms: IoT should be on SeL4 on RISC-V.

RISC-V fits the embedded space, and IoT usually doesn't need much more software on top than a kernel and a dumb control service. If an open-source control service (effectively just controlling some I/O pins depending on a config) can get verified, the entire threat vector of IoT would be devastated.

The irony is that in cloud environments with dozen of layers on top of Linux kernel, the whole mikrokernel vs monolith is a moot point.

So much for monolith performance, when one needs to pile layers and layers of security on top.

And of all the security issues exploited out there, how many have to do with the kernel?

If some crappy javascript library leaks customers secrets for an online shop, where exactly is the OS kernel at fault?

If the CEO's secretary gets convinced to wire $1M to an oversees account because somebody made them believe it's the boss requesting it, then how would a verified microkernel have helped?

> The Linux CVE database was recently analyzed and it was determined that 96% of the vulnerabilities would be mitigated to at least non-critical status, if not completely eliminated, if linux were a microkernel architecture.

In a fair comparison you need to consider the CVEs that a microkernel would suffer which had been eliminated with a monolithical kernel.

Oh but it's verified, you say? Then the fair comparison is a verified monokernel vs a verified microkernel.

Apples and oranges.

Do verified monokernels exist?

You can say that a comparison is unfair, but what matters is the end result of "which system ends up with the fewest vulnerabilities if/when it becomes widely used", and a formally verified microkernel seems like a strong bet on that front.

"The Linux CVE database was recently analyzed and it was determined that 96% of the vulnerabilities would be mitigated to at least non-critical status, if not completely eliminated, if linux were a microkernel architecture."

If Linux were a microkernel architecture, or if Linux were based on seL4?

If Linux were based on the OSI Mk microkernel (I think that was the name; it was Mach-based), every system operation would be roughly an order of magnitude slower[1].

As for formal methods, I'm singing in the choir.

[1] I've got the performance paper from the early '90s somewhere; it's hilarious. One benchmark was dhrystones: they didn't manage to physically slow down the processor. :-)

The mach microkernel was definitely slow, but I think you'd be surprised at how fast the L3 and L4 family of microkernels are. L4 IPC calls are some 20x faster than mach IIRC. L4Linux, which is Linux running on top of L4, is only 6-7% slower than native Linux.

Cache locality is one hell of a drug. With seL4, the entire kernel consumes ~160KiB, which easily fits in most CPU caches.

I'm fuzzy on what it would take for there to be a mainstream formally-verified micro-kernel capability-based OS. Is it probable for Linux to be gradually refactored into that, or are will it take a fundamentally new OS?

There are already some attempts at creating new operating systems off of seL4. The most complete at the moment is Genode. There are also attempts to port existing OSes to seL4, such as qubes. None of these are particularly mature.

In terms of creating a Linux replacement, drivers are the biggest hurdle. There are some attempts to programmatically port the netbsd suite of drivers, which seems to be the most promising. Apart from that, drivers will likely need to be ported manually.

The GNU userland is also unlikely to be ported easily en-masse due to the capabilities-oriented security model, although some projects would definitely be easier than others. Things like SystemD would be a monstrous task.

I personally think that apart from drivers, which can use traditional microkernel approaches, it's probably time to start implementing some of the better OS ideas that have come out in the last 30 years, as opposed to just trying to replicate a posix environment. For example, NuShell has a ton of promise, but isn't particularly posix-y.

I think it would be possible to adapt some Linux drivers to run in a sandboxed capacity within a capability/microkernel system.

IIRC there was once an L4 based project that integrated with Linux.


L4Linux is just the usual Linux paravirtualized on top of one the L4 microkernels. We previously ran two instances of it on top of L4/Fiasco

The problem with that is that you don't actually get that much benefits from the underlying microkernel. Linux is just the same old monolith, just better isolated from the other resources not exposed to this particular (para)virtualized kernel instance, so you end up isolating more or less complete systems from each other rather than getting the normal benefits of capability based microkernel architecture inside a single system.

Now that's not nothing of course, but not usually what people are after when they're hoping for a usable, modern microkernel system.

Are there any projects anywhere developing a microkernel with a capability security model?

Yes, the seL4 project that is being discussed.

Oh, duh, thx. I hear linux and automatically think monolithic kernel.

I’d love to dig into that CVE analysis if you have a link!

I've been wondering recently to what extent formal verification could be used to simplify CPU hardware and ISAs. For example, MMUs are unnecessary if the OS verifies that all programs only access memory that's been allocated to it. This paper[0] seems to imply that the savings would be non-negligible. Also interrupts and context switching could be avoided if programs are cooperatively scheduled and verified that they always yield after an appropriate amount of time.

Those two examples are the only ones I could come up with, but I suspect that's because I don't know very much about hardware design. Are people working on this or am I just off-base here?

[0]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06789

Cooperative scheduling would require provable upper limits on the number of instructions run by process between calls to a yield function. When the process is a compute task with an input of variable size, this would result in the need to count iterations and branch in inner loops that you want to be fast. I am not sold on the idea that such an overhead is lower in that case than interrupt driven preemptive scheduling.

Also, task prioritization can be a problem: the rate at which an interrupt-less cooperatively scheduled system must reschedule depends on the response time for the task with the shortest maximum response time. You must guarantee that the scheduler can switch to it in time to meet its deadline. This can increase the scheduling frequency for everything, requiring all components of the system to call the scheduler more often. So you'd have pretty tight coupling between everything.

Both great points. Regarding your second paragraph, note that this isn't so bad for multi-core processors. For randomly scheduled processes, the (expected) maximum response time is the maximum time between yield points divided by the number of cores. And the OS could maybe do something smarter by making sure that at least one core has a time-to-yield which is very small. This would mean that you can still have very large time-between-yields for some processes without affecting the maximum response time.

And my hope was that simplifying the hardware would allow us to fit more cores on the same chip. So your first point means that the per-core performance is worse but maybe for some workloads the processor performance as a whole is better. But yeah not sure if that's realistic.

> Cooperative scheduling would require provable upper limits on the number of instructions run by process between calls to a yield function. When the process is a compute task with an input of variable size, this would result in the need to count iterations and branch in inner loops that you want to be fast. I am not sold on the idea that such an overhead is lower in that case than interrupt driven preemptive scheduling.

Surely something like branch-on-random could be made to work with such code. It's effectively an interrupt point with the added benefit that you can place it exactly where you want it to.

You can run verifier once (e.g. at installation time) and remember that code is good.

> For example, MMUs are unnecessary if the OS verifies that all programs only access memory that's been allocated to it.

That's what Microsoft was attempting with Singularity. Because binaries were IL, they could be reasonably verified for isolation guarantees during JIT compilation.

Memory protection isn't just used to protect processes against one another, you can also use it to implement write barriers for a garbage collector, or to map files to memory, for example. I think you'd be hard pressed, with any kind of compiler, to prove that an object you're writing to isn't part of an old GC generation, seems like an intractable problem, unless you're in a pure functional programming language.

sel4 has a Haskell version that they write before the C (granted, not sure how a ghc generated binary would be verified) but would the problem be tractable in that case?

I tried this with nebulet (https://github.com/nebulet/nebulet). Unfortunately the MMU cannot be turned off on modern x86_64 processors.

Check out theseus! It's exploring some of these ideas. https://github.com/theseus-os/Theseus

> For example, MMUs are unnecessary if the OS verifies that all programs only access memory that's been allocated to it.

You'd need some sort of proof-carrying code to allow verification of these properties in binaries. Also, features like MMU's and interrupts are needed anyway to implement virtual memory, or user tasks with adjustable priorities.

Would virtual memory still be necessary on a capability machine architecture [0] ? My understanding is that would not be the case since all programs can only access memory that's been allocated to it. By definition, capabilities cannot be created out of thin air like pointers can be ?

[0]: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/ctsrd/cheri/

You probably still want to use virtual memory to simplify the programming model (flat address space) and to be able to overallocate memory across many processes. Without virtual memory you are pushing these functionalities to app developers.

I can't recall any names at the moment, but you might check out some of the Unikernel research. I seem to recall results of combining a unikernel and a safe language to be exactly what you describe.

This approach is interesting, it's also used by compcert for its register allocator; the allocator itself is not formally verified, but the its results are. It's not complete, in a general sense, but I wonder if this sort of 'brute-force' approach to formal verification will become more popular over time, and lower the barrier to entry for formally verifying nontrivial programs.

In CompCert's case though, the register allocation verifier itself is verified. I'm not so sure the SMT solver used here are.

> In CompCert's case though, the register allocation verifier itself is verified.

I don't think so, I think moonchild's account of it is accurate. At least, it was accurate in 2012. From a 2012 blog post: [0]

> In CompCert, this algorithm is not proven correct. Instead, after generating the graph, the compiler calls an OCaml implementation of IRC and then checks that the coloring is valid. If the checker confirms that the coloring is valid, the compiler uses it and proceeds along. If it does not confirm that it's valid, compilation is aborted. This checker is proven correct, and because it is simpler, its proof of correctness is easier.

[0] http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/register-allocation/

> This checker is proven correct, and because it is simpler, its proof of correctness is easier.

Still correct ;)

What I belief GP (fuklief) meant was: The SMT solver might still be incorrect. Like the register allocator itself in CompCert. But for CompCert, the result is checked by a formally verified checker. I do not know if that's true or not for the result of the SMT solver.

Don't SMT solvers output proof objects so that the results can be easily independently verified?

Even if you had a verified SMT checker, you also need to prove that the encoding of the problem in SMT is correct, i.e., that a proof does translate to a valid register allocation solution, to achieve comparable guarantees to CompCert.

By "register allocation verifier", I meant the checker as mentioned in the post you quote.

I might be wrong, but isn't their approach similar to what another team did some years back?


I think they're doing different things. What they have in common is that they both use SMT solvers for automation.

Glancing at the abstract, it seems like Dam, Guanciale and Nemati proved correctness theorems about a tiny hypervisor in ARMv7 assembly, using SMT solvers to automate some of the proof. The C compiler is not involved.

Whereas seL4 is written in C, and the correctness theorems are proved using the C code and the specification. There is a compiler that turns the C code into RISC-V machine code. Then the new tool chain proves the equivalence of the C program and the RISC-V binary emitted by the compiler, using SMT solvers to automate some of that proof.

The Dam paper mentions compiling C code to assembly first, but not much details is given.

I think there is another step not covered in this paper that connects back to the C code. Maybe they saved that for another publication?

Man they been working on porting it to Qubes for a minute now

Quote regarding their previous work: "However, there is still the risk of security holes resulting from (...) the compiler and kernel developers interpreting the C semantics differently."

Was that really a "risk" ? I think it's a given.

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." - Knuth

also: https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/7/229036-c-is-not-a-low-...

In light of that, I'm not convinced by the current increment either.

That was really a risk. It's no longer a risk. In any situation where the developer's interpretation of the semantics differs from the binary semantics, their tool chain will reject the compiled binary. That's the point.

The gcc git repository receives hundreds of contributions every week. Despite the heroic efforts of the open-source communities, it's still very easy to submit buggy or malicious patches (just think about the University of Minnesota scandal [1]). One of those could easily be used to target seL4, especially since it's hard to target seL4 in any other way, given all the other security guarantees. A tool that double-checks the compiler will buy the stakeholders significant peace of mind.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26887670

I believe seL4 no longer uses gcc, but rather uses CompCert, which is also formally verified for adherence to standardized C semantics.

my reticule aims at the creation of the formal C semantics being used to verify the output. If both you and I make an off-by-one, we can always agree on the (say, index) value, but we'll both be always wrong. And C semantics is something especially finicky, given how often we delve in "undefined behaviour" territory, or our nowadays hardware does something that "back then" was unthinkable.

The formal C semantics are defined in Isabelle/HOL, checked, and then the compiler output is also checked. They use standard GCC compilers for all of this.

See https://riscv.org/blog/2021/05/sel4-on-risc-v-verified-to-bi...

Yes, making a mistake when writing down the C semantics is definitely possible. The point of the work announced here is to get rid of that risk, so that the proof only relies on the semantics of the RiscV instructions (and the C semantics become an intermediate thing which are proven rather than trusted). It's still possible that they made a mistake when writing down the RiscV semantics, but machine code is much simpler than C so the risk is smaller.

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